D-branes in little string theory (original) (raw)
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D-branes in non-critical superstrings and duality in Script N = 1 gauge theories with flavor
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2006
We study D-branes in the superstring background IR 3,1 × SL(2, IR) k=1 /U (1) which are extended in the cigar direction. Some of these branes are new. The branes realize flavor in the four dimensional N = 1 gauge theories on the D-branes localized at the tip of the cigar. We study the analytic properties of the boundary conformal field theories on these branes with respect to their defining parameter and find non-trivial monodromies in this parameter. Through this approach, we gain a better understanding of the brane set-ups in ten dimensions involving wrapped NS5-branes. As one application, using the boundary conformal field theory description of the electric and magnetic D-branes, we can understand electric-magnetic (Seiberg) duality in N = 1 SQCD microscopically in a string theoretic context. P 2 , and vanishes at P 2 = 0. For other values of (J, M ), the corresponding boundary states set down in were studied in detail in . One aspect which was not very clear about these branes was whether they have a well-defined unitary self-overlap. 3 . We find here that one can indeed understand these branes systematically following the ideas of and there do exist branes with a unitary spectrum for values of J in the range 0 ≤ J ≤ 1 2 . These branes have a semiclassical interpretation of turning on a worldvolume two form flux in the region near the tip of the cigar. At J = 0, this value of the flux reaches a critical value and localizes at the tip, corresponding to forming a localized brane. In the quantum theory, this is seen in a relation between the boundary states which expresses the localized identity boundary state as a difference between the J = M = 0 and the 1 The branes which are Dirichlet in some of the flat directions are also interesting, they give rise to non-perturbative effects like domain walls and instantons [8] in the gauge theories. 2 These are similar to the ZZ [14] and FZZT [15,16] branes in Liouville theory; in fact the relation between them is more than an analogy [17]. 3 It was noticed [18] that for real values of J ∈ ( 1 4 , 1 2 ], the self-overlaps are well-defined.
We study D-branes in the superstring background IR × SL(2, IR)k=1/U(1) which are extended in the cigar direction. Some of these branes are new. The branes realize flavor in the four dimensional N = 1 gauge theories on the D-branes localized at the tip of the cigar. We study the analytic properties of the boundary conformal field theories on these branes with respect to their defining parameter and find non-trivial monodromies in this parameter. Through this approach, we gain a better understanding of the brane set-ups in ten dimensions involving wrapped NS5-branes. As one application, using the boundary conformal field theory description of the electric and magnetic D-branes, we can understand electric-magnetic (Seiberg) duality in N = 1 SQCD microscopically in a string theoretic context. MIRAMARE – TRIESTE June 2006 smurthy@ictp.it troost@lpt.ens.fr ∗Unité mixte du CNRS et de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure, UMR 8549.
D-branes in non-critical superstrings and duality in N=1 gauge theories with flavor
We study D-branes in the superstring background R^3,1× SL(2,R)_k=1/U(1) which are extended in the cigar direction. Some of these branes are new. The branes realize flavor in the four dimensional N=1 gauge theories on the D-branes localized at the tip of the cigar. We study the analytic properties of the boundary conformal field theories on these branes with respect to their defining parameter and find non-trivial monodromies in this parameter. Through this approach, we gain a better understanding of the brane set-ups in ten dimensions involving wrapped NS5-branes. As one application, using the boundary conformal field theory description of the electric and magnetic D-branes, we can understand electric-magnetic (Seiberg) duality in N=1 SQCD microscopically in a string theoretic context.
The D1–D5 brane system in Type I String Theory
Physics Letters B, 1999
We construct the supergravity solution for the intersecting D1-D5 brane system in Type I String Theory. The solution encodes the dependence on all the electric charges of the SO(32) gauge group. We discuss the near horizon geometry of the solution and a proposed dual (0, 4) superconformal field theory.
Holographic approach to deformations of NS5-brane distributions and exact CFTs
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008
We consider general planar deformations of a circular distribution of NS5-branes. The near-horizon region of the latter admits, after a T-duality transformation, an exact conformal-field-theory description in terms of the coset model SU(2)/U(1) × SL(2, R)/U(1). We derive the exactly marginal operators corresponding to an infinitesimal planar deformation using the conjectured holography between the coset model and the little string theory that resides on the worldvolume of the NS5-branes. Subsequently, we perform a complementary analysis of the same deformations using the associated N = 1 supersymmetric σ model and verify the holographic correspondence. We explicitly demonstrate a precise match between the two approaches which rests upon a delicate interplay between exact conformalfield-theory operators and their semiclassical realizations in terms of target-space variables.
M-Theory and Quantum Geometry, 2000
In these lectures we present a detailed description of the origin and of the construction of the boundary state that is now widely used for studying the properties of D branes.
In these lectures we review the properties of a boosted and rotated boundary state and of a boundary state with an abelian gauge field deriving from it the Dirac-Born-Infeld action and a newly constructed class of classical solutions. We also review the construction of the boundary state for the stable non-BPS state of type I theory corresponding to the perturbative state present at the first excited level of the SO(32) heterotic string and transforming according to the spinor representation of SO(32) (Lectures presented at the YITP Workshop on ``Developments in Superstring and M-theory'', Kyoto, Japan, October 1999).
Instanton-monopole correspondence from M-branes on<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline">mml:msup<mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">Smml:mn1and little string theory
Physical review, 2016
We study BPS excitations in M5-M2-brane configurations with a compact transverse direction, which are also relevant for type IIa and IIb little string theories. These configurations are dual to a class of toric elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau manifolds X N with manifest SL(2, Z)×SL(2, Z) modular symmetry. They admit two dual gauge theory descriptions. For both, the non-perturbative partition function can be written as an expansion of the topological string partition function of X N with respect to either of the two modular parameters. We analyze the resulting BPS counting functions in detail and find that they can be fully constructed as linear combinations of the BPS counting functions of M5-M2-brane configurations with non-compact transverse directions. For certain M2-brane configurations, we also find that the free energies in the two dual theories agree with each other, which points to a new correspondence between instanton and monopole configurations. These results are also a manifestation of T-duality between type IIa and IIb little string theories.
In these lectures we present a detailed description of the origin and of the construction of the boundary state that is now widely used for studying the properties of D branes. (Lectures given at NATO-ASI on "Quantum Geometry" in Akureyri, Iceland, August 1999)