Intrusion Detection and Prevention Response based on Signature Based and Anomaly Based Investigation Study (original) (raw)

A survey on anomaly and signature based intrusion detection system (IDS

Security is considered as one of the most critical parameter for the acceptance of any networking technology. Information in transit must be protected from unauthorized release and modification, and the connection itself must be established and maintained securely malicious users have taken advantage of this to achieve financial gain or accomplish some corporate or personal agenda. Denial of Service (DoS) and distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks are evolving continuously. These attacks make network resources unavailable for legitimate users which results in massive loss of data, resources and money. Combination of Intrusion detection System and Firewall is used by Business Organizations to detect and p revent Organizations" network from these attacks. Signatures to detect them are not available. This paper presents a light-Weight mechanism to detect novel DoS/DDoS (Resource Consumption) attacks and automatic signature generation process to represent them in real time. Experimental results are provided to support the proposed mechanism.

Efficient Working of Signature Based Intrusion Detection Technique in Computer Networks

International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2019

The subject of Computer Network Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a very interesting research topic actively pursued by many investigators. The goal of intrusion detection is to monitor network assets and to detect anomalous behaviour and misuse. This concept has been around for the past several years but only recently, it has seen a dramatic rise in interest of researchers and system developers for incorporation into the overall information security infrastructure. In today's world, the concept of information has been moved to the digital size from conventional size. Protection of the data stored in the digital archive and is easily accessibility at any time have become a quite important phenomenon. In this concept, intrusion detection and prevention systems as security tools are widely used today [1]. In this paper, a signature based intrusion detection system approach has been proposed for computer network security. This paper is based on the efficient working of the Signature based intrusion detection method and protects the computer network against the intrusion or the unspecified packets.

IJERT-Anomaly Based Intrusion Detection And Prevention System

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2013 Automatic discovery of intrusions into computer systems is central issue to stop unauthorized activity. Implementing intrusion detection systems on networks and hosts requires a broad perceptive of computer security. Most of the IDS and IPS are based on two fundamental mechanisms; Misuse detection or signature based detection. It defines a set of "unacceptable" behaviors and raise alerts when system behavior matches this set. The common attempts can be easily detected by Signature based IDS and the defense can be provided against such type of attack by either matching string pattern or signature. But in the prevailing scenario where there are new intrusions/ attempts reported almost every day, the existing signature-based detection proves futile. Many IDPS have been proposed but all of them lacks on some points and are not accurate as desired, they use to signature to detect the attacks and these signature based methods are fast and simple but it fails to detect unknown attacks. To fill the gap we require an efficient fast and real time Intrusion Detection and Prevention system to provide defense against intrusions/attacks. This paper presents Anomaly-based intrusion detection and prevention system which makes it more efficient and dynamic as it is able to detect novel (unknown) attack with without generating low positive false rate.

A Survey of Signature Based & Statistical Based Intrusion Detection Techniques

— This paper presents a comprehensive survey of some modern and most popular intrusion detection techniques. It is unrealistic to prevent security breaches completely using the existing security technologies. Detecting the presence of intruder is very crucial for maintaining the network security. It is found that most of the current intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are signature based systems. The signature based intrusion detection system are based on matching a signature with the network details. Provided with the signatures or patterns they can detect many or all known attack patterns but they are of little use for as yet unknown attacks. Rate of false positives is close to nil but these types of systems are poor at detecting new attacks or variation of known attacks or attacks that can be masked as normal behavior. The other type of IDS i.e. Statistical Based Intrusion detection System (SBIDS) can overcome many of the aforementioned limitations of signature based intrusion detection systems. The statistical based intrusion detection systems performs better than signature based intrusion detection system for novelty detection i.e. detection of new attack is very important for intrusion detection system. Researchers have implemented various classification algorithms for intrusion detection.

Diverse Methods for Signature based Intrusion Detection Schemes Adopted

International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2020

Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) is used as a tool to detect intrusions on IT networks, providing support in network monitoring to identify and avoid possible attacks. Most such approaches adopt Signature-based methods for detecting attacks which include matching the input event to predefined database signatures. Signature based intrusion detection acts as an adaptable device security safeguard technology. This paper discusses various Signature-based Intrusion Detection Systems and their advantages; given a set of signatures and basic patterns that estimate the relative importance of each intrusion detection system feature, system administrators may help identify cyber-attacks and threats to the network and Computer system. Eighty percent of incidents can be easily and promptly detected using signature-based detection methods if used as a precautionary phase for vulnerability detection and twenty percent rest by anomaly-based intrusion detection system that involves comparing defin...

