Contamination of the asteroid belt by primordial trans-Neptunian objects (original) (raw)
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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
V-type asteroids are a taxonomic class whose surface is associated with a basaltic composition. The only known source of V-type asteroids in the Main Asteroid Belt is (4) Vesta, which is located in the inner part of the Main Belt. However, many V-type asteroids cannot be dynamically linked to Vesta, in particular, those asteroids located in the middle and outer parts of the Main Belt. Previous works have failed to find mechanisms to transport V-type asteroids from the inner to the middle and outer belts. In this work, we propose a dynamical mechanism that could have acted on primordial asteroid families. We consider a model of the giant planet migration known as the jumping Jupiter model with five planets. Our study is focused on the period of 10 Myr that encompasses the instability phase of the giant planets. We show that, for different hypothetical Vesta-like paleo-families in the inner belt, the perturbations caused by the ice giant that is scattered into the asteroid belt before being ejected from the Solar system are able to scatter V-type asteroids to the middle and outer belts. Based on the orbital distribution of V-type candidates identified from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the VISTA Survey colours, we show that this mechanism is efficient enough provided that the hypothetical paleo-family originated from a 100 to 500 km crater excavated on the surface of (4) Vesta. This mechanism is able to explain the currently observed V-type asteroids in the middle and outer belts, with the exception of (1459) Magnya.
The Primordial Excitation and Clearing of the Asteroid Belt
Icarus, 2001
In this paper, we use N -body integrations to study the effect that planetary embryos spread between ∼0.5 and 4 AU would have on primordial asteroids. The most promising model for the formation of the terrestrial planets assumes the presence of such embryos at the time of formation of Jupiter. At the end of their runaway growth phase, the embryos are on quasi-circular orbits, with masses comparable to that of the Moon or Mars. Due to gravitational interactions among them, and with the growing Jupiter, their orbits begin to cross each other, and they collide, forming bigger bodies. A general outcome of this model is that a few planets form in a stable configuration in the terrestrial planet region, while the asteroid belt is cleared of embryos. Due to combined gravitational perturbations from Jupiter and the embryos, the primordial asteroids are dynamically excited. Most of the asteroids are ejected from the system in a very short time, the dynamical lifetime being on the order of 1 My. A few asteroids (less than 1%) survive, mostly in the region 2.8-3.3 AU, and their eccentricity and inclination distribution qualitatively resembles the observed one. The surviving asteroids have undergone changes in semimajor axis of several tenths of an AU, which could explain the observed radial mixing of asteroid taxonomic types. When the distribution of massive embryos is truncated at 3 AU, we obtain too many asteroids in the outer part of the belt, especially too many Hildas. This suggests that the formation of Jupiter did not prohibit the formation of large embryos in the outer belt and Jupiter did not accrete them while it was still growing.
Migration of Jupiter-Family Comets and Resonant Asteroids to Near-Earth Space
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2004
The orbital evolution of about 20000 Jupiter-crossing objects and 1500 resonant asteroids under the gravitational influence of planets was investigated. The rate of their collisions with the terrestrial planets was estimated by computing the probabilities of collisions based on randomphase approximations and the orbital elements sampled with a 500 yr step. The Bulirsh-Stoer and a symplectic orbit integrators gave similar results for orbital evolution, but sometimes gave different collision probabilities with the Sun. For orbits close to that of Comet 2P, the mean collision probabilities of Jupiter-crossing objects with the terrestrial planets were greater by two orders of magnitude than for some other comets. For initial orbital elements close to those of Comets 2P, 10P, 44P and 113P, a few objects (∼0.1%) got Earth-crossing orbits with semi-major axes a<2 AU and moved in such orbits for more than 1 Myr (up to tens or even hundreds of Myrs). Some of them even got inner-Earth orbits (i.e., with aphelion distance Q<0.983 AU) and Aten orbits. Most former trans-Neptunian objects that have typical near-Earth object orbits moved in such orbits for millions of years (if they did not disintegrate into mini-comets), so during most of this time they were extinct comets.
Dynamical and physical properties of comet--asteroid transition objects
Astronomy and Astrophysics
In the last few years it has been pointed out that, from both physical and dynamical point of view, it is becoming more and more difficult to distinguish comets from asteroids and indeed there are some examples of small bodies first designated as comets which had, later, to be reclassified as asteroids and vice versa . In order to investigate the evolutionary path of comets and asteroids in terms of both dynamical and physical properties, we performed spectroscopic observations of three objects discovered between 1990 and 1995 -(6042) 1990 WW 2 , (6144) 1994 EQ 3 , and 1995 QY 2 -and analyzed their orbital evolution. Obtained spectra show the typical trend of low-albedo, "primitive" objects, similar to those of outer-belt asteroids and comet nuclei. The dynamical analysis shows that (6042) 1990 WW 2 is on a stable orbit with a typical asteroidal behavior; (6144) 1994 EQ 3 is on a Jupitercrossing chaotic orbit and in the past could have spent some time in a Jupiter's horsehoe orbit; 1995 QY 2 is a Mars crosser and librates about the 15/7 resonance with Jupiter and has a 40% chance to make a transition from asteroid to comet orbit over a timescale of about 3-5×10 5 yr.
