An OCL extension for checking and transforming UML Models (original) (raw)
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OCL contracts for the verification of model transformations
Electronic Communications of the Easst, 2010
A model-driven engineering process relies on a set of transformations which are usually sequentially executed, starting from an abstract level to produce code or a detailed implementation specification. These transformations may be entirely automated or may require manual intervention by designers. In this paper, we propose a method to verify that a transformation result is correct with respect to the transformation specification. This method both includes automated transformations and manual interventions. For that, we focus on transformation contracts written in OCL. This leads to making the proposed method independent of modeling and transformation tools. These contracts are partially or fully generated through a dedicated tool.
Toward a Unified Framework for Quality and Consistency Verification of UML Models
Model-Driven Development (MDD) is an emergent approach to software engineering which is based on the systematic use of software modeling as a primary form of expression. The central focus in MDD is on models, as opposed to source code in the traditional conception of soft- ware development. However the introduction of models in the software life cycle poses new issues
Model Development in the UML-based Specification Environment (USE)
Abstract The tool USE (UML-based Specification Environment) supports analysts, designers and developers in executing UML models and checking OCL constraints and thus enables them to employ model-driven techniques for software production. USE has been developed since 1998 at the University of Bremen. This paper will discuss to what extent and how USE relates to the questions and topics (Model quality, Modelling method, Model Effectiveness, Model Maintainability) raised for this seminar.
Ensuring UML Models Consistency Using the OCL Environment
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 2004
The topic of UML model consistency is becoming increasingly important. Having a tool that checks the consistency of UML models is very useful. Using the XMI standard, the consistent models can be transferred from the checker tool to any other UML tool. By means of practical examples, this paper shows that using a framework based on OCL is a valuable approach when checking UML models. The results obtained in the examples highlight some shortcomings in the UML definition and prove that OCL offers the support needed in managing tool peculiarities.
On the Formal Execution of UML and DSL Models
Model-Driven Engineering intensively uses models and model transformations. Transformation tools ensure that the target model conforms to the target metamodel, so that it is syntactically correct. However, there is few assistance, or none at all, to guarantee that the semantics is preserved during the transformation. This is mainly due to the absence of an explicit semantics within the models. Models bring the syntax while the related (application-specific) analysis tools bring their own semantics. We propose here a model-driven approach to describe a formal and explicit semantics as a separate model. This formal semantics can then be attached to different UML /DSL models and a UML /DSL model can be executed with different semantics.
Ontology-Based Transformation and Verification of UML Class Model
The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, 2020
Software models describe structures, relationships and features of the software system. Especially, in Model Driven Engineering (MDE), they are considered as first-class elements instead of programming code and all software development activities move around these models. In MDE, programming code is automatically generated by the models and models’ defects can implicitly transfer to the code. These defects can harder to discover and rectify. Model verification is a promising solution to the problem. The Unified Modelling Language (UML) class model is an important part of UML and is used in both analysis and design. However, UML only provides graphical elements without any formal foundation. Therefore, verification of formal properties such as consistency, satisfiability and consequences are not possible in UML. This paper mainly focuses on ontology-based transformation and verification of the UML class model elements which have not been addressed in any existing verification methods...
Incremental Verification of UML/OCL Models
The Journal of Object Technology, 2020
Model-Driven Development employs models as core artifacts of the software development process. This requires ensuring the correctness of models, an analysis which is computationally complex. However, models may evolve over time and these changes usually require rechecking models from scratch. To this end, this paper proposes techniques for the incremental verification of a fundamental correctness property: internal consistency of UML class diagrams annotated with OCL constraints. These techniques allow modelers to significantly reduce (or even avoid altogether) the cost of re-verifying a class diagram after model updates.
A Methodology for UML Models V&V
2008 International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation, 2008
The introduction of UML models in the software life cycle poses new issues and challenges that are not adequately supported by current state-of-the-art development tools, especially concerning V&V activities. Indeed, every tool usually focuses on a small set of specialized activities (such as design, coding or testing), failing to provide a satisfactory (general purpose) V&V framework.
UML 2: A model-driven development tool
IBM Systems Journal, 2000
The Unified Modeling Languaget (UMLt) industry standard has recently undergone a major upgrade, resulting in a revision called UML 2. The primary motivation for this revision was to make UML better suited to model-driven developmente (MDDe), an approach to software development in which software models play a vital role. This requires a modeling language that is not only highly expressive but also capable of specifying models that are precise and unambiguous. In this overview article, we describe the key developments in UML 2 and the rationale behind them, and we explain how they help meet the needs of MDD. These new capabilities can be grouped into two distinct categories: (1) internal and architectural changes required to support MDD and (2) new modeling features. This paper is a revised version of a Web article, ''Unified Modeling Language Version 2.0,'' which was published on March 21, 2005, by developerWorkst, IBM Corporation.