Automated Over Speeding Detection and Reporting System (original) (raw)

Design of Electronic System for Speed Detection of Vehicles

This paper proposes a novel vehicle speed identification electronic system, which is cost effective and simple. The number of vehicles on the roads is increasing day by day and it is vital to detect the speed of the vehicle to avoid the accidents. There are several methods reported in past for the speed detection using laser gun. However, those methods are costly and use complex algorithms. The countries with developed economies can afford the expensive technology however, the countries with the struggling economies still rely on the manual and semi-automated methods of vehicle speed detection. The proposed method is based on the images processing of the vehicle plate number, which are captured using camera. The experiments were performed to evaluate and validate the reliability of the proposed method. The results show that the proposed electronic system offers efficient in detecting the speed of vehicles at lower cost.



This project presents a device to detect rough driving on highways and to alert the traffic authorities in case of any violation. In past, lot of devices to detect rash driving on highways has been made. Most of the approaches require human concentration and involve a lot of effort, which is difficult to implement. In this project a system was design which is aimed at early detection and alert of dangerous vehicle driving patterns related to rash driving. The entire implementation requires an IR transmitter, an IR receiver, a control circuit and a buzzer. The speed limit is set by the police who use the system depending upon the traffic at the very location. The time taken by the vehicle to travel from one set point to the other is calculated by control circuit and displays that on seven segment displays. Moreover, if the vehicle crosses the speed limit, a buzzer sounds alerting the police. It is recommended that after the modeling of this project a real project like this should be designed and installed in the school environment for detecting speed limits of vehicles.

Automated Vehicle Noise and Over Speed Detection System

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022

This paper introduces an ongoing project on the surveillance of speed vehicles and which makes more noise on the road. Noise pollution created by vehicles on urban roads is becoming more severe. To enforce current measures, we developed a vehicular noise surveillance system including a vehicle speed measurement method. Samples of vehicular noise were recorded on-site using IR sensor. When IR Sensor detects more vehicle noise greater than 90 decibels, then the transmitter sends the data to the receiver. The receiver recieves the data then makes the RaspberryPi camera on. RaspberryPi camera captures the vehicle number plate and rider photo or video using OCR and the buzzer will turn on it gives the intimation and at the same time the data will store in cloud. License Platform Detection is a computer technology that enables us to identify digital images on the platform automatically. Different operations are covered in this system,such as imaging, number pad locations, alphanumeric character truncation and OCR. The final objective of the system is to construct and create efficient image processing procedures and techniques to position a licensing platter on the Open Computer View Library picture. It was used and implemented the K-NN algorithm and python programming language. The technology can be used in different industries such as security, highway speed detection, lighting violations, manuscript documents, automatic charging system, etc. Auto plate recognition is an integrated technology which identifies the auto licence plate. Auto plate auto recognition. Multiple applications include complex safety systems, public spaces, parking and urban traffic control. Automatic Vehicle License Plate Recognition (AVLPR) has undesirable aspects because of many effects, such as light and speed. This work presents an alternative technique to leverage free software for the implementation of AVLPR systems including Python and the Open Computer Vision (openCV). I.

Detection of Vehicle Speed in the Surveillance Videos

International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology IJRASET, 2020

Different reports suggested that maximum accidents occurred due to over speed, wrong side over take, lane changing and red light jump. All of these conditions should be thoroughly detected and analyzed by some automatic system. In this paper, an automatic technique for speed detection of vehicles and recognizing those vehicles which are over speeded could be detected in different scenarios through webcam video is proposed. Vehicle speed detection is one of the most advanced and the most significant part of an intelligent transportation. Old traditional vehicle speed detection methodologies are using infrared rays for speed detection, use of ultrasonic rays, using radar technology for speed detection and video image speed detection systems and so on. During the last many years, various new vehicle speed detection methods in video surveillance are discovered. With the increase in automobile use, the highway traffic has increased. At the current rate of increasing automobiles, speed determination has become a major concern in avoiding fatal accidents. It will be impossible to provide sufficient manual labour to control traffic at all the busy areas if the on-road vehicles keep increasing at the current rate. So there is need of some intelligent system that can detect these conditions and send detail to the local authority as well as the registered vehicle owner. The proposed vehicle speed detection system used digital image and video processing for vehicle speed detection in different illumination and weather conditions and tries to solve different issues that occurred in the past.



This project presents a device to detect rash driving on highways and to alert the traffic authorities in case of any violation. In past, lot of devices to detect rash driving on highways has been made. Most of the approaches require human concentration and involve a lot of effort, which is difficult to implement. In this paper we intend to design a system aimed at early detection and alert of dangerous vehicle driving patterns related to rash driving. The entire implementation requires an IR transmitter, an IR receiver, a control circuit, a surveillance camera and a buzzer. The speed limit is set by the police who use the system depending upon the traffic at the very location. The time taken by the vehicle to travel from one set point to the other is calculated by control circuit and displays that on seven segment displays. Moreover, if the vehicle crosses the speed limit, the surveillance camera takes a snapshot of the vehicle plate number and a buzzer sounds alerting the police.


In today's fast moving World, the accidents are increasing at a very fast rate. One of the major causes of these accidents is over speeding of vehicles. A major step has been taken rather to increase the road safety and to minimize the road accidents. It is estimated that by 2020, `the world ranking of burden of disease, as measured in disability adjusted life years. The prevention of road traffic injuries is of global public health importance. Measures aimed at reducing traffic speed are considered essential to preventing road injuries; the use of speed cameras is one of such measured. One of the major developments was the introduction of speed cameras. This camera usually containing radar is electronic devices that monitored the speed of moving vehicle which uses the principle of Doppler Effect.