Different Parameterizations for Joint Models for Longitudinal and Survival Data, and How They Affect Individualized Predictions (original) (raw)
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Joint modeling of longitudinal and survival data
The joint modelling of longitudinal and survival data has received remarkable attention in the methodological literature over the past decade; however, the availability of software to implement the methods lags behind. The most common form of joint model assumes that the association between the survival and longitudinal processes are underlined by shared random effects. As a result, computationally intensive numerical integration techniques such as adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature are required to evaluate the likelihood. We describe a new user written command, stjm, which allows the user to jointly model a continuous longitudinal response and the time to an event of interest. We assume a linear mixed effects model for the longitudinal submodel, allowing flexibility through the use of fixed and/or random fractional polynomials of time. Four choices are available for the survival submodel; namely the exponential, Weibull or Gompertz proportional hazard models, and the flexible parametric model (stpm2). Flexible parametric models are fitted on the log cumulative hazard scale which has direct computational benefits as it avoids the use of numerical integration to evaluate the cumulative hazard. We describe the features of stjm through application to a dataset investigating the effect of serum bilirubin level on time to death from any cause, in 312 patients with primary biliary cirrhosis.
Flexible parametric joint modelling of longitudinal and survival data
Statistics in Medicine
The joint modelling of longitudinal and survival data is a highly active area of biostatistical research. The submodel for the longitudinal biomarker usually takes the form of a linear mixed effects model. We describe a flexible parametric approach for the survival submodel that models the log baseline cumulative hazard using restricted cubic splines. This approach overcomes limitations of standard parametric choices for the survival submodel, which can lack the flexibility to effectively capture the shape of the underlying hazard function. Numerical integration techniques, such as Gauss–Hermite quadrature, are usually required to evaluate both the cumulative hazard and the overall joint likelihood; however, by using a flexible parametric model, the cumulative hazard has an analytically tractable form, providing considerable computational benefits. We conduct an extensive simulation study to assess the proposed model, comparing it with a B-spline formulation, illustrating insensitivity of parameter estimates to the baseline cumulative hazard function specification. Furthermore, we compare non-adaptive and fully adaptive quadrature, showing the superiority of adaptive quadrature in evaluating the joint likelihood. We also describe a useful technique to simulate survival times from complex baseline hazard functions and illustrate the methods using an example data set investigating the association between longitudinal prothrombin index and survival of patients with liver cirrhosis, showing greater flexibility and improved stability with fewer parameters under the proposed model compared with the B-spline approach. We provide user-friendly Stata software. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Joint Modelling of Longitudinal and Survival Data: A comparison of Joint and Independent Models
In recent years, the interest in longitudinal data analysis has grown rapidly through the development of new methods and the increase in computational power to aid and further develop this field of research. One such method is the joint modelling of longitudinal and survival data. It is commonly found in the collection of medical longitudinal data that both repeated measures and time-to-event data are collected. These processes are typically correlated, where both types of data are associated through unobserved random effects. Due to this association, joint models were developed to enable a more accurate method to model both processes simultaneously. When these processes are correlated, the use of independent models can cause biased estimates [3, 6, 7], with joint models resulting in a reduction in the standard error of estimates. Thus, with more accurate parameter estimates, valid inferences concerning the effect of covariates on the longitudinal and survival processes can be obtai...
Extensions in the field of joint modeling of correlated data and dynamic predictions improve the development of prognosis research. The R package frailtypack provides estimations of various joint models for longitudinal data and survival events. In particular, it fits models for recurrent events and a terminal event (frailtyPenal), models for two survival outcomes for clustered data (frailtyPenal), models for two types of recurrent events and a terminal event (multivPenal), models for a longitudinal biomarker and a terminal event (longiPenal) and models for a longitudinal biomarker, recurrent events and a terminal event (trivPenal). The estimators are obtained using a standard and penalized maximum likelihood approach, each model function allows to evaluate goodness-of-fit analyses and provides plots of baseline hazard functions. Finally, the package provides individual dynamic predictions of the terminal event and evaluation of predictive accuracy. This paper presents the theoretical models with estimation techniques, applies the methods for predictions and illustrates frailtypack functions details with examples.
Semi-Parametric Joint Modeling of Survival and Longitudinal Data: The R Package JSM
Journal of Statistical Software
This paper is devoted to the R package JSM which performs joint statistical modeling of survival and longitudinal data. In biomedical studies it has been increasingly common to collect both baseline and longitudinal covariates along with a possibly censored survival time. Instead of analyzing the survival and longitudinal outcomes separately, joint modeling approaches have attracted substantive attention in the recent literature and have been shown to correct biases from separate modeling approaches and enhance information. Most existing approaches adopt a linear mixed effects model for the longitudinal component and the Cox proportional hazards model for the survival component. We extend the Cox model to a more general class of transformation models for the survival process, where the baseline hazard function is completely unspecified leading to semiparametric survival models. We also offer a non-parametric multiplicative random effects model for the longitudinal process in JSM in addition to the linear mixed effects model. In this paper, we present the joint modeling framework that is implemented in JSM, as well as the standard error estimation methods, and illustrate the package with two real data examples: a liver cirrhosis data and a Mayo Clinic primary biliary cirrhosis data.
Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research, 2020
Although longitudinal and survival data are collected in the same study, they are usually analyzed separately. Measurement errors and missing data problems arise because of separate analysis of these two data. Therefore, joint model should be used instead of separate analysis. The standard joint model frequently used in the literature is obtained by combining the linear mixed effect model of longitudinal data and Cox regression model with survival data. Nevertheless, to use the Cox regression model for survival data, the assumption of proportional hazards must be provided. Parametric survival sub-models should be used instead of the Cox regression model for the survival sub-model of the JM where the assumption is not provided. In this article, parametric joint modeling of longitudinal data and survival data that do not provide the assumption of proportional hazards are investigated. For the survival data, the model with Exponential, Weibull, Log-normal, Log-logistic, and Gamma accel...
A now common goal in medical research is to investigate the inter-relationships between a repeatedly measured biomarker, measured with error, and the time to an event of interest. This form of question can be tackled with a joint longitudinal-survival model, with the most common approach combining a longitudinal mixed effects model with a proportional hazards survival model, where the models are linked through shared random effects. In this article, we look at incorporating delayed entry (left truncation), which has received relatively little attention. The extension to delayed entry requires a second set of numerical integration, beyond that required in a standard joint model. We therefore implement two sets of fully adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature with nested Gauss-Kronrod quadrature (to allow time-dependent association structures), conducted simultaneously, to evaluate the likelihood. We evaluate fully adaptive quadrature compared with previously proposed non-adaptive quadrature through a simulation study, showing substantial improvements, both in terms of minimising bias and reducing computation time. We further investigate, through simulation, the consequences of misspecifying the longitudinal trajectory and its impact on estimates of association. Our scenarios showed the current value association structure to be very robust, compared with the rate of change that we found to be highly sensitive showing that assuming a simpler trend when the truth is more complex can lead to substantial bias. With emphasis on flexible parametric approaches, we generalise previous models by proposing the use of polynomials or splines to capture the longitudinal trend and restricted cubic splines to model the baseline log hazard function. The methods are illustrated on a dataset of breast cancer patients, modelling mammographic density jointly with survival, where we show how to incorporate density measurements prior to the at-risk period, to make use of all the available information. User-friendly Stata software is provided.
Biometrics, 2008
In clinical studies, longitudinal biomarkers are often used to monitor disease progression and failure time. Joint modeling of longitudinal and survival data has certain advantages and has emerged as an effective way to mutually enhance information. Typically, a parametric longitudinal model is assumed to facilitate the likelihood approach. However, the choice of a proper parametric model turns out to be more elusive than models for standard longitudinal studies in which no survival endpoint occurs. In this article, we propose a nonparametric multiplicative random effects model for the longitudinal process, which has many applications and leads to a flexible yet parsimonious nonparametric random effects model. A proportional hazards model is then used to link the biomarkers and event time. We use B-splines to represent the nonparametric longitudinal process, and select the number of knots and degrees based on a version of the Akaike information criterion (AIC). Unknown model parameters are estimated through maximizing the observed joint likelihood, which is iteratively maximized by the Monte Carlo Expectation Maximization (MCEM) algorithm. Due to the simplicity of the model structure, the proposed approach has good numerical stability and compares well with the competing parametric longitudinal approaches. The new approach is illustrated with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) data, aiming to capture nonlinear patterns of serum bilirubin time courses and their relationship with survival time of PBC patients.
Bilirubin is a potent antioxidant and an important anti-inflammatory factor. Therefore, there has been an increasing focus on serum bilirubin as a negative risk factor of cardiovascular mortality in men and an indicator of improved survival in both sexes, but the direct mechanisms of these links and the causes of sex differences are not well understood. Moreover, the evidence from longitudinal studies on effects of bilirubin on longevity is limited. In this study, we retrospectively analyzed two groups of older adults to explore age-dependent changes in serum bilirubin levels and their associations with long-term survival in both sexes. Longitudinal data from 142 individuals (68 men and 74 women) aged 45 to 70 years were compared with cross-sectional data from 225 individuals (113 men and 112 women). The latter group was divided into four categories of survival, i.e. 53, 63, 68, and 76+ based on data on lifespan. ANOVA, t-test, and regression analysis were run. The analysis of the l...