Análise de correspondência para avaliação do perfil de mulheres na pós-menopausa e o uso da terapia de reposição hormonal (original) (raw)
2004, Cadernos de Saúde Pública
This study illustrates the use of corre s p o nd e n c e analysis to identify distinct profiles chara c t e rizing hormone replacement therapy (HRT ) users and non-users, a l l owing the visualization of concurrent characteristics associated with this self-selection pro c e s s . We analyze d c ross-sectional information provided by 195 women re p o rting natural menopause, a m o n g 2,240 participants in the Pro-Saude Study (Rio de Ja n e i ro, Bra z i l ) . Non-users had an unfavo rable pro f i l e , including greater weight gain during adult life, older age, later menopause, and less schooling. This analytic tool should be used more ex t e n s i vely in public health res e a rc h , in ex p l o ra t o ry analyses of the re l a t i o n s among a large number of variables in key popu l a t i o n s .