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Pupils’ Scientific Research Activity Development in Comprehensive School: The Case of Lithuania
Journal of Baltic Science Education, 2009
The formation of scientific research activity (SRA) abilities in comprehensive school is undoubtedly, a very important sphere that has not received a proper attention yet. Current teaching and learning process has changed, in fact, from the point of view of paradigm – subjects taught are becoming a means of the realization of learners’ needs and interests. We cannot claim that we did not have this earlier, but for a long time in the teaching / learning process have been emphasized academic interests of some or the other scientific disciplines. Moreover, it has been determined, that Lithuanian people are the ones who are perhaps the least interested in science in the whole European Union and the least informed about scientific achievements (LMJS, 2008). Such situation stimulates to look for reasons. The most likely one is that not enough attention is paid to SRA in comprehensive school. It is understandable that SRA is much better developed outside the school boundaries, e.g. in vari...
The development of student abilities of scientific research activity (SRA) in the process of studies appears as a highly important area. In the course of studies, students not only increase their general competencies, acquire professional abilities and skills but also learn to conduct research. This does not mean that all students will build their careers in the field of scientific research in the future. The present life, labour market, the complexity of technology, etc. require at least minimum competencies in carrying out investigation. SRA should be universally stimulated and developed. Scientific research activity is not an entertainment but responsible, thorough work requiring a lot of self-independence. Such activity promotes student analytical thinking, the abilities of searching and using information are formed, they learn how to analyse the collected material, prepare reports, make research presentations, etc. The conducted qualitative research involved graduated students – pre-service teachers of sciences studying at Lithuanian universities. The research was conducted in January-February 2016 and based on the constructivist paradigm, suggesting that knowledge was not the final or uniform product. Teaching is an effective tool when students gain information thus stimulating active cognitive processes. The performed research has demonstrated that SRA questions remain crucial, the organization of such activity has specific weaknesses and improvement is not always carried out deliberately and purposefully, because the context, environment, conditions and requirements for education in general may differ. Improvement on SRA is not possible without empirical data based on the status. The research has revealed student understanding of SRA, its key strengths and weaknesses as well as allowed assessing the significance of such activity on the professional training of the pre-service teacher and on improving guidelines.
Scientific research activity organisation and improvement in a primary school
Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education, 1792-3999 (electronic), 1791-261X (print), 2018
Scientific research activity (SRA) is very important in an early natural science education process. Basically, it comprises primary general education school. Natural science education process construction based on experimental-research activity is acknowledged at an international level as an effective educational approach. However, it is still very little/not enough known about teachers' position (opinion) concerning research activity aims, research activity organisation and realisation, scientific research competence of the teachers themselves. The main students' SRA organisation aim is to give an opportunity for the students themselves to try scientific method application, in this way acquiring and broadening natural science knowledge. Such an activity in its turn is undoubtedly practical and requires students' creativity and proper motivation. The conducted research aim was to analyse primary class teachers' position in the scientific research activity sphere (personal ability to organise and carry out students' research activity evaluation, revealing the most important limitations, understanding of SRA importance and ways of improvement). 60 primary class teachers from more than 25 Lithuanian general education schools participated in the research. Data were analysed using a content analysis method. It has been stated, that most of the teachers value their abilities in SRA as satisfactory, though they treat the importance of SRA itself in education process as very significant. The essential factors hindering SRA development in a primary school were ascertained, i.e. supply limitations related to material and financial difficulties and organisational/ human factors.
Scientific research activity (SRA) of the future nature subject teachers during university studies is a significant their professionality / skilfulness component. Teacher research activity at school and education quality improvement are directly related. On the other hand, teacher as a researcher (research) competence is formed not only during studies at university or performing pedagogical practices, but also during continual professional improvement activities, as for example, reflexive research. It is obvious, that learners’ scientific research activity is one of the main activity directions in natural science education process. Such activity effectiveness, and also natural science education quality for the most part guarantees properly prepared teacher. A qualitative research was performed, in which 84 two Lithuanian university bachelor and master study programme students participated. The main research aim is to analyse SRA significance to teacher profession, contribution to professional readiness, and also to evaluate study process favourableness to scientist (researcher) career choice and personal student readiness for SRA. Data analysis was carried out applying content analysis method. It has been stated, that the biggest part of respondents relate SRA with professional improvement, and essential such activity contribution is professional readiness improvement (knowledge acquisition, experience and competence development). It has been fixed, that study process is partly favourable, however unsuitable conditions, teachers’ lack of interest and unfocused orientation to career hinder its improvement. Regardless of the fact that 50 % of research participants evaluated their personal readiness to participate in SRA as improper, still the attitude to researcher career remains positive.