Constraining the cometary flux through the asteroid belt during the late heavy bombardment
In the Nice model, the late heavy bombardment (LHB) is related to an orbital instability of giant planets which causes a fast dynamical dispersion of a transneptunian cometary disk. We study effects produced by these hypothetical cometary projectiles on main-belt asteroids. In particular, we want to check whether the observed collisional families provide a lower or an upper limit for the cometary flux during the LHB. We present an updated list of observed asteroid families as identified in the space of synthetic proper elements by the hierarchical clustering method, colour data, albedo data and dynamical considerations and we estimate their physical parameters. We selected 12 families which may be related to the LHB according to their dynamical ages. We then used collisional models and N-body orbital simulations to gain insight into the long-term dynamical evolution of synthetic LHB families over 4 Gyr. We account for the mutual collisions between comets, main-belt asteroids, and family members, the physical disruptions of comets, the Yarkovsky/YORP drift in semimajor axis, chaotic diffusion in eccentricity/inclination, or possible perturbations by the giant-planet migration. Assuming a "standard" size-frequency distribution of primordial comets, we predict the number of families with parent-body sizes D PB ≥ 200 km -created during the LHB and subsequent ≃ 4 Gyr of collisional evolution -which seems consistent with observations. However, more than 100 asteroid families with D PB ≥ 100 km should be created at the same time which are not observed. This discrepancy can be nevertheless explained by the following processes: i) asteroid families are efficiently destroyed by comminution (via collisional cascade), ii) disruptions of comets below some critical perihelion distance (q 1.5 AU) are common. Given the freedom in the cometary-disruption law, we cannot provide stringent limits on the cometary flux, but we can conclude that the observed distribution of asteroid families does not contradict with a cometary LHB.
Collisional and Rotational Disruption of Asteroids
Advanced Science Letters, 2011
Asteroids are leftover pieces from the era of planet formation that help us understand conditions in the early Solar System. Unlike larger planetary bodies that were subject to global thermal modification during and subsequent to their formation, these small bodies have kept at least some unmodified primordial material from the solar nebula. However, the structural properties of asteroids have been modified considerably since their formation. Thus, we can find among them a great variety of physical configurations and dynamical histories. In fact, with only a few possible exceptions, all asteroids have been modified or completely disrupted many times during the age of the Solar System. This picture is supported by data from space mission encounters with asteroids that show much diversity of shape, bulk density, surface morphology, and other features. Moreover, the gravitational attraction of these bodies is so small that some physical processes occur in a manner far removed from our common experience on Earth. Thus, each visit to a small body has generated as many questions as it has answered. In this review we discuss the current state of research into asteroid disruption processes, focusing on collisional and rotational mechanisms. We find that recent advances in modeling catastrophic disruption by collisions have provided important insights into asteroid internal structures and a deeper understanding of asteroid families. Rotational disruption, by tidal encounters or thermal effects, is responsible for altering many smaller asteroids, and is at the origin of many binary asteroids and oddly shaped bodies.
The recent breakup of an asteroid in the main-belt region
Nature, 2002
The present population of asteroids in the main belt is largely the result of many past collisions. Ideally, the asteroid fragments resulting from each impact event could help us understand the large-scale collisions that shaped the planets during early epochs. Most known asteroid fragment families, however, are very old and have therefore undergone significant collisional and dynamical evolution since their formation. This evolution has masked the properties of the original collisions. Here we report the discovery of a family of asteroids that formed in a disruption event only 5.8 +/- 0.2 million years ago, and which has subsequently undergone little dynamical and collisional evolution. We identified 39 fragments, two of which are large and comparable in size (diameters of approximately 19 and approximately 14 km), with the remainder exhibiting a continuum of sizes in the range 2-7 km. The low measured ejection velocities suggest that gravitational re-accumulation after a collision...
The Main Asteroid Belt: The Primary Source of Debris on Comet-like Orbits
The Planetary Science Journal, 2021
Jupiter-family comets (JFCs) contribute a significant amount of debris to near-Earth space. However, telescopic observations of these objects seem to suggest that they have short physical lifetimes. If this is true, the material generated will also be short-lived, but fireball observation networks still detect material on cometary orbits. This study examines centimeter-to-meter-scale sporadic meteoroids detected by the Desert Fireball Network from 2014 to 2020 originating from JFC-like orbits. Analyzing each event’s dynamic history and physical characteristics, we confidently determined whether they originated from the main asteroid belt or the trans-Neptunian region. Our results indicate that <4% of sporadic meteoroids on JFC-like orbits are genetically cometary. This observation is statistically significant and shows that cometary material is too friable to survive in near-Earth space. Even when considering shower contributions, meteoroids on JFC-like orbits are primarily from ...