Related papers
Spin 1/2 Fermions in the Unitary Regime: A Superfluid of a New Type
Physical Review Letters, 2006
We have studied, in a fully non-perturbative calculation, a dilute system of spin 1/2 interacting fermions, characterized by an infinite scattering length at finite temperatures. Various thermodynamic properties and the condensate fraction were calculated and we have also determined the critical temperature for the superfluid-normal phase transition in this regime. The thermodynamic behavior appears as a rather surprising and unexpected mélange of fermionic and bosonic features. The thermal response of a spin 1/2 fermion at the BCS-BEC crossover should be classified as that of a new type of superfluid. PACS numbers: 03.75.Ss
Influence of Induced Interactions on the Superfluid Transition in Dilute Fermi Gases
Physical Review Letters, 2000
We calculate the effects of induced interactions on the transition temperature to the BCS state in dilute Fermi gases. For a pure Fermi system with 2 species having equal densities, the transition temperature is suppressed by a factor (4e) 1/3 ≈ 2.2, and for ν fermion species, the transition temperature is increased by a factor (4e) ν/3−1 ≈ 2.2 ν−3 . For mixtures of fermions and bosons the exchange of boson density fluctuations gives rise to an attractive interaction, and we estimate the increase of the transition temperature due to this effect.
Critical Temperature and Thermodynamics of Attractive Fermions at Unitarity
Physical Review Letters, 2006
The unitarity regime of the BCS-BEC crossover can be realized by diluting a system of twocomponent lattice fermions with an on-site attractive interaction. We perform a systematic-errorfree finite-temperature simulations of this system by diagrammatic determinant Monte Carlo. The critical temperature in units of Fermi energy is found to be Tc/εF = 0.152(7). We also report the behavior of the thermodynamic functions, and discuss the issues of thermometry of ultracold Fermi gases.
Superfluidity in two-component fermionic systems
Eprint Arxiv 0705 1201, 2007
Different types of superfluid ground states have been investigated in systems of two species of fermions with Fermi surfaces that do not match. This study is relevant for cold atomic systems, condensed matter physics and quark matter. In this paper we consider this problem in the case the fermionic quasi-particles can transmute into one another and only their total number is conserved. We use a BCS approximation to study superconductivity in two-band metallic systems with inter and intra-band interactions. Tuning the hybridization between the bands varies the mismatch of the Fermi surfaces and produces different instabilities. For inter-band attractive interactions we find a first order normal-superconductor and a homogeneous metastable phase with gapless excitations. In the case of intra-band interactions, the transition from the superconductor to the normal state as hybridization increases is continuous and associated with a quantum critical point. The case when both interactions are present is also considered.
Molecular superfluid phase in systems of one-dimensional multicomponent fermionic cold atoms
Physical Review A, 2008
We study a simple model of N -component fermions with contact interactions which describes fermionic atoms with N = 2F + 1 hyperfine states loaded into a one-dimensional optical lattice. We show by means of analytical and numerical approaches that, for attractive interaction, a quasi-long-range molecular superfluid phase emerges at low density. In such a phase, the pairing instability is strongly suppressed and the leading instability is formed from bound-states made of N fermions. At small density, the molecular superfluid phase is generic and exists for a wide range of attractive contact interactions without an SU(N ) symmetry between the hyperfine states.
Physical Review Letters, 2007
We consider spin-1/2 fermions of mass m with interactions near the unitary limit. In an applied periodic potential of amplitude V and period aL, and with a density of an even integer number of fermions per unit cell, there is a second-order quantum phase transition between superfluid and insulating ground states at a critical V = Vc. We compute the universal ratio Vcma 2 L / 2 at N = ∞ in a model with Sp(2N) spin symmetry. The insulator interpolates between a band insulator of fermions and a Mott insulator of fermion pairs. We discuss implications for recent experiments.
Numerical study of the unitary Fermi gas across the superfluid transition
We present results from Monte Carlo calculations investigating the properties of the homogeneous, spin-balanced unitary Fermi gas in three dimensions. The temperature is varied across the superfluid transition allowing us to determine the temperature dependence of the chemical potential, the energy per particle and the contact density. Numerical artifacts due to finite volume and discretization are systematically studied, estimated, and reduced.
BCS thermal vacuum of fermionic superfluids and its perturbation theory
Scientific Reports
The thermal field theory is applied to fermionic superfluids by doubling the degrees of freedom of the BCS theory. We construct the two-mode states and the corresponding Bogoliubov transformation to obtain the BCS thermal vacuum. The expectation values with respect to the BCS thermal vacuum produce the statistical average of the thermodynamic quantities. The BCS thermal vacuum allows a quantum-mechanical perturbation theory with the BCS theory serving as the unperturbed state. We evaluate the leading-order corrections to the order parameter and other physical quantities from the perturbation theory. A direct evaluation of the pairing correlation as a function of temperature shows the pseudogap phenomenon, where the pairing persists when the order parameter vanishes, emerges from the perturbation theory. The correspondence between the thermal vacuum and purification of the density matrix allows a unitary transformation, and we found the geometric phase associated with the transformation in the parameter space.