The Principle of Justice for the Poor and Pancasila (original) (raw)

Zakat as an Instrument of Eradicating Poverty (Indonesian Case)

International Journal of Nusantara Islam, 2012

This paper describes more clearly about the charity as an instrument of poverty alleviation. Said to be more pronounced because zakat is not only described from the aspect of Islamic law, but also from the aspect of Islamic Economics. Starting from the idea of a content analysis of two professors of Economic Development, Prahalad and Yuyun Wirasasmita, this paper reveals the fundamental aspects of the causes of poverty, namely culture, alienation and exploitation. In this paper, the charity manages to pack in a comprehensive manner to a complementary instrument, whether Islamic law, and even Islamic Economics. Among the novelties in this paper is a substantive interpretation of zakat which is connected with the theory of economic development, compared with tax and economic-mathematical analysis to find a charity to further its position in the study of economics. As for other things that were outlined in this paper is the normative aspects of zakat, as where made explicit, as an inst...

Zakat as an Instrument of Eradicating Poverty (Indonesian Case) Zakat as an Instrument of Eradicating Poverty (Indonesian Case

I n t e r n a t i o n a l J o u r n a l o f N u s a n t a r a I s l a m 73 Abstract This paper describes more clearly about the charity as an instrument of poverty alleviation. Said to be more pronounced because zakat is not only described from the aspect of Islamic law, but also from the aspect of Islamic Economics. Starting from the idea of a content analysis of two professors of Economic Development, Prahalad and Yuyun Wirasasmita, this paper reveals the fundamental aspects of the causes of poverty, namely culture, alienation and exploitation. In this paper, the charity manages to pack in a comprehensive manner to a complementary instrument, whether Islamic law, and even Islamic Economics. Among the novelties in this paper is a substantive interpretation of zakat which is connected with the theory of economic development, comparated with tax and economic-mathematical analysis to find a charity to further its position in the study of economics. As for other things that were outlined in this paper is the normative aspects of zakat, as where explicit, as an instrument of poverty alleviation for various sectors, as seen from its usability goals.

Implications of Zakat Management on Improving the Welfare of The Poor (Case Study on Indonesian National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) Gorontalo City)

Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2021

Poverty is still a problem in Indonesia. Not a few of the Indonesian people are still living below a decent standard of living. In everyday reality, there are still often homeless people and people who cannot meet their basic needs. Poverty becomes a big problem because it impacts the difficulty of accessing education, increasing criminality, and others. A high poverty rate is a form of economic equality. One of the efforts that can be made to create economic equality is through zakat. This study aims to uncover the implications of zakat management at the National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) Gorontalo city in improving the welfare of the poor. The main problem is described that zakat is a very strategic Islamic Law in alleviating poverty and improving the welfare of the poor. This research is a field study with qualitative descriptive analysis. The approach used is a multidisciplinary approach, namely normative juridical approach, philosophical approach, theological and historical socio approach. The methods used are observation, interview, survey, and documentation. Furthermore, the data obtained is analyzed and displayed deductively and comparatively. The results showed that the implications of zakat management at the National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) Gorontalo city in improving the welfare of the poor are seen in various innovations rolled out programs that are oriented towards improving the welfare of the poor. Innovation of the program in the form of empowerment of the poor through the utilization of productive zakat distribution, distribution of consumptive zakat, the synergy of zakat management with professional financial institutions, caring for disaster victims, Construction of Livable Houses (MAHAYANI), scholarships for outstanding children and the amaliah ramadhan movement.


