Cladistic analysis of the Neotropical genera Cerqueirellum Py-Daniel, 1983, Coscaroniellum Py-Daniel, 1983 and Shelleyellum Py-Daniel & Pessoa, 2005 (Diptera: Simuliidae) (original) (raw)


A Journal on Insect Diversity and Evolution w w w . r b e n t o m o l o g i a . c o m Systematics, Morphology and Biogeography A new species of the sharpshooter genus Onega Distant, 1908 (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Cicadellini) from Ecuador and Peru a b s t r a c t

8 Penteado-Dias et al. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 51(1): 8-11, março 2007


The Braconinae is a large subfamily of moderately small to large wasps with more than 2000 described species worldwide (Shaw & Huddleston 1991). Few studies have been made on the New World fauna since the first two decades of the last century. The biologies of many of the Neotropical genera are still unknown. The Braconinae have a cosmopolitan distribution, with the greatest generic and probably specific diversity being in the Old World tropical regions. The Nearctic fauna is similar in its generic composition to that of the Palearctic, but in the Neotropics, most genera are endemic. The genus Cervellus has few species infrequently collected and has distribution on Trinidad and South America, but not recorded from Chile. One species has been reared from a coleopteran larva (Quicke 1989); Fahringer (1930) presents a key to its species; Yu et al. 2005 present five valid species. We present here a new Cervellus species, discussing its diagnostic characters and presenting biological inf...

A new species of Cerqueirellum Py-Daniel, 1983 (Diptera: Simuliidae) and proven new vector of mansonelliasis from the Ituxi River, Amazon basin, Brazil

Acta Amazonica, 2008

A new species of the genus Cerqueirellum Py-Daniel, 1983 (Diptera: Simuliidae) is described. The adults are similar to the species C. oyapockense (Floch & Abonnenc, 1946) and C. roraimense (Nunes de Mello, 1974), of which the females are similar, and the males present discrete differences. The main differences of this new species to others of the genus Cerqueirellum are the integument of the larva recovered from stout spines and long cephalic trichomes in the pupa. Some females were infected with Mansonella ozzardii (Manson, 1897) (Nematoda, Onchocercidae) and probably transmit mansonelliasis in the Ituxi river, state of Amazonas, Brazil.

Calliphoridae (Diptera) do noroeste da América do Sul: diversidade, distribuição e código de barras genético


Este trabalho é o resultado do esforço e dedicação de muitas pessoas e instituições que laboriosamente aportaram e colaboraram na consecução dos objetivos traçados; tentarei resumir minha gratidão nas seguintes linhas. Peço desculpas a muitas pessoas que não aparecem expressamente nesta seção, mas estiveram relacionados com alguma parte de este estudo; meu sincero agradecimento para elas também (elas sabem quem são). À minha família, dedico este trabalho e agradeço todo o apoio e carinho recebido durante todos estes anos. Obrigado pela paciência na minha ausência nas reuniões familiares e compreenderem o oficio do biólogo. Especialmente ao meu irmão maior German exemplo de profissional a ser seguido. Ao professor José Albertino Rafael pelo recebimento como seu aluno durante estes últimos anos desde o Mestrado, obrigado pelos seus ensinamentos de todo tipo, confiança, paciência e constante apoio. À Adriana Perez, pela eterna paciência, carinho, companhia e parceria, sem sua ajuda possivelmente este trabalho não veria luz. Obrigado por estar comigo nestes últimos anos, sua companhia e amor serão eternamente agradecidos. Ao pessoal do Grupo de Investigación Ciencias Forenses y Salud (GICFS) do Tecnológico de Antioquia, Institución Universitaria. Especialmente a Giovan Gomez pela valiosa assistência e colaboração na fase de laboratório do estudo molecular, obrigado pela paciência e disposição sempre assertiva. Andrés Lopez pelas seções de trabalho com os dados moleculares e pelo entusiasmo para trabalhar os fines de semana. Mariano Altamiranda pela ajuda com os mapas e informação geográfica. A Luz Miryam Gomez pelo constante apoio e confiança com todos os projetos de moscas que vão saindo da minha cabeça. À Federico Alvarez pela constante colaboração na coleta de moscas decompositoras no Páramo de Belmira. À Paula Sepúlveda pela colaboração prestada e hospitalidade no trabalho de Campo na Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta e pelo empréstimo dos espécimes da Universidade de Magdalena. Aos curadores e pessoal responsável pelas coleções entomológicas visitadas durante o desenvolvimento deste trabalho detalhados na seção de materiais e métodos do capitulo 4.

