NASA Global Hawk: Project Overview and Future Plans (Project Global Hawk) "DOC 2" (original) (raw)

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) have evolved rapidly over the past decade driven primarily by military uses, and have begun finding application among civilian users for earth sensing reconnaissance and scientific data collection purposes. Among UAS, promising characteristics are long flight duration, improved mission safety, flight repeatability due to improving autopilots, and reduced operational costs when compared to manned aircraft. The potential advantages of an unmanned platform, however, depend on many factors, such as aircraft, sensor types, mission objectives, and the current UAS regulatory requirements for operations of the particular platform. The regulations concerning UAS operation are still in the early development stages and currently present significant barriers to entry for scientific users. In this article we describe a variety of platforms, as well as sensor capabilities, and identify advantages of each as relevant to the demands of users in the scientific research sector. We also briefly discuss the current state of regulations affecting UAS operations, with the purpose of informing the scientific community about this developing technology whose potential for revolutionizing natural science observations is similar to those transformations that GIS and GPS brought to the community two decades ago.

Abstract Due to technological progress in the field of aviation and navigational satellite systems, automated remote control systems and the success role of an Unmanned Aircraft System (AUS) in military and security applications, as well as their use in some civilian uses, such as fighting forest fires, meteorological observations, scientific research, environmental protection, and other uses. Despite the attention of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) by maritime safety to reduce maritime accidents through modern technologies and the improvement of maritime conventions, which tightened its control over ship ՛s operators But she could not prevent maritime accidents that turn into disasters due to enormous loss of life especially mass passenger ship and illegal immigration accidents. The most important success of the (SAR) operations is time factors to face drowning and hypothermia throw quickly to respond by receiving distress signals, detecting distress position, collecting accident data to assess the situation, planning and response for (SAR) operations by rescue units. This research paper discusses the importance of the use of (AUS - SAR) operations since receiving a signal of distress and collect data of the accident. Then assess the situation and support the planning, handling monitoring and tracking (SAR) operations. (AUS - SAR) can light the sea at night and drop rescue equipment for the survivors until the arrival of rescue units. it can be used to monitor the body temperature of survivors at sea by thermal cameras. To achieve the main aims of the research to increase the efficiency of search and rescue operations and minimize the loss of life. KEYWORDS Search and rescue (SAR) operations - IMO - ICAO - Unmanned Aircraft System (AUS) – Classification OF UAV - Mass Rescue Operations - Mystery disaster & Investigation - MOB accident

I am pleased to present the following report, "Concept of Operations for U.S. Customs and Border Protection's (CBP) Predator 13 Unmanned Aircraft System." This report has been compiled in response to language in Section 544 of I louse Report I 11-298 accompanying the Fiscal Year 2010 Depar/ment of Homeland Securily Appropriations Act (P.L. 111 -83). The report provides a revised Concept of Operations (CONOPS) for unmanned aircratl systems (UAS) in the U.S. national airspace system f()r the purposes of border and maritime security operations, and includes any foreseeable challenges to the CONOPS.

In contrast to ground and manned aviation operations, recent RPAS missions have been conducted in a permissive air environment only, where Allied forces did not anticipate vigorous enemy Air Defence assets. Based on the assumption that in the future, NATO will be forced to deal with something other than an inferior or outgunned enemy, adversaries will have the capability and intent to oppose or disrupt NATO air operations and will represent a serious threat to Allied RPAS assets. Therefore, this study provides a detailed assessment of current RPAS components’ limitations and vulnerabilities, addressing operational, technical and legal questions. It outlines a vision of possible future conflict scenarios and compares these predicted threats with current capabilities. The study focuses on Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) and High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) RPAS. However, the identified risks and threats, as well as the given recommendations, may apply to other classes of RPAS as well.