The purpose of this research is for the concept of Islamic law on the legal certainty of zakat, the distribution of zakat, the management of zakat, the empowerment of zakat, the prospect of distribution, management, and zakat empowerment for poverty alleviation and expansion of employment opportunities in Sukabumi Regency. The method of this research is normative juridical research method. This research is not only descriptive (describing what is real), but also prescriptive (determining what it should be). Thus, this study was approached with a doctrinal approach, based on legal doctrines related to legal cases in the land sector. The result of this research is that legal certainty refers to the imposition of a clear, consistent, and consequent law whose implementation cannot be influenced by subjective circumstances. The social field of humanity has a greater percentage of zakat distribution than the economic field. To manage and empower the zakat, it is necessary to have a special institution which then known as 'the amil zakat', that is the person or legal entity appointed to work professionally so that the collection and distribution of zakat can run properly and maximally to 8 asnaf (the rightful person receive), they are: fakir, poor, amil zakat, muallaf, servant sahaya (riqab), gharimin, fi sabilillah, and ibn sabil. By realizing if it meets the principles of Islamic value and synergistic with skill in institutional management. The effort to bring about justice in the law is a dynamic process that takes a lot of time. By paying attention to the condition of the people who are left behind, in terms of economy, education and culture, to demonstrate the meaning of fisabilillah as one of the mustahiq zakat, a broader understanding is needed to be given the right of zakat to this group. Thus, this socialization should be able to convince the public that the more appropriate with the guidance of sharia is to submit zakat to the amil institution, and not directly to mustahik.

Zakat for Economic Empowerment (Analyzing the Models, Strategy and Implications of Zakat Productive Program in Baitul Mal Aceh and Baznas Indonesia)


Sustainable wellbeing is one of the goals of zakat distribution whereby the poor (<em>mustahiq</em>) are not only able to survive by having the basic needs fulfilled, but also are able to work and fulfill his needs and his family independently. The <em>mustahiq </em>independency is important to solve the problem of inequalities in society, marginalization, unemployemnt and poverty. This can only be achieved if zakat is able to used as a means for economic empowerment of the poor that would increase their capacity and enable them to become enterpreneur and hence able to fulfil their needs by themselves. This article attempts to observe various zakat productive programs initiated by zakat institutions in Indonesia and also analyze their implications in empowering the poors and increase their level of wellbeing. The case study in this paper is Baitul Mal Aceh and Baznas Indonesia.

Philanthropy in Practice: Role of Zakat in the Realization of Justice and Economic Growth

The entire economic scheme developed under the guiding principles of Shari'ah (Islamic Law) envisages an internally balanced system of economy that neither accepts capitalism nor communism in totality. According to the laws, the realization of justice (a'dl) and wellbeing (falah), i.e., the means to seek blessings of God (fadhl al-Allah), determines its principal objectives (maqasid). Nevertheless, the economic structures adopted by the contemporary Muslim societies, in general, are incoherent with the economic philosophy of Islam. They are practically disconnected from the mechanics and efficiency of Islam's equity instruments and philanthropic institutions. Consequently, as per Marx's class conflict theory, economic inequality has spread its roots and traumatized the dynamics of participatory economics, distributive justice, and social equality. Factors such as non-inclusive economics, exploitation as a market principle, and concentration of wealth in few pockets have completely transformed Muslim economies into " capitalist " ones. After conducting critical researches vis-à-vis this paradigm shift in the Muslim world, highbrow Muslim intellectuals have reached to this point that alongside with interest-based means of financial intermediation, non-functionality of philanthropic institutions such zakat and baitulmal has practically divided the society into privileged and deprived classes. The economic advantage of " privileged class " over " deprived class " has become one of the major stumbling blocks in the way of achieving welfare and social justice. Under such vulnerable conditions, it is being argued that " reinstitutionalization " of zakat, both at civil society and state level, is the means to provide socioeconomic insurance to those who are otherwise neglected. By facilitating the " constructive channelization " of wealth from " privileged class " to " deprived class " , institution of zakat has the potentiality to overcome the problems like relative deprivation, poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, and so on. In this context, giving of zakat must not be seen merely as a religious obligation; on the contrary, it must be examined in relation to its socioeconomic effects. The present research is an attempt to answer the question regarding how reinstitutionalization of zakat can help in the minimization of poverty rate and promotion of socioeconomic justice in contemporary " unbalanced " Muslim societies.


This study aims to analyse and formulate: (1) Urgency fatwa in zakat legal reform in Indonesia; (2) The nature of fatwas and methods of determining the fatwa of Islamic mass organizations; (3) Contributions of fatwas, against the legal reform of zakat; (4) the zakat reform law in the fatwa of Islamic mass organizations; (5) Application of zakat law in Indonesian society; (7) Compatibility of zakat legal reform in the fatwa of mass organizations, concerning zakat management; The theoretical framework used in this research is: Grand Theory, the theory of maqashid al-syarì ah that the law of ijtihad result must be in accordance with al-syarì s aims