Departamento de Biologia, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São

Thirty colonies of Eudendrium carneum and 100 colonies of E. glomeratum, collected on recruitment panels in São Sebastião (SP, SE Brazil), were studied concerning morphometrical parameters and compared with morphometrical data available from other locations. The results show that E. carneum from Brazil has a relatively smaller morphometric variation than colonies of E. glomeratum for Brazil and other areas. Both morphological and speciation causes are suggested as possible explanations for the high variation of E. glomeratum.

314 Cruz et al. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 53(2): 314–317, junho 2009


Bot flies of the genus Cuterebra are restricted to the New World and are distributed throughout most of the temperate and tropical areas. Their larvae are obligatory parasites of mammals, producing myiasis in dermic and subdermic tissues of these animals (Catts 1982; Pape 2001). There is almost 70 species of Cuterebra and these flies are one of the most highly studied groups of insect parasites of New World wild mammals (Slansky 2007). However, the knowledge available on the ecology and natural history of most species comes from studies carried out in temperate regions (e.g. Wolf & Batzli 2001; Alcock & Kemp 2004; Jaffe et al. 2005). In the Neotropical region, the studies concerning the prevalence and dynamics of bot fly larval parasitism in wild mammals are scarce and have been carried out mainly with rodents. These studies have showed higher prevalence of bot fly larval parasitism in warm-wet season of the year, although few longitudinal studies Prevalence of larvae of the bot fly...

BRASILEIRO, C. A.; SAWAYA, R. J.; KIEFER M. C. & MARTINS M. 2005. Anfíbios de um fragmento de Cerrado aberto do sudeste do Brasil. 2005. Biota Neotropica 5: 1-17.

The Cerrado encompasses ca. 2 million km 2 in Brazil. Most Cerrado areas have been greatly disturbed in the past decades. Only 20% of this biome remain undisturbed, and only 1.2% is protected. Knowledge on the biology and diversity of Cerrado amphibian assemblages is still incipient. Here we present natural history information (habitat use and reproductive activity) of 28 species of frogs from the Estação Ecológica de Itirapina (EEI), and compare the composition of this assemblage with those of other Cerrado areas, other open areas, and a few forest areas throughout Brazil. We demonstrate that the Itirapina assemblage is more similar to those of other open areas than to those of forests, even when the latter are geographically closer. Six species occurred in the gallery forest at varying levels of dependence (three independent, two semidependent, and one totally dependent) while all other species occurred exclusively in open areas. For most species at EEI, reproduction was strongly synchronized with the onset of the rainy season, with the exception of Hypsiboas lundii, which called throughout the year, and Proceratophrys sp. which started calling prior to the beginning of the rainy season. The spatial and temporal patterns observed in this assemblage seem to reflect both ecological (e. g. hydroperiod of water bodies) and historical factors (e. g. early breeding in leptodactylids, late breeding in hylids, both phylogenetically constrained).

Nomenclatural and systematic changes in the Neotropical caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera)

Insecta Mundi, 1999

Recent work on a catalog of the Neotropical caddisflies has resulted in the recognition of the need to make numerous lectotype designations, new names for homonyms, specific and generic synonymies, transfers of species between genera and genera between families, and placement of many long ignored names of Muller and others. Rationales are presented for all actions, many of which had been known for years a s the result of examination of types, but no opportunity had arisen to publish them, others became apparent as a result of the cataloging. This opportunity is taken to present all of those known to us to avoid having them hidden in a general catalog. They are presented alphabetically by family and then alphabetically by the name of the species or genus requiring action. Acronyms of museums and collections cited in the text are detailed in the Acknowledgments. Family Calamoceratidae Murielia Hogue and Denning, in Denning, et al. 1983, synonym of Phylloicus Muller 1880a, new synonymy. When Murielia was erected, Phylloicus farri Flint was designated type species. Phylloicus farri is a true species of Phylloicus and thus the genus Murielia falls into synonymy. Phylloicus farri, however, does not belong to the same generic group as the other two species currently placed in Murielia. acutiterga, Murielia, Denning and Hogue, in Denning, et al. 1983, transferred to Banyallarga NavAs 1916. Correct name: Banyallarga acutiterga (Denning and Hogue), new combination. The synonymy of Murielia results in the need to place its included species in other genera. This species, known to us in all stages, is a rather distinctive species of Banyallarga. fortuna, Murielia, Resh, in Denning, et al. 1983, transferred to Banyallarga Navhs 1916. Correct name: Banyallarga fortuna (Resh), new combination. As with B. acutiterga, this species also is correctly placed in the genus Banyallarga. Family Ecnomidae Chilocentropus NavAs 1934. Type species: Chilocentropus disparilis NavAs (original designation). Transferred to Ecnomidae, new placement.