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Optimizing Orientation by GCP Refinement of Very High Resolution IKONOS Satellite Images
Nepalese Journal on Geoinformatics - 9, 2067
The Rational Polynomial Coef! cients (RPC) provided with the IKONOS images contains a large error and they need Ground Control Point (GCP) re!nement. To present the technique of re!nement of RPCs by the application of some appropriate transformation algorithm with some suitable number of GCPs in proper constellation in an optimal way to achieve high geometric accuracy during spatial data acquisition from IKONOS stereo image is the objective of this paper. From this study it was found that GCP re!nement of RPCs by af! ne transformation with four GCPs in proper constellation is optimal for the orientation of the image pair under study, it was also found that at least two redundant GCPs are necessary for proper re!nement by a particular transformation algorithm.
Rigorous and Non-Rigorous Photogrammetric Processing of Ikonos Geo Image
Although Ikonos imagery has been commercially available since early 2000, the use of this imagery and especially the scientific investigations on its potential use in various applications have been affected by various points, the main ones are related to the policy of Space Imaging and also high spatial, spectral, temporal and radiometric resolutions of Ikonos image as well as flexible viewing capability of the satellite. Geopositioning accuracy of Ikonos panchromatic Geo image is investigated in this paper. The DLT, SDLT, 3D affine and orbital parameter model been applied in tests with Ikonos Geo image. The test area considered covers Hamedan city of Iran. Taking into account the quality of the ground control, an optimal planimetric accuracy of 0.89m was achieved using an orbital parameter model.
Geometric Conditions of Space Imagery for Mapping
From the test field Zonguldak different high and very high resolution optical satellite images are available like TK350, ASTER, KOMPSAT-1, IRS-1C, SPOT 5, KVR1000, IKONOS and QuickBird. The images partially have been achieved as close to original images (level 1A) and partially projected to a plane with constant object height (level 1B). For some images, based on direct sensor information, a good image orientation is given which for some only has to be improved by a shift in X and Y, while for others only rough orientations are distributed. In addition sometimes the orientation has to be improved by additional parameters to compensate systematic geometric effects. Some orientation information of IKONOS- and QuickBird-images is available also as rational polynomial coefficients (RPCs), describing the relation between the image and the object coordinates by a ration of polynomials. The different orientation procedures are described with their advantages and disadvantages. In most cases sub-pixel accuracy was possible. The orientation of some images could be made with different procedures leading to similar results for a sufficient number of well distributed control points. But with a smaller number and also not well distributed control points quite different results have been achieved leading to the clear result that a correct mathematical model, using the available information of the image orientation should be used. This can be done with a geometric reconstruction of the image geometry or sensor oriented rational polynomial coefficients (RPCs) while for the 3D-affinity transformation more and well distributed control points are required. The DLT-method and the terrain dependent RPCs should not be used.
3D Geometric Modelling of IKONOS Geo Images
Digital elevation model (DEM) extracted from IKONOS along-track stereo images with photogrammetric method is evaluated. As few as 12 GCPs are enough for the stereo photogrammetric bundle adjustment, which also filters the errors of the input data. With an area-based image matching users may produce high resolution DEMs with LE68 errors of 1 m to 4 m depending on the land covers. The best results (1.1 m-2.6 m) are obtained in bare soils, lakes, residential areas and sparse forests. The surface elevation of some of the areas (residential/ forests) did not affect too much the errors because the 1-2-storey houses in residential areas are sparse or because the images were acquired when there is no leave in the deciduous forests. An error evaluation as a function of the slope azimuths shows that the DEM error in sun-facing slopes is 1-m smaller than the DEM error in slopes away from the sun. 5-10 m contour lines could thus be derived with the highest topographic standard.
The number of high resolution satellite sensors for mapping applications is growing fast. Successful exploitation of the high accuracy potential of these systems depends on good mathematical models for the sensor modelling. High resolution image data increases the need for higher accuracy data modelling. The satellite orbit, position, attitude angles and interior orientation parameters have to be adjusted in the geometrical model to achieve optimum accuracy with the use of minimum number of Ground Control Points (GCPs). But most of high resolution satellite vendors do not intend to publish their sensor models and ephemeris data. At present, however, the necessary camera model and precise ephemeris data for Ikonos have not been published. There is consequently a need for a range of alternative practical approaches for extracting accurate terrain information from Ikonos imagery. Geopositioning accuracy of Ikonos panchromatic Geo image is investigated in this paper. Rational functions,...
