Q'anjob'al: History of Santa Eulalia Part I (original) (raw)
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IPA Illustration of Q'anjob'al
This IPA illustration was written jointly by the seven members of the Fall 2008 Field Methods class at the University of Illinois and revised by the first author. It presents the consonants and vowels of Q’anjob’al, borrowed sounds, syllable structure, suprasegmentals, allophonic variation, and phonemic and phonetic transcriptions of the North Wind and the Sun story. All data is drawn from work sessions with a single Q’anjob’al speaker from Santa Eulalia, Guatemala. Santa Eulalia is considered one of the more conservative areas linguistically (Raymundo et al., 2005); however, we found some phonetic changes associated with the more novel areas. published or submitted for publication is peer reviewed
Tx'ol Winaq: the Story of the First Ixil Ancestor and the Sacred Places of Ilom
Axis Mundi. Journal of the Slovak Association for the Study of Religions, 2017
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(Other) Tz'utujil / Spanish / English Vocabulary and Basic Phrases
Naq ab'anoon [knock ob-on own] = cómo estás? = how are you doing? [how ar yuu duu ing] Naq naab'an [knock knob-on] = que haces? = what are you doing? [wat ar yuu duu ing] Naq k'a [knock k-aw] = quien es, que es = who is it, what is it [huu is it, wat is it] Jaru' ajuunaa' [ha roo-ah hoon gnaw-] = cuantos años tiene? = how old are you? [how ōōld ar yuu] Jaru' rajil? [ha roo-raw hēēl] = cuanto cuesta? = how much is it? [how much is it] Jaru' nuuk'aas [ha roo-new k-aws] = cuanto debo? = how much do I owe you? [how much duu ay ōō yuu] Jar atet k'a naq chi saamaajiil naab'an [har aw tet k-aw knock chēē sawm ah hēēl knob-on] = tú, que trabajo haces? = what kind of work do you do? [wat kaynd of wurk duu yuu duu] ¡Jo'! [hō-] = vamos! = let's go! [letz gōō] B'aar at petinaq wi'? [b-are ought pet ēē knock wē-] = de donde viene? = where are you from? [wer ar yuu from] Kinakuyu'/cha nuumak [key naw koo you-/chaw new mock] = perdoname = excuse me [eks kuus mee] Kinok'ona' awik'iin [key naw koo you-/chaw new mock] = con permiso = excuse me [eks kuus mee] Ninb'e pa kayib'al [nēēn bay pa ki yēē ball] = voy al mercado = I am (I'm) going to the market [ay'm gōō ing to tha market] Naq q'iij xaturqaji' [knock k-ey shot oor kah he-] = cuando llegaste = When did you arrive? [wen did yu ar ayve] Wuqub'iixir xinurqaji' [wook oob-ēēsh ear sheen oor kah hēē-] = llegue la semana pasada = I arrived last week [ay ar ayvd last wik] Nk'atzin chuwee' ninb'e chuwaaq pa Chichicastenango [n k-atz ēēn choo vay-nēēn b-ay choo walk paw Chee chee cast en ang o] = necesito irme a Chichicastenango mañana = I need to go to Chichicastenango tomorrow [ay nid tu gō tu Chi chi cast en ang ō tum or ōō] ¡Tachajij aawii'! [tawch aw hēē ah wēē] = ¡Cuida te! = Be careful! [bēē cair ful] Q'ila' chik na [k-ey law-chēēk gnaw] =¡Nos Vemos! = see you later! [see yuu lāātur] ¡Xtiqaatz'at chik na qii'! [shtēē cawtz-ought chēē gnaw key-] = ¡Nos Vemos! = See you later! [sēē yuu lāāt ur] K'o/K'ooli jun [k-ōh/ k-ōh lee hoon] = hay un/a = there is a(n) [ther is aa(an)] Taya'a' [tie yaw-ah-] = da me = give me [giv mēē] Tab'ana' jun utziil [tawb-awn aw-hoon ootz ēēl] = hágame un favor = do me a favor [do mēē ā fāv ur] Maltiyoox [mall tēē yōsh] = gracias = thank you (thanks) [thank yuu (thanks)] Sib'alaj maltiyoox [seeb-all ah mall tēē yōsh] = muchas gracias = thank you very much (thanks very much) [thank yuu ver ēē much (thanks ver ēē much)] Jee' [hay'] = sí (afirmación) = yeah (affirmation) [yeh] Ma [maw] = no (negación) = no (negation) [nōō] Kan [con] = sí = yes [yes] Ma kan ta [maw con taw] = no = no [nōō] Ma k'o ta [maw k-ōh taw] = no hay = there is not [ther is not] Interrogatives (Interrogativos) B'aar chi ri (tri) [b-are trēē] = dónde, adónde = where [wer] B'ajan [b-a hawn] = cuándo = when [wen] Jaru' [ha roo-] = cuánto = how much [how much] Jani' [ha nēē-] = cómo = how [how] Naq [knock] = qué, quién = what, who [wat, hoo] Naq chi re (tre) [knock tray] = por qué = why [way]