Accounting management based service environment in a TINA architecture (original) (raw)

RC 22089 (99042) 12 June 2001 Computer Science IBM Research Report

Today, pervasive computing often centers around accessing web information from handheld devices. One attractive alternative is for a user to subscribe to relevant information and to be notified when such information becomes available. In this paper, we describe a system that allows users to specify a wide variety of interesting, and possibly complex, events, which may require the system to aggregate data from numerous content sources. Furthermore, because users typically have different devices available to them at different times, the system delivers the message to one or more of the users' devices based upon their general preferences as well as their present context. Our Intelligent Notification System reduces the demand for user attention by delivering the requested information to the user on a convenient device in a timely and appropriate fashion.

Accounting Management Based on TIMA Service and CORBA Architecture


TINA (Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture) concepts and principles are introduced with the objective to remedy problems of centralized service control and service data model existing in IN (Intelligent Network). Now, it is becoming clear that future sophisticated services breaking away from the simple telephony call model, e.g., multimedia, multiparty conferencing, etc., will need to be rapidly and efficiently introduced, deployed, shared, operated and managed. In this context, TINA developed a comprehensive architecture for multiservice networks that shall enable multimedia communications and give access to information for business and private consumers. On the other hand, the provisioning of all management context instrumentation for TINA services (i.e. FCAPS service management functions) is still an open research question. In this paper, we discuss accounting features and requirements, security of accounting management, and issues for their integration in a TINA-based service environment. A prototype has been implemented to validate the concept and the results are also presented.

Technion-Computer Science Department-Tehnical Report CS0074-1976

Abstrac.t:. We 'introduce the notion of gens'Mc '8xampz'es as a unifying principle for vari ous phenomena in computer science, such as initia.i: st-Fuctures-in the area of abstrayt data types. Armstrong relations in the area ot dat~ pases. Generic examples are also useful in defining the semantics of logic progra,{IlIIliP-g, in tb,e formal theory of program te~ting and in compleXity theory. We .characterize initial structures in terms of their genericity propertjes ano: give a syntactic chara<;terization of first order theories . a.dmitting initial structures. The latter c~n 'be \,lsed to explain why Horn formuias have gained such a predominant role in various areas of computer science.