Mathematical modeling of IKONOS GEO image
… mapping from space (with special emphasis …
This paper presented a rigorous mathematical model based on orbital parameters for correction of the geo-rectified images such as Ikonos Geo, where the geometry of image at the time of imaging is lost and minimum information regarding the satellite movement in its orbit is available. ...
The Photogrammetric Record, 2006
The main objective of this paper is to compare two types of physical sensor models of linear pushbroom satellite images: one that uses position and rotation angles as model parameters and one that uses orbit and attitude angles as model parameters. Comparison is carried out by two accuracy measures: the accuracy of bundle adjustments and the accuracy of estimating exterior orientation parameters. The first measure has been used widely to indicate the mapping accuracy of sensor models. It is argued that the second measure is also important for certain applications. The two types were implemented with different sets of unknown parameters and tested with two KOMPSAT-1 Earth Observing Camera (EOC) scenes and GPS-derived control points. In terms of the first measure the two models produced similar results whereas in terms of the second measure the one based on orbit and attitude outperformed the other. It seems better to use this model if one wishes to retrieve satellite orbit or attitude through bundle adjustments.
Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing, 2003
In the absence of sensor calibration and satellite orbit information for Ikonos satellite imagery, empirical methods have to be adopted for the geometric correction of the images. This paper addresses two major terrain related issues. First, the paper focuses on the effects of terrain variation on the rectification accuracy of Ikonos images using various two-dimensional (2D) transformation models. It was found that (1) the accuracy of rectified coordinates is significantly affected by elevation differences-the greater the differences, the lower the rectified accuracy; (2) for higher accuracy results, ground control points (GCPs) should be projected to a compensation plane before 2D transformation models are applied; and an accuracy of about 0.5 m RMS error can be gained from rectified Ikonos images by utilizing most 2D transformation models when accurate ground control points are available.
Geometric accuracy of IKONOS Geo panchromatic orthoimage products
The new very high space resolution satellite images, such as QuickBird and IKONOS, open new possibilities in cartographic applications. This work has as its main aim the assessment of different sensor models for achieving the best geometric accuracy in orthorectified imagery products obtained from IKONOS Geo Ortho Kit Imagery. Two dimensional Root Mean Square Error (RMSE 2D ) is computed and utilized as accuracy indicator. The ancillary data were generated by high accuracy methods: (1) Check (ICPs) and control points (GCPs) were measured with a differential global positioning system (DGPS) and, (2) a digital elevation model (DEM) with grid spacing of 5 m derived from digitized contour lines with an interval of 10 m and extracted from the 1:10,000 Andalusia Topographic Maps series (RMSEz<1.75 m), was used for image orthorectification process. Four sensor models were used to correct the satellite data: (1) First order 3D rational functions without vendor image support data (RFM1), (2) 3D rational functions refined by the user with zero order polynomial adjustment (RPC0), (3) 3D rational functions refined by the user with first order polynomial adjustment (RPC1), and (4) the 3D Toutin physical model (CCRS). The number of control points per orthorectified imagery (9 and 18 GCPs) and their distribution (random and stratified random sampling) were studied as well. The best results, both in the phase of sensor orientation (RMSE O about 0.59 m) as in the final orthoimages (RMSE ORTHO about 1.25 m), were obtained when the model RPC0 was used. Neither a large number of GCPs (more than nine) nor a better distribution (stratified random sampling) improved the results obtained from RPC0.
Boletim de Ciências Geodésicas, 2019
In this paper a novel model to orient a pushbroom linear optical satellite image is proposed. This one is based in the adaptation of the Orbit-Attitude model for use of the Modified UCL Kepler platform model. It has only the components of satellite position and velocity as unknowns. This implies not only the reduction of unknowns but also the elimination of initial adjustments of the orbit to estimate the polynomial parameters. In order to validate the model, four experiments were conducted using one HRC-CBERS 2B image. Two distributions of ground controls points (GCPs) were tested, 70 and 35 GCPs. A quantity of 43 check points (CPs) was used to analyze the planimetric accuracies of the orientations. For comparisons purpose the image was also oriented with platform model using 2 nd order polynomial. The results showed that the planimetric accuracy difference in the use of the two models is 4 and 6 centimeters in the two mentioned configurations of GCPs, respectively. However, the main advantage of applying the proposed model is the direct use of ephemeris without the necessity of interpolations and preadjustments, which makes the orientation process simpler.