P.P. Betancourt and S.C Ferrence, eds., Metallurgy: Understanding How, Learning whY. Studies in Honor of James D. Muhly. Preshistory Monographs 29. Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press, 2011. In Mouseion 12.1 (2012): 89-91. (original) (raw)

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2016 Metallurgy and metalwork at Enkomi —revisiting Porphyrios Dikaios' excavations Cover Page

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2012 Parallels and diversities in the production, trade and use of copper and iron in Crete and Cyprus from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age Cover Page

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The role of Apliki mine region in the post c.1400 BC copper production and trade networks in Cyprus and in the Wider Mediterranean Cover Page

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Review of:  Betancourt P.C. and S. C. Ferrence (eds.), 2011. Metallurgy: Understanding How, Learning Why – Studies in Honor of James D. Muhly. Philadelphia. Cover Page

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Review of: Kassianidou, V. and G. Papasavvas (eds.), 2012. Eastern Mediterranean Metallurgy and Metalwork in the Second Millennium BC: A Conference in Honour of James D. Muhly, Nicosia, 10th–11th October 2009. Oxford.  Cover Page

Copper and Cult in Bronze Age Cyprus

Cyprus An Island Culture: Society and Social Relations from the Bronze Age to the Venetian Period. Artemis Georgiou (ed.), 2012

This paper investigates the connection between copper and cult in Late Bronze Age (LBA) Cyprus, arguing that a number of distinct functional and symbolic interactions existed between copper production and ritual practice during this time. Models of social organisation derived from ethnographic research are drawn upon (e.g. Dietler and Herbich 2001; Wallace 1956), to complement and contrast with models of state level society (e.g. D’Altroy and Earle 1985; Wright and Johnson 1975) employed in previous research. The paper begins with a review of previously proposed models for the Cypriot copper industry, followed by a chronological examination of the archaeological evidence utilised in their formulation. It concludes with a presentation of anthropological models for institutions, work feasts, ritual authority and social movements, using them to re-interpret the organisation of copper production in LBA Cyprus.

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Copper and Cult in Bronze Age Cyprus Cover Page

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Eastern Mediterranean Metallurgy and Metalwork in the Second Millennium BC. A conference in honour of James D. Muhly.  Cover Page

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2012 Metallurgy and metalwork in Enkomi: the early phases. Cover Page

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2014 Cypriot copper for the Iron Age world of the Eastern Mediterranean. Cover Page

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Oxhide Ingots, Copper Production, and the Mediterranean Trade in Copper and Other Metals in the Bronze Age. MA Thesis, Department of Anthropology, Texas A&M University, 2007. Cover Page