The researchers of educational faculties conduct educational research, pure scientific research or discipline-based educational research as to their interest. All of these researches are important and contribute to the improvement of these faculties. However, as these faculties take the name of education, there are some opinions that show educational and discipline-based educational research should be more focused on. On the other hand, pure scientific researchers believe that the kernel of science is pure scientific research. Based on these arguments, this study tried to give voice to researchers of educational faculties. Thus, the aim of this study is to identify researchers' perceptions of scientific research (SR), pure scientific research (PSR), educational research (ER) and discipline-based educational research (DBER). To achieve this goal, phenomenology was carried out. The sample was formed through maximum variation sampling. The participants of the study consisted of 10 researchers working at Atatürk University Kâzım Karabekir Education Faculty. The data obtained through semi-structured interviews were analyzed through content analysis. The findings showed that the researchers described the SR as a systematic process of gathering and analyzing data; PSR as theoretical research which tried to understand the nature of a discipline; ER as an applied research related to education and training; and DBER as a combination of ER and PSR. Moreover, it was seen that the researchers believed that DBER did not contribute to the educational system of country due to some reasons such as policy and lack of DBER researchers.
The Effectiveness of “Research Methods in Educational Sciences” Course
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of efficiency of Research Methods in Education Science course on the process of students ’investigation. A total of 147 graduate students who taked Research Methods in Educational Sciences course at Ataturk University Institute of Educational Sciences during the period of time that covers from 2009 to 2010 participated in this study. Maximum variation sampling as one of the purposive sampling techniques is conducted to collect sample from the population which consists of the master’s and PhD students who have already taken the course. Phenomenology is predicated on the study and the data are collected through the half-structured interviews with four respondents determined in the sample. The data collected are analyzed with content analysis. Finally; Research Methods in Educational Sciences course meets the expectations in methods-technique, research question and deciding on data collection tools, and the concepts of valid...
Junior Academy of Sciences Participation as Attractiveness Factor of the Ukrainian Schools
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
Comprehensive integrated program of economic and legal training for students of the specialized economic and legal school (SEPSH) of the National Academy of Sciences]. Kharkiv, 101 p. 3. Mal'tsev, V. M. (ed.). (2002). Yntehryrovannaya prohramma nepreryvnoy pravovoy podhotovky v Khar'kovskom humanytarnom unyversytete «Narodnaya ukraynskaya akademyya» [Integrated program of continuous legal training atKharkiv Humanitarian University «People's Ukrainian Academy»]. Khar'kov, 112 р. Астахов Віктор Вікторович. Формування правової культури в системі освіти. Однією з найважливіших основ правової соціальної держави виступає правова культура та активна правомірна поведінка, для формування яких необхідне правове виховання, основна мета якого, у свою чергу, дати людині необхідні в житті юридичні знання та навчити її поважати та дотримуватися законів та інших нормативно-правових актів. тобто сформувати досить високий рівень правової культури, здатний значно зменшити кількість правопорушень і в цілому сприяти вирішенню нагальних соціально-економічних проблем. Досвід Народної української академії наочно демонструє, що правова освіта, будучи складовою системи освіти та маючи подібні до загальної освіти цілі, має залишатися найважливішою складовою фундаменту, на якому формується високий рівень культури індивідуума, в тому числі і правової культури, його ціннісні орієнтири та активна позиція як члена громадянського суспільства, що успішно підтверджують як кар'єрні, так і загалом життєві успіхи випускників НУА. Ключові слова: правова освіта, правова культура, безперервна правова підготовка. Astakhov Victor. Formation of legal culture in the education system. One of the most important foundations of a legal social state is a legal culture and active lawful behavior, the formation of which requires legal education, the main purpose of which, in turn, is to give a person the necessary legal knowledge in life and teach him to respect and comply with laws and other regulatory legal acts. , that is, to form a sufficiently high level of legal culture that can significantly reduce the number of offenses and, in general, contribute to the resolution of pressing socioeconomic problems. The experience of the People's Ukrainian Academy clearly demonstrates that legal education, being an integral part of the education system and having goals similar to general education, should remain the most important component of the foundation on which a high level of individual culture is formed, including legal culture, its value orientations and active position as a member of civil society, which is successfully confirmed by both the career and life successes of PUA graduates in general.
Science and technology education for the 21st century: Research and research oriented studies , 2014
The formation of scientific research activity (SRA) abilities at university is undoubtedly, a very important sphere that has not received a proper attention yet. SRA should be highly stimulated and developed, particularly at the university level. Scientific research activity is not an entertainment but responsible, thorough work requiring a lot of self-independence. The research was carried out between October 2013 to April 2014. The method of the research was expert survey (‘Delphi study’). It was found that a sufficiently favourable environment is created in universities for carrying out students’ scientific researches. However, seeking to develop students’ scientific research activity, it is necessary to modernize the studies, bringing them nearer to scientific activity, to search for new study forms and methods. Some important factors, strengthening students’ motivation to actively participate in scientific research activity have been identified. It was also found that lecturer’s experience and attention to student’s scientific activity often has a decisive influence on student.