1 the Wave Overtopping Simulator in Action


The wave overtopping simulator is a device which is able to simulate overtopping waves at the crest and at the inner slope of a dike, levee or embankment in situ. The simulator is a high-level water container which is filled with a predetermined supply of water. The supply rate is set according to the desired rate of wave overtopping. The water in the reservoir is released at specific time intervals, creating the proper distribution of overtopping waves. The device has been used for the first time in the European ComCoast project, and was supported by a Dutch research program on water defences (SBW). This paper describes the construction, the trial testing, the actual testing on a sea dike and the analysis of velocity and flow depth measurements during the wave overtopping tests.


Coastal Structures 2007 - Proceedings of the 5th Coastal Structures International Conference, CST07, 2009

The wave overtopping simulator is a device which is able to simulate overtopping waves at the crest and at the inner slope of a dike, levee or embankment in situ. The simulator is a high-level water container which is filled with a predetermined supply of water. The supply rate is set according to the desired rate of wave overtopping. The water in the reservoir is released at specific time intervals, creating the proper distribution of overtopping waves. The device has been used for the first time in the European ComCoast project, and was supported by a Dutch research program on water defences (SBW). This paper describes the construction, the trial testing, the actual testing on a sea dike and the analysis of velocity and flow depth measurements during the wave overtopping tests.


Coastal Engineering 2006 - Proceedings of the 30th International Conference, 2007

The wave overtopping simulator is a device which will be able to simulate overtopping waves at the crest and at the inner slope of a dike, levee or embankment in situ. The idea is that real waves are not required to simulate only the overtopping part of waves and that enough information on overtopping waves has been developed by years of research, to describe in detail the hydraulic behaviour at the crest of a dike. The simulator is a box which will be filled with a constant discharge of water and it will release this water at specific times, creating an overtopping wave. The device will be used for the first time in the European ComCoast and Dutch SBW project. This paper describes the design and, after construction, the calibration of the wave overtopping simulator.

Flow Depths and Velocities at Crest and Landward Slope of a Dike, in Theory and with the Wave Overtopping Simulator

Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 2011

Wave overtopping discharges at coastal structures are well described in the EurOtop Manual (2007), including the distribution of overtopping wave volumes. Each volume that overtops a dike or levee will have a certain flow velocity and depth record in time, often given by the maximum velocity and flow depth. This paper describes some further development of the theory on flow depth and velocities on the crest, but will also show an inconsistency with respect to the mass balance. The second part of the paper gives an analysis of measured values on real dikes, simulated by the Wave Overtopping Simulator. It gives also the method of "cumulative hydraulic load" to compare overtopping discharges for different wave conditions. A large wave height with less overtopping waves, but larger overtopping wave volumes, is more damaging than a small wave height with more, but smaller overtopping volumes, even if the overtopping discharge is similar. The reasons to develop the cumulative hy...

Design of the US Wave Overtopping Simulator


The US Wave Overtopping Simulator has to simulate overtopping discharges up to 2 cfs/s/ft for wave conditions of respectively 8 ft with a peak period of 14 s and 3 ft with a period of 6 s. This requires a Simulator which is in size about three times larger than the existing Dutch one. This report describes the theory of waves overtopping the crest of a levee, the design of the Simulator, how to operate it and possible ways to measure hydraulics during testing. We know a lot about wave overtopping over levees, but still there are discrepancies between various formulae. First the existing theory is given about wave overtopping discharge and individual wave overtopping volumes. This leads to the distributions of wave overtopping volumes that have to be simulated by the Simulator. Then flow velocities, flow depths and flow times or durations of overtopping wave volumes at the crest of a levee have been discussed, including re-analysis of existing work and some recent research. The concl...

Wave Run-Up Simulations on Real Dikes

Coastal Engineering Proceedings

A new Wave Run-up Simulator has been designed, constructed, calibrated and used for testing of the seaward face of dikes. The upper part of dikes or levees often have a clay layer with a grass cover. The new device is able to test the strength of the grass cover under simulation of up-rushing waves for pre-defined storm conditions. The cumulative overload method has been developed to describe the strength of grass covers on the crest and landward side of dikes, for overtopping wave volumes. In essence there is not a lot of difference between the hydraulic load from an overtopping wave volume or from an up-rushing wave. Therefore the hypothesis has been evaluated that the cumulative overload method should also be applicable for up-rushing waves. Tests on a real dike have been used to validate this hypothesis. The main conclusions are that the new Wave Overtopping Simulator works really well, but that the results on testing till so far has not yet been sufficient for a full validation...

1 Wave Run-Up Simulations on Real Dikes


A new Wave Run-up Simulator has been designed, constructed, calibrated and used for testing of the seaward face of dikes. The upper part of dikes or levees often have a clay layer with a grass cover. The new device is able to test the strength of the grass cover under simulation of up-rushing waves for pre-defined storm conditions. The cumulative overload method has been developed to describe the strength of grass covers on the crest and landward side of dikes, for overtopping wave volumes. In essence there is not a lot of difference between the hydraulic load from an overtopping wave volume or from an up-rushing wave. Therefore the hypothesis has been evaluated that the cumulative overload method should also be applicable for up-rushing waves. Tests on a real dike have been used to validate this hypothesis. The main conclusions are that the new Wave Overtopping Simulator works really well, but that the results on testing till so far has not yet been sufficient for a full validation...


Coastal Structures 2011, 2012

Providing necessary levee resiliency requires full-scale modeling of realistic field conditions to evaluate grass cover and various slope armoring alternatives. It is for this reason that a Wave Overtopping Simulator was designed and constructed at Colorado State University, taking into account the experience in the Netherlands. Requirements led to a tailor made machine, three times bigger than the Dutch one. The Simulator is able to simulate any required overtopping duration, for short or long waves and up to overtopping discharges of 200 l/s per m and more. Specifications led to a design with a small 6 m 3 per m Simulator, similar to the Dutch one, within a much bigger box and creating a total capacity of 17 m 3 per m width. The calibration led to a procedure to create the correct steering files for the operation of this new Wave Overtopping Simulator.

Physical Model Tests on Wave Overtopping and Flow Processes on Dike Crests Influenced by Wave-Current Interaction

Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 2012

Flow processes like flow depths and flow velocities give important information about erosion and infiltration processes, which can lead to an unstable dike structure and consequently to dike failure. Up to now several physical model tests on wave run-up and wave overtopping are available to adjust and improve design formula for different dike structures. This kind of physical model tests have been performed in the here presented project FlowDike. Its main purpose is to consider two new aspects that could influence the assessment of wave run-up and wave overtopping as well as the flow processes on dikes which have not been investigated yet: longshore current and wind. Especially in estuaries and along coasts, the effect of tidal and storm induced currents combined with local wind fields can influence the incoming wave parameters at the dike toe as well as the wave run-up height, the wave overtopping rate and the flow processes on dikes. This paper will focus on these flow processes on dike slopes and dike crests on an 1:6 sloped dike influenced by oblique wave attack and longshore current.