QUARESMA, J. C.; MARQUES, J., coords. (2015) - Contextos estratigráficos de época romana na Lusitania (de Augusto à Antiguidade Tardia), Actas do colóquio na Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses, a 24 de Novembro de 2012 (Monografias da Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses, 1). (original) (raw)

PIMENTA, J. (2014) – Os Contextos da conquista: Olisipo e Decimo Jvnio Bruto. In Atas do Congresso Internacional de Arqueologia Conquista e Romanização do Vale do Tejo. CIRA Arqueologia. N.º 3. Museu Municipal de Vila Franca de Xira, p. 44-60.

Summary: The Urban archaeology project of the Sanct Jorge Castle, for the first time in the city of Lisbon allow us to study the roman republican trade, since it was possible to identify a well preserved stratigraphy that permit to analyse the synchrony of the diferent anphorae tipes represented in the contexts. The stratigraphy study and the analyses of the imported materials, authorise us to propose a single phase to this period, that we date from the third quarter of the II century b. C. (150 - 125 b. C.). This chronology is compatible with the first roman big military expedition in the extreme occident of the Iberian Peninsula conducted by the proconsul of Ulterior Décimo Júnio Bruto in 138 b. C. This General developed is campaign from the Tagus valley using the city of Moron as base of operations and fortifying the city of Olisipo with the objective of dominating the river entrance and secure the supply to the army. The importation’s panorama of aliment products transported in amphora’s detected in the castle of Lisbon, documents some of the indispensable goods to the Mediterranean diet, such as wine, olive oil and fish sauces with different origins that reveals a intricate commercial net, that we are starting to unveil. The meaning of Olisipo importation’s during this period and the prevalence of the Italian 45 CIRA-ARQUEOLOGIA III – ATAS - CONGRESSO CONQUISTA E ROMANIZAÇÃO DO VALE DO TEJO Wine amphora’s from the Tyrrhenian cost from the Dressel 1 and Greco-Italic form’s have to be understood with the importance that the Institutional circuits of supply to the army have in the redistribution of this products. This observation is corroborated by the stratigraphy, were it wasn’t detected any tradition of commerce with the roman world previous to this phase, what indicates a rupture with the commercial traditions of the old city of the castle hill.