Canonoid and Poissonoid transformations, symmetries and biHamiltonian structures (original) (raw)
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Linear Transformations, Canonoid Transformations and BiHamiltonian Structures
We give a characterization of linear canonoid transformations on symplectic manifolds and we use it to generate biHamiltonian structures for some mechanical systems. Utilizing this characterization we also study the behavior of the harmonic oscillator under canonoid transformations. We present a description of canonoid transformations due to E.T. Whittaker, and we show that it leads, in a natural way, to the modern, coordinate-independent definition of canonoid transformations. We also generalize canonoid transformations to Poisson manifolds by introducing Poissonoid transformations. We give examples of such transformations for Euler's equations of the rigid body (on so * (3) and so * (4)) and for an integrable case of Kirchhoff's equations for the motion of a rigid body immersed in an ideal fluid. We study the relationship between biHamiltonian structures and Poissonoid transformations for these examples. We analyze the link between Poissonoid transformations, constants of motion, and symmetries.
Symmetries in Non-Linear Mechanics
In this paper we exploit the use of symmetries of a physical system so as to characterize the corresponding solution manifold by means of Noether invariants. This constitutes a necessary preliminary step towards the correct quantisation in non-linear cases, where the success of Canonical Quantisation is not guaranteed in general. To achieve this task "point symmetries" of the Lagrangian are generally not enough, and the notion of contact transformations is in order. The use of the Poincaré-Cartan form permits finding both the symplectic structure on the solution manifold, through the Hamilton-Jacobi transformation, and the required symmetries, realized as Hamiltonian vector fields, associated with functions on the solution manifold (thus constituting an inverse of the Noether Theorem), lifted back to the evolution space through the inverse of this Hamilton-Jacobi mapping. In this framework, solutions and symmetries are somehow identified and this correspondence is also kept at a perturbative level. We present simple non-trivial examples of this interplay between symmetries and solutions pointing out the usefulness of this mechanism in approaching the corresponding quantisation.
Symmetries in covariant classical mechanics
In the framework of covariant classical mechanics (i.e. general relativistic classical mechanics on a spacetime with absolute time), developed by Jadczyk and Modugno, we analyse systematically the relationship between symmetries of geometric objects. We show that the (holonomic) infinitesimal symmetries of the cosymplectic structure on spacetime and of its horizontal potentials are also symmetries of spacelike metric, gravitational and electromagnetic fields, Euler-Lagrange morphism and Lagrangians. Then, we provide a definition for a covariant momentum map associated with a group of cosymplectic symmetries by means of a covariant lift of functions of phase space. In the case of holonomic symmetries, we see that the any covariant momentum map takes values in the quantizable functions in the sense of Jadczyk and Modugno, i.e. functions quadratic in velocities with leading coefficient proportional to the spacelike metric. Finally, we illustrate the results by some examples.
On Symmetry and Conserved Quantities in Classical Mechanics
The Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science, 2000
This paper expounds the relations between continuous symmetries and conserved quantities, i.e. Noether's "first theorem", in both the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian frameworks for classical mechanics. This illustrates one of mechanics' grand themes: exploiting a symmetry so as to reduce the number of variables needed to treat a problem.
On Symplectic Reduction in Classical Mechanics
Philosophy of Physics, 2007
This Chapter expounds the modern theory of symplectic reduction in finitedimensional Hamiltonian mechanics. This theory generalizes the well-known connection between continuous symmetries and conserved quantities, i.e. Noether's theorem. It also illustrates one of mechanics' grand themes: exploiting a symmetry so as to reduce the number of variables needed to treat a problem. The exposition emphasises how the theory provides insights about the rotation group and the rigid body. The theory's device of quotienting a state space also casts light on philosophical issues about whether two apparently distinct but utterly indiscernible possibilities should be ruled to be one and the same. These issues are illustrated using "relationist" mechanics.
On symmetries in Galilei classical mechanics
In the framework of Galilei classical mechanics (i.e., general relativistic classical mechanics on a spacetime with absolute time) developed by Jadczyk and Modugno, we analyse systematically the relations between symmetries of the geometric objects. We show that the (holonomic) infinitesimal symmetries of the cosymplectic structure on spacetime and of its potentials are also symmetries of spacelike metric, gravitational and electromagnetic fields, Euler-Lagrange morphism, Lagrangians. Then, we provide a covariant momentum map associated with a group of cosymplectic symmetries by using a covariant lift of functions of phase space. In the case of an action that projects on spacetime we see that the components of this momentum map are quantisable functions in the sense of Jadczyck and Modugno. Finally, we illustrate the results in some examples.
Reviews in Mathematical Physics, 2012
In this paper, we study symmetries, Newtonoid vector fields, conservation laws, Noether's theorem and its converse, in the framework of the k-symplectic formalism, using the Frölicher–Nijenhuis formalism on the space of k1-velocities of the configuration manifold. For the case k = 1, it is well known that Cartan symmetries induce and are induced by constants of motions, and these results are known as Noether's theorem and its converse. For the case k > 1, we provide a new proof for Noether's theorem, which shows that, in the k-symplectic formalism, each Cartan symmetry induces a conservation law. We prove that, under some assumptions, the converse of Noether's theorem is also true and we provide examples when this is not the case. We also study the relations between dynamical symmetries, Newtonoid vector fields, Cartan symmetries and conservation laws, showing when one of them will imply the others. We use several examples of partial differential equations to illu...
The Journal of Geometric Mechanics, 2010
The Hamilton-Jacobi equation in the sense of Poincaré, i.e. formulated in the extended phase space and including regularization, is revisited building canonical transformations with the purpose of Hamiltonian reduction. We illustrate our approach dealing with orbital and attitude dynamics. Based on the use of Whittaker and Andoyer symplectic charts, for which all but one coordinates are cyclic in the Hamilton-Jacobi equation, we provide whole families of canonical transformations, among which one recognizes the familiar ones used in orbital and attitude dynamics. In addition, new canonical transformations are demonstrated.
Illustrating dynamical symmetries in classical mechanics: The Laplace–Runge–Lenz vector revisited
American Journal of Physics, 2003
The inverse square force law admits a conserved vector that lies in the plane of motion. This vector has been associated with the names of Laplace, Runge, and Lenz, among others. Many workers have explored aspects of the symmetry and degeneracy associated with this vector and with analogous dynamical symmetries. We define a conserved dynamical variable α that characterizes the orientation of the orbit in two-dimensional configuration space for the Kepler problem and an analogous variable β for the isotropic harmonic oscillator. This orbit orientation variable is canonically conjugate to the angular momentum component normal to the plane of motion. We explore the canonical one-parameter group of transformations generated by α (β). Because we have an obvious pair of conserved canonically conjugate variables, it is desirable to use them as a coordinate-mometum pair. In terms of these phase space coordinates, the form of the Hamiltonian is nearly trivial because neither member of the pair can occur explicitly in the Hamiltonian. From these considerations we gain a simple picture of dynamics in phase space. The procedure we use is in the spirit of the Hamilton-Jacobi method.