Automated Signature Creator for a Signature Based Intrusion Detection System with Network Attack Detection Capabilities

A Signature-based Intrusion Detection System (IDS) helps in maintaining the integrity of data in a network controlled environment. Unfortunately, this type of IDS depends on predetermined intrusion patterns that are manually created. If the signature database of the Signature-based IDS is not updated, network attacks just pass through this type of IDS without being noticed. To avoid this, an Anomaly-based IDS is used in order to countercheck if a network traffic that is not detected by Signature-based IDS is a true malicious traffic or not. In doing so, the Anomalybased IDS might come up with several numbers of logs containing numerous network attacks which could possibly be a false positive. This is the reason why the Anomaly-based IDS is not perfect, it would readily alarm the system that a network traffic is an attack just because it is not on its baseline. In order to resolve the problem between these two IDSs, the goal is to correlate data between the logs of the Anomaly-based IDS and the packet that has been captured in order to determine if a network traffic is really malicious or not. With the supervision of a security expert, the malicious network traffic would be verified as malicious. Using machine learning, the researchers can identify which algorithm is better than the other algorithms in classifying if a certain network traffic is really malicious. Upon doing so, the creation of signatures would follow by basing the automated creation of signatures from the detected malicious traffic.

Algorithm to Detect Intrusions using Multi Layer Signature Based Model

Algorithm to Detect Intrusions using Multi Layer Signature Based Model, 2012

The Internet and computer networks are exposed to an increasing number of security threats. With new types of attacks appearing continually, developing flexible and adaptive security oriented approaches is a severe challenge. In recent years, intrusion detection system (IDS) had been developed as a new approach system to defend networking systems, which properly combines the firewall technique with the intrusion detection. These systems try to detect attacks as they occur or after the attacks took place. IDSs collect network traffic information from some point on the network or computer system and then use this information to secure the network.In this context, signature-based network intrusion detection techniques are a valuable technology to protect target systems and networks against malicious activities.Signature based detection is the most extensively used threat detection technique for Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). One of the foremost challenges for signature-based IDS systems is how to keep up with large volume of incoming traffic when each packet needs to be compared with every signature in the database. When an IDS cannot keep up with the traffic flood, all it can do is to drop packets, therefore, may miss potential attacks. This paper proposes a new model called Dynamic Multi-Layer Signature based IDS using Mobile Agents, which can detect imminent threats with very high success rate by dynamically and automatically creating and using small and efficient multiple databases, and at the same time, provide mechanism to update these small signature databases at regular intervals using Mobile Agents.

Techniques for Reduction of False Alarms in Signature-Based Intrusion Detection Systems

An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) which is network based analyzes network packets to report violations in security to a network administrator. Sometimes these reports can be overlooked by the administrator if the network is too large and the administrator gets overwhelmed. There may even be some false alarms as well. Basically, IDS is used to defend the network from the intruders which may be hackers. The paper focuses on signal based IDS. In the paper, we discuss the different classifications of these reduction techniques as well as discussing the various advantages and disadvantages of each class. We conclude the paper with topics for future research that are not yet covered in previous papers on signal based IDS. I.

Automated Signature Creator for a Signature Based Intrusion Detection System

A Signature-based Intrusion Detection System (IDS) helps in maintaining the integrity of data in a network controlled environment. Unfortunately, this type of IDS depends on predetermined intrusion patterns that are manually created. If the signature database of the Signature-based IDS is not updated, network attacks just pass through this type of IDS without being noticed. To avoid this, an Anomalybased IDS is used in order to countercheck if a network traffic that is not detected by Signature-based IDS is a true malicious traffic or not. In doing so, the Anomalybased IDS might come up with several numbers of logs containing numerous network attacks which could possibly be a false positive. This is the reason why the Anomaly-based IDS is not perfect, it would readily alarm the system that a network traffic is an attack just because it is not on its baseline. In order to resolve the problem between these two IDSs, the goal is to correlate data between the logs of the Anomaly-based IDS and the packet that has been captured in order to determine if a network traffic is really malicious or not. With the supervision of a security expert, the malicious network traffic would be verified as malicious. Using machine learning, the researchers can identify which algorithm is better than the other algorithms in classifying if a certain network traffic is really malicious. Upon doing so, the creation of signatures would follow by basing the automated creation of signatures from the detected malicious traffic.

Hybrid Intrusion Detection System using Weighted Signature Generation over Anomalous Internet Episodes Rules

International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research, 2014

To provide security to network we use existing Intrusion Detection System(IDS) for identification of known attack with low false alarm,but it is not working when unknown attacks occurs so to identify unknown attacks we use Anomaly based IDS(ADS) with high false alarm. HIDS is the combination of IDS and ADS with their advantages for identification of known as well as unknown attack.IDS used signature based model to identify known attack and ADS used anomaly based model for identification of unknown attack.HIDS used internet episode rules for identify known as well as unknown attacks.