Апостол Петр и «акакианская схизма» [Apostle Peter and the ‘Acacian Schism’] (original) (raw)
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Кирило-Методиеви Студии № 31, 137-159, 2021
The article describes the liturgical peculiarities of the Acathist to the Mother of God contained in a Russian Psalter of the beginning of the fourteenth century, Vat. slav. 8. The Psalter is written in a strange script consisting of half-letters. The liturgical order of the Acathist is that of a vigil service to be held before the icon of the Mother of God on the night of Monday to Tuesday. The title of the service indicates that it follows the typicon of the Holy Mountain. In its structure the Acathist corresponds to the Jerusalem Typicon, and is closer to the early redaction of it preserved in GIM, Syn. 328 and Syn. 329.
Анонимное славянское поучение под именем апостола Петра и его псевдоэпиграфические источники
An anonymous Slavonic sermon is published for the first time according to the unique Russian manuscript of the 17 th cent. going back to a Western (-Lithuanian‖) Russian protograph. The text quotes a rare recension of the Apocalypse of Paul known only in Slavonic and only in the indirect tradition (being its second witness), refers to the Epistle of Christ Descended from the Heaven, and, most probably, refers to and paraphrases some recension of the so-called Arabic Apocalypse of Peter (not to be confounded with CANT 317!), which is a not earlier than the ninthcentury historical apocalypse. The sermon, moreover, could probably shed some light on an almost unknown Byzantine synod dealing with the impermissibility of oath as a part of Church rites. The sermon is, most likely, a middle Byzantine work. Appendix 2 contains an editio princeps of another anonymous sermon known in Slavonic only (within a Slavonic collection of Pseudo-Chrysostomica), Sermon on the Componction of Soul.
Христианское чтение, 2018
In this article, on the basis of the written legacy of Patriarch Athanasius I of Constantinople (1289–1293, 1303–1309), his theological views on the problem of schism are made clear. The subject of reflection for Athanasius was, in the main, the Arsenite schism (1265–1310), but also a number of other schisms during his time as the Patriarch of Constantinople. The most original part of the theology of the patriarch is the Christological and ecclesiological interpretation of schism. The meaning of Christ’s incarnation is the reconciliation of humanity in Himself, in the Church as His Body. The schismatic is rejected from the Body of Christ and thus resists the economy of Salvation. The Patriarch resorts to the well-known image of the schism as a tearing up of the Body of Christ, which has parallels in contemporary anti-schismatic literature. But in this case, the patriarch does not appear as an abstract thinker, but as a spokesman for contemplated mystical reality. The significance of schism from the soteriological point of view, in the patriarch’s opinion, lies in the fact that it is allowed by God to “test and glorify the faithful”. The patriarch reveals the spiritual causes of schism — passions in the heart of the schismatic: insolence, impenitence, vanity, lust for power and self-interest and, ultimately, opposition to God. The theology of St. Athanasius contains only minimal connections to historical specifics, and, therefore, remains relevant to this day.
AПСТРАКТ: При проучавању позноантичких и ранохришћанских представа о светитељу, примарно би било расветлити основне градивне елементе који би нам помогли да сличности и разлике између ових поимања боље уочимо. У првим вековима наше ере, поред ранохришћанског учења, велики стваралачки замах осведочен је и у круговима позноантичких филозофских струјања, најпре код неоплатоничара и киничара чија би стремљења била најприкладнија за овакво истраживање. У свом делу Contra Hieroclem Jевсевије саставља врсту одговора на Филостратово дело са почетка четвртог века у коме је Аполоније из Тијане приказан као чудотворац. Јевсевије у свом делу детаљно анализира Филостратов спис, логичком анализом доводећи у питање Филостратово схватање и означавање Аполонија као светог човека. На примеру Јевсевијевог и Филостратовог дела могу се уочити разлике, али и сличности између позноантичког и ранохришћанског поимања харизматика.
В статье устанавливается, что роль русского архиепископа Петра на Лионском соборе (1245 г.) не сводится только к передаче сенсационных сведений о татарах, как обычно принято думать. Не менее важной по своим последствиям оказалась демонстрация готовности к возобновлению переговоров о союзе церквей, продолжавшихся с переменным успехом на протяжении всего XIII в. между Апостольским престолом и правителями Византийской (Никейской) империи. Русские церковные иерархи, возглавлявшие Киевскую митрополию Греческой церкви, в середине 1240-х годов сыграли важную и пока еще недооцененную исследователями роль в установлении прямых контактов Греческой и Римской церквей и возобновлении переговоров о церковном единстве.
An anonymous Slavonic sermon is published for the first time according to the unique Russian manuscript of the 17th cent. going back to a Western (“Lithuanian”) Russian protograph. The text quotes a rare recension of the Apocalypse of Paul known only in Slavonic and only in the indirect tradition (being its second witness), refers to the Epistle of Christ Descended from the Heaven, and, most probably, refers to and paraphrases some recension of the so-called Arabic Apocalypse of Peter (not to be confounded with CANT 317!), which is a not earlier than the ninth-century historical apocalypse. The sermon, moreover, could probably shed some light on an almost unknown Byzantine synod dealing with the impermissibility of oath as a part of Church rites. The sermon is, most likely, a middle Byzantine work. Appendix 2 contains an editio princeps of another anonymous sermon known in Slavonic only (within a Slavonic collection of Pseudo-Chrysostomica), Sermon on the Componction of Soul. The whole published volume is downloadable here: http://indrik.ru/collection/2015/product/krugi-vremen-v-pamyat-eleny-konstantinovny-romodanovskoj-tom-2-issledovaniya-posvyashcheniya-i-vospominaniya