An independent limit on the axion mass from the variable white dwarf star R548 (original) (raw)

An asteroseismic constraint on the mass of the axion from the period drift of the pulsating DA white dwarf star L19-2

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2016

We employ an asteroseismic model of L19−2, a relatively massive (M ⋆ ∼ 0.75M ⊙) and hot (T eff ∼ 12 100 K) pulsating DA (H-rich atmosphere) white dwarf star (DAV or ZZ Ceti variable), and use the observed values of the temporal rates of period change of its dominant pulsation modes (Π ∼ 113 s and Π ∼ 192 s), to derive a new constraint on the mass of the axion, the hypothetical non-barionic particle considered as a possible component of the dark matter of the Universe. If the asteroseismic model employed is an accurate representation of L19−2, then our results indicate hints of extra cooling in this star, compatible with emission of axions of mass m a cos 2 β 25 meV or an axion-electron coupling constant of g ae 7 × 10 −13 .

The rate of cooling of the pulsating white dwarf star G117−B15A: a new asteroseismological inference of the axion mass

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2012

We employ a state-of-the-art asteroseismological model of G117−B15A, the archetype of the H-rich atmosphere (DA) white dwarf pulsators (also known as DAV or ZZ Ceti variables), and use the most recently measured value of the rate of period change for the dominant mode of this pulsating star to derive a new constraint on the mass of axion, the still conjectural non-barionic particle considered as candidate for dark matter of the Universe. Assuming that G117−B15A is truly represented by our asteroseismological model, and in particular, that the period of the dominant mode is associated to a pulsation g-mode trapped in the H envelope, we find strong indications of the existence of extra cooling in this star, compatible with emission of axions of mass m a cos 2 β = 17.4 +2.3 −2.7 meV.

Axions and the Cooling of White Dwarf Stars

Astrophysical Journal, 2008

White dwarfs are the end product of the lifes of intermediate-and low-mass stars and their evolution is described as a simple cooling process. Recently, it has been possible to determine with an unprecedented precision their luminosity function, that is, the number of stars per unit volume and luminosity interval. We show here that the shape of the bright branch of this function is only sensitive to the averaged cooling rate of white dwarfs and we propose to use this property to check the possible existence of axions, a proposed but not yet detected weakly interacting particle. Our results indicate that the inclusion of the emission of axions in the evolutionary models of white dwarfs noticeably improves the agreement between the theoretical calculations and the observational white dwarf luminosity function. The best fit is obtained for m a cos 2 β ≈ 5 meV, where m a is the mass of the axion and cos 2 β is a free parameter. We also show that values larger than 10 meV are clearly excluded. The existing theoretical and observational uncertainties do not yet allow the confirmation of the existence of axions, but our results clearly show that if their mass is of the order of few meV, the white dwarf luminosity function is sensitive enough to detect their existence.

Axions and the pulsation periods of variable white dwarfs revisited

Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2010

Context. Axions are the natural consequence of the introduction of the Peccei-Quinn symmetry to solve the strong CP problem. All the efforts to detect such elusive particles have failed up to now. Nevertheless, it has been recently shown that the luminosity function of white dwarfs is best fitted if axions with a mass of a few meV are included in the evolutionary calculations. Aims. Our aim is to show that variable white dwarfs can provide additional and independent evidence about the existence of axions. Methods. The evolution of a white dwarf is a slow cooling process that translates into a secular increase of the pulsation periods of some variable white dwarfs, the so-called DAV and DBV types. Since axions can freely escape from such stars, their existence would increase the cooling rate and, consequently, the rate of change of the periods as compared with the standard ones. Results. The present values of the rate of change of the pulsation period of G117-B15A are compatible with the existence of axions with the masses suggested by the luminosity function of white dwarfs, in contrast with previous estimations. Furthermore, it is shown that if such axions indeed exist, the drift of the periods of pulsation of DBV stars would be noticeably perturbed.

Axions and the white dwarf luminosity function

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2009

The evolution of white dwarfs can be described as a simple cooling process. Recently, it has been possible to determine with an unprecedented precision their luminosity function, that is, the number of stars per unit volume and luminosity interval. Since the shape of the bright branch of this function is only sensitive to the average cooling rate, we use this property to check the possible existence of axions, a proposed but not yet detected weakly interacting particle. We show here that the inclusion of the axion emissivity in the evolutionary models of white dwarfs noticeably improves the agreement between the theoretical calculations and the observational white dwarf luminosity function, thus providing the first positive indication that axions could exist. Our results indicate that the best fit is obtained for macos 2 β ≃ 2 − 6 meV, where ma is the mass of the axion and cos 2 β is a free parameter, and that values larger than 10 meV are clearly excluded.

White dwarfs as physics laboratories: the case of axions

White dwarfs are almost completely degenerate objects that cannot obtain energy from thermonuclear sources, so their evolution is just a gravothermal cooling process. Recent improvements in the accuracy and precision of the luminosity function and in pulsational data of variable white dwarfs suggest that they are cooling faster than expected from conventional theory. In this contribution we show that the inclusion of an additional cooling term due to axions able to interact with electrons with a coupling constant g_ae ~(2-7)x10^{-13} allows to fit better the observations.

Axions and White Dwarfs

White dwarfs are almost completely degenerate objects that cannot obtain energy from the thermonuclear sources and their evolution is just a gravothermal process of cooling. The simplicity of these objects, the fact that the physical inputs necessary to understand them are well identified, although not always well understood, and the impressive observational background about white dwarfs make them the most well studied Galactic population. These characteristics allow to use them as laboratories to test new ideas of physics. In this contribution we discuss the robustness of the method and its application to the axion case. Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the Proceedings for the 6th Patras meeting on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs

Constraining the axion mass through the asteroseismology of the ZZ Ceti star G117B15A


We perform an asteroseismological study on the DAV star G117-B15A on the basis of a modern set of fully evolutionary DA white dwarf models that have consistent chemical profiles at the core and the envelope. We found an asteroseismological model for G117-B15A that closely reproduces its observed pulsation periods. Then, we use the most recently measured value of the rate

Axion stars in the infrared limit

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015

Following Ruffini and Bonazzola, we use a quantized boson field to describe condensates of axions forming compact objects. Without substantial modifications, the method can only be applied to axions with decay constant, f a , satisfying δ = (f a / M P ) 2 1, where M P is the Planck mass. Similarly, the applicability of the Ruffini-Bonazzola method to axion stars also requires that the relative binding energy of axions satisfies ∆ = 1 − (E a / m a ) 2 1, where E a and m a are the energy and mass of the axion. The simultaneous expansion of the equations of motion in δ and ∆ leads to a simplified set of equations, depending only on the parameter, λ = √ δ / ∆ in leading order of the expansions. Keeping leading order in ∆ is equivalent to the infrared limit, in which only relevant and marginal terms contribute to the equations of motion. The number of axions in the star is uniquely determined by λ. Numerical solutions are found in a wide range of λ. At small λ the mass and radius of the axion star rise linearly with λ. While at larger λ the radius of the star continues to rise, the mass of the star, M , attains a maximum at λ max 0.58. All stars are unstable for λ > λ max .