Senra: Historia de un depósito gallego de hachas de talón (original) (raw)
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SCRIPTA. Revista Internacional de Literatura i Cultura Medieval i Moderna, 2021
Resum: En 1365 va tenir lloc una disputa davant la cort del governador de Mallorca per la propietat d’un falcó entre els donzells Berenguer de Galiana i Bernat Togores, en la qual es veu involucrat l’ensinistrador d’aus de caça Bernat Llemosí. Els testimonis que foren presentats per aclarir els fets permeten obtenir una informació molt valuosa, i en part inèdita, del que fou la pràctica d’aquesta art venatòria en el context de les illes Balears, i per extensió en l’Occident europeu. En aquest treball proposem una edició completa del document i en fem un estudi exhaustiu. Paraules clau: falconeria, Mallorca, governació, caça : In 1365 a lawsuit between the noblemen Berenguer of Galiana and Bernat Togores took place before the Court of the governor of Mallorca about the property of a falcon. Bernat Llemosí, a trainer of birds of prey, found himself involved in the case. The witnesses presented to clarify the facts provided really valuable information, and partly unknown, about the pra...
Zephyrus LXXIV, 2014
ENG: The discovery of two metal moulds for casting palstaves with two loops from Linares de Riofrio (Salamanca) is one of the most interesting evidence known for the study of the Late Bronze Age metallurgy in the Northern Spanish Plateau. However, the early dispersion of the moulds and the documentary problems surrounding the finding had so far hindered their proper study. This paper presents the results of a new formal, archaeometric and documentary review of the materials that are now contextualized within the framework of the Late Bronze Age metallurgical evidence in this region, particularly in the small group of metal moulds documented in the Peninsula Iberian for this period. ES: El hallazgo de dos moldes metálicos para la fundición de hachas de talón con dos anillas en Linares de Riofrío (Salamanca) constituye uno de los más interesantes testimonios conocidos para el estudio de la metalurgia del Bronce Final en la submeseta Norte. Sin embargo, la dispersión de las piezas y los problemas documentales que rodean al conjunto habían dificultado hasta la fecha su adecuado estudio. Este trabajo expone los resultados de una nueva revisión formal, arqueométrica y documental de los materiales, que se contextualizan en el marco de las evidencias metalúrgicas del Bronce Final en esta región y, concretamente, en el reducido grupo de moldes metálicos de este período documentados en la Península Ibérica.
Estudio arqueometalúrgico del depósito de hachas de talón de Distriz (Monforte de Lemos, Lugo)
Although the study of the Atlantic Late Bronze Age metalwork and its archaeometric characterization has a long history, there is much work to be done to be certain of our conclusions. The article presents the results of the archaeometric study of five twin-looped bronze palstaves which belong to the Distriz hoard (Monforte de Lemos, Lugo, Spain). The elemental characterization, using XRF, and lead isotopes analyses provide new data for the assessment and interpretation of the hoard, as well as for the metal provenance. The results obtained suggest that the lead used to cast the palstaves comes from the Gádor mountain range ores (Almería, Spain), located more than 700 km far from Distriz.
O depósito de machados de talón de Cabeiras (Arbo, Galiza) no contexto da bacía baixa do río Miño
We present the palstaves hoard of Cabeiras (parish of the same name, Arbo municipality and province of Pontevedra), who casually appeared in 1991 in a farm field and that has not been given know in detail. In the same way, we study other metal axes that appeared on the north side of the lower basin of the river Minho (Galicia). Finally, we carried out a spatial analysis of the location of the deposit and others metallic findings, both in relationship to areas of natural passage, either with archaeological settlements of the Late Bronze to the Iron Age transition.
El depósito de materiales de la Edad del Bronce de Gamonedo (Asturias)
Zephyrus Revista De Prehistoria Y Arqueologia, 1979
RESUMEN: El desprendimiento de tierras en un talud en las proximidades de Gamonedo-en la zona oriental de Asturias-puso al descubierto un depósito de materiales metálicos integrado por un hacha plana, una decena de lingotes de fundición y varios fragmentos metálicos informes. El lote puede considerarse como una ocultación de productos semiacabados, con un probable carácter de tesaurización. En el territorio donde se produjo el hallazgo son frecuentes las formaciones cupríferas, algunas explotadas ya durante la Edad del Bronce (Mina del Aramo), con las que pudiera guardar relación el depósito de Gamonedo. Los análisis espectrográficos de los materiales establecieron la composición de cobre con arsénico característica del Bronce Antiguo de la Península. A partir de estos datos y del estudio tipológico del conjunto podría fecharse el depósito de Gamonedo hacia mediados del segundo milenio a. de J. C. SUMMARY: A landslide in a talus near Gamonedo-in the eastern of Asturias-discovered a hoard of metal objects constiting of a flat axe, some ten smelted ingots and various metal fragments. The hoard can be considered as a stash of unfinished products (in a store). In the territory where the find was discovered copper formations are frequent, some already exploited from the Bronze Age (the Aramo mine) to which the Gamonedo hoard migth be related. Analyses by spectrographic of the objects established their composition as bein of copper with traces of arsenic characteristic of the Early Bronze Age of the Peninsula. From this data and the type study of the whole of Gamonedo hoard can be dated situated around the middle of the second millenium B.C.
This article introduces a new archaeological site linked to salt production during Prehistoric times. Few sites in the Iberian Peninsula are connected to the use of this abiotic resource—an essential part of life in preindustrial societies. The study of the area surrounding the Fuente Camacho salt mine, located about 12 km (7 miles) southeast of Loja, has led to the identification of a site connected to the use and exploitation of salt through ignition, a technique already documented at other sites of similar chronology on the peninsula.The Fuente Camacho salt mine site fills in the gaps of prehistoric salt extraction on the Iberian Peninsula and draws attention to this topic in Upper Andalusia, an area where this resource has not received the attention it deserves.