Programmable Vision Sensors with On-chip Real-time Image Processing (original) (raw)
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A CMOS Vision Sensor with Integrated Analog Processing
A 128x64 pixels vision sensor implementing analog image processing is presented. The imager is based on a pixel-parallel architecture, executing a wide range of real-time image filtering over a kernel of 3x3 pixels. The filter's coefficients can be assigned with a large flexibility adopting two different techniques: time-based and switched-based technique. The imager's square pixel has a pitch of 32.6µm with a fill-factor of 24% and consists of two analog memories and 30 transistors, most of them dedicated to the pixel connectivity. The chip was fabricated in a CMOS 0.35µm technology; it performs a FPN of 0.7%, a total dynamic range of about 99dB and a power consumption of 14mW @ 3.3V.