Menhirs of Portugal: All Quiet on the Western Front? (original) (raw)

A Brief Note on Archaeological Discourses Concerning the Proto-History of Northern Portugal and Galicia

Antrope, 2016

The following text intends to provide a short but clear insight on the classicist approaches concerning the proto-history of the northern region of Portugal and Galicia of Spain. During the last 40 years, many were the archaeologists that dedicated their work on this region. However, as the decades passed by, a conglomerate of theoretical plots was formed until such point that history of these ancient societies became something rather confusing. In order to achieve new and clean readings, it is first necessary to perform a fragmentation of scientific paradigms that prevail for this particular chronological period and finally enhance the archaeological polymorph universe that is notable nowadays.

A biographical approach to the ethnogeology of late prehistoric Portugal (2000).

In this paper, I explore the relationship between an artifact’s biography and the raw material from which it was made. Specifically, I discuss the biographies of groundstone tools from five Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic (3500-2000 BC) sites in lowland Portugal. An analysis of the formal and material characteristics of tools (totalling over 1300) from these sites indicates that the raw material from which a tool was made not only constrained the form and function of that tool, but also determined, to a large extent, whether that tool would be recycled and the context (settlement vs. burial) in which that tool would be ultimately deposited. I suggest that both the material properties and the socio-symbolic associations of different raw materials might explain the biographies of the artifacts from which they were made.

The Palaeolithic occupation of the North-eastern of Alentejo (Portugal): a geoarchaeological approach.” In: Graphical Markers and Megalith Builders in the International Tagus, Iberian Peninsula, Primitiva Bueno-Ramirez, Rosa Barroso-Bermejo, Rodrigo de Balbín-Berhmann Ed., BAR International Series 1765, p.19-26.

The archaeological survey that are taking place in the North-eastern Alentejo, under the project PHANA (Ancient Prehistory in the North-eastern Alentejo), has revealed a considerable number of Palaeolithic sites. The area discussed in this paper is located in the North of this territory, on the left margin of the Tagus River, near the village of Arneiro. Here, thirteen Palaeolithic settlements have been identified, two of which, Pegos do Tejo 2 and Azinhal, have been subjected to archaeological excavations. The first results of these interventions, as well as the absolute dating of these two sites, the data obtained in the site of Tapada do Montinho and the geomorphological and geoarchaeological research done in this area are presented in this article


SOL, O Templário, The Portugal News , 2021

This document is a consolidation of three essays which were published in the Portuguese media duing 2021. It relates to pre-Roman history and was sourced from studies made bt Portuguese historians and recent revisionist paper ppublished by .

Living in the southwest Portuguese coast during the Late Mesolithic: The case study of Vale Marim I

A B S T R A C T The Mesolithic base-camp of Vale Marim I is located on the seashore of Sines harbour domain and covers a surface of about 1 ha. The archaeological excavation encompassed an area of about 260 m 2. Several domestic structures were recovered; the fireplaces probably polarized economic and social action, like manufacture of lithic artefacts, cooking and probably the fish smoking activity; some areas without domestic structures and with very low density of lithic artefacts have been interpreted as latent remains of probable huts. The idea of a society based on an incipient kinship structure is admitted. The charcoal analysis has provided substantial information on the spread of pinewood (Pinus pinea) in keeping with a progressively mild climate, in the transition to the sixth millennium cal BC, favouring the development of open-air settlements. In sum, dwelling structures will be discussed in accordance with environmental changes and social organization.