Geometric phases for SU (3) representations and three level quantum systems


A comprehensive analysis of the pattern of geometric phases arising in unitary representations of the group SU(3) is presented. The structure of the group manifold, convenient local coordinate systems and their overlaps, and complete expressions for the Maurer-Cartan forms are described. Combined with a listing of all inequivalent continuous subgroups of SC/(3) and the general properties of dynamical phases associated with Lie group unitary representations, one finds that nontrivial dynamical phases arise only in three essentially different situations. The case of three level quantum systems, which is one of them, is examined in further detail and a generalization of the SU(3) solid angle formula is developed.

Orbits of quantum states and geometry of Bloch vectors for N -level systems

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 2004

Physical constraints such as positivity endow the set of quantum states with a rich geometry if the system dimension is greater than two. To shed some light on the complicated structure of the set of quantum states, we consider a stratification with strata given by unitary orbit manifolds, which can be identified with flag manifolds. The results are applied to study the geometry of the coherence vector for n-level quantum systems. It is shown that the unitary orbits can be naturally identified with spheres in R n 2 −1 only for n = 2. In higher dimensions the coherence vector only defines a non-surjective embedding into a closed ball. A detailed analysis of the three-level case is presented. Finally, a refined stratification in terms of symplectic orbits is considered.

Topological structures of adiabatic phase for multi-level quantum systems

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2007

The topological properties of adiabatic gauge fields for multi-level (three-level in particular) quantum systems are studied in detail. Similar to the result that the adiabatic gauge field for SU (2) systems (e.g. two-level quantum system or angular momentum systems, etc) have a monopole structure, the curvature two-forms of the adiabatic holonomies for SU (3) three-level and SU (3) eight-level quantum systems are shown to have monopole-like (for all levels) or instanton-like (for the degenerate levels) structures.

Geometric phase for mixed states: a differential geometric approach

The European Physical Journal C, 2004

A new definition and interpretation of geometric phase for mixed state cyclic unitary evolution in quantum mechanics are presented. The pure state case is formulated in a framework involving three selected Principal Fibre Bundles, and the well known Kostant-Kirillov-Souriau symplectic structure on (co) adjoint orbits associated with Lie groups. It is shown that this framework generalises in a natural and simple manner to the mixed state case. For simplicity, only the case of rank two mixed state density matrices is considered in detail. The extensions of the ideas of Null Phase Curves and Pancharatnam lifts from pure to mixed states are also presented. *

Bloch sphere-like construction of SU (3) Hamiltonians using unitary integration

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2009

The Bloch sphere is a familiar and useful geometrical picture of the time evolution of a single spin or a quantal two-level system. The analogous geometrical picture for three-level systems is presented, with several applications. The relevant SU(3) group and su(3) algebra are eight-dimensional objects and are realized in our picture as two four-dimensional manifolds that describe the time evolution operator. The first, called the base manifold, is the counterpart of the S 2 Bloch sphere, whereas the second, called the fiber, generalizes the single U(1) phase of a single spin. Now four-dimensional, it breaks down further into smaller objects depending on alternative representations that we discuss. Geometrical phases are also developed and presented for specific applications. Arbitrary time-dependent couplings between three levels or between two spins (qubits) with SU(3) Hamiltonians can be conveniently handled through these geometrical objects.

Ray space ‘Riccati’ evolution and geometric phases for N-level quantum systems

Pramana, 2007

We present a simple derivation of the matrix Riccati equations governing the reduced dynamics as one descends from the group U(N ) describing the Schrödinger evolution of an N -level quantum system to the various coset spaces and Grassmanian manifolds associated with it. The special case pertaining to the geometric phase in Nlevel systems is described in detail. Further, we show how the matrix Riccati equation thus obtained can be reformulated as an equation describing Hamiltonian evolution in a classical phase space and establish correspondences between the two descriptions.

Geometric phase in the G3+ quantum state evolution

When quantum mechanical qubits as elements of two dimensional complex Hilbert space are generalized to elements of even subalgebra of geometric algebra over three dimensional Euclidian space, geometrically formal complex plane becomes explicitly defined as an arbitrary, variable plane in 3D. The result is that the quantum state definition and evolution receive more detailed description, including clear calculations of geometric phase, with important consequences for topological quantum computing.

Symmetry theory in a two-level quantum system

Foundations of Physics, 1985

We develop the theory of symmetry for a two-level quantum system in oder to illustrate the main ideas of the general theory of symmetry in quantum theory. It is based on the diffeomorphism of the two-dimensional sphere S 2 onto the space of states CP 1 and the isomorphism between the groups P~(2) and SO3(~ ). In particular, rotational invariance leads to the appearance of the spin 1/2 in a natural way.

Geometric quantum mechanics

Journal of Geometry and Physics, 2001

The manifold of pure quantum states can be regarded as a complex projective space endowed with the unitary-invariant Riemannian geometry of Fubini and Study. According to the principles of geometric quantum mechanics, the detailed physical characteristics of a given quantum system can be represented by specific geometrical features that are selected and preferentially identified in this complex manifold. In particular, any specific feature of projective geometry gives rise to a physically realisable characteristic in quantum mechanics. Here we construct a number of examples of such geometrical features as they arise in the state spaces for spin-1 2 , spin-1, and spin-3 2 systems, and for pairs of spin-1 2 systems. A study is undertaken on the geometry of entangled states, and a natural measure is assigned to the degree of entanglement of a given state for a general multi-particle system. The properties of this measure are analysed in detail for the entangled states of a pair of spin-1 2 particles, thus enabling us to determine the structure of the space of maximally entangled states. With the specification of a quantum Hamiltonian, the resulting Schrödinger trajectories induce an isometry of the Fubini-Study manifold. For a generic quantum evolution, the corresponding Killing trajectory is quasiergodic on a toroidal subspace of the energy surface. When the dynamical trajectory is lifted orthogonally to Hilbert space, it induces a geometric phase shift on the wave function. The uncertainty of an observable in a given state is the length of the gradient vector of the level surface of the expectation of the observable in that state, a fact that allows us to calculate higher order corrections to the Heisenberg relations. A general mixed state is determined by a probability density function on the state space, for which the associated first moment is the density matrix. The advantage of the idea of a general state is in its applicability in various attempts to go beyond the standard quantum theory, some of which admit a natural phase-space characterisation.