Carleman inequalities and inverse problems for the Schrödinger equation (original) (raw)

Inverse problems for the Schrödinger equation via Carleman inequalities with degenerate weights

Inverse Problems, 2008

, investigated some inverse problems for the evolution Schrödinger equation by means of Carleman inequalities proved under a strict pseudoconvexity condition. We show here that new Carleman inequalities for the Schrödinger equation may be derived under a relaxed pseudoconvexity condition, which allows us to use degenerate weights with a spatial dependence of the type ψ(x) = x · e, where e is some fixed direction in R N . As a result, less restrictive boundary or internal observations are allowed to obtain the stability for the inverse problem consisting in retrieving a stationary potential in the Schrödinger equation from a single boundary or internal measurement.

Stability for the inverse potential problem by finite measurements on the boundary

Inverse Problems, 2001

In this paper, we investigate the inverse problem of determining the potential of the Schrödinger equation from finite measurements on the boundary. It is well known that this is an ill posed problem in the sense of Hadamard. The stability estimate is proved under the assumption that the potentials have some a priori constraints. Based on this conditional stability result, we propose one kind of Tikhonov regularization and prove the convergence rate for the regularized solution.

An inverse stability result for non-compactly supported potentials by one arbitrary lateral Neumann observation

Journal of Differential Equations, 2016

In this paper we investigate the inverse problem of determining the time independent scalar potential of the dynamic Schrödinger equation in an infinite cylindrical domain, from partial measurement of the solution on the boundary. Namely, if the potential is known in a neighborhood of the boundary of the spatial domain, we prove that it can be logarithmic stably determined in the whole waveguide from a single observation of the solution on any arbitrary strip-shaped subset of the boundary.

Uniqueness and stability in an inverse problem for the Schrödinger equation

Inverse Problems, 2007

We study the Schrödinger equation iy + ∆y + qy = 0 in Ω × (0, T ) with Dirichlet boundary data y| ∂Ω×(0,T ) and real valued initial condition y| Ω×{0} and we consider the inverse problem of determining the potential q(x), x ∈ Ω when ∂y ∂ν | Γ0×(0,T ) is given. Here Ω is an open bounded domain of R N , Γ 0 is an open subset of ∂Ω satisfying a suitable geometrical condition and T > 0. More precisely, from a global Carleman estimate we prove a stability inequality between p − q and ∂y(q) ∂ν − ∂y(p) ∂ν with appropriate norms.

Stability estimates for the Calderón problem with partial data

Journal of Differential Equations, 2016

This is a follow-up of our previous article [4] where we proved local stability estimates for a potential in a Schrödinger equation on an open bounded set in dimension n = 3 from the Dirichletto-Neumann map with partial data. The region under control was the penumbra delimited by a source of light outside of the convex hull of the open set. These local estimates provided stability of log-log type corresponding to the uniqueness results in Calderón's inverse problem with partial data proved by Kenig, Sjöstrand and Uhlmann [14]. In this article, we prove the corresponding global estimates in all dimensions higher than three. The estimates are based on the construction of solutions of the Schrödinger equation by complex geometrical optics developed in the anisotropic setting by Dos Santos Ferreira, Kenig, Salo and Uhlmann [7] to solve the Calderón problem in certain admissible geometries. Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. The attenuated geodesic ray transform on a hemisphere 6 3. Complex geometrical optics 15 4. Stability estimates 20 5. The conductivity equation 28 References 29

Logarithmic stability in the dynamical inverse problem for the Schrödinger equation by arbitrary boundary observation

Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 2009

In this paper, we investigate the inverse problem of determining the potential of the dynamical Schrödinger equation in a bounded domain from the data of the solution in a subboundary over a time interval. Assuming that in a neighborhood of the boundary of the spatial domain, the potential is known and without any assumption on the dynamics (i.e. without the geometric optics condition for the observability), we prove a logarithmic stability estimate for the inverse problem with a single measurement on an arbitrarily given subboundary.

Carleman estimate for the Schrödinger equation and application to magnetic inverse problems


We prove that the stationary magnetic potential vector and the electrostatic potential entering the dynamic magnetic Schr\"odinger equation can be Lipschitz stably retrieved through finitely many local boundary measurements of the solution. The proof is by means of a specific global Carleman estimate for the Schr\"odinger equation, established in the first part of the paper.

Application of global Carleman estimates with rotated weights to an inverse problem for the wave equation

Comptes Rendus Mathematique

We establish geometrical conditions for the inverse problem of determining a stationary potential in the wave equation with Dirichlet data from a Neumann measurement on a suitable part of the boundary. We present the stability results when we measure on a part of the boundary satisfying a rotated exit condition. The proofs rely on global Carleman estimates with angle type dependence in the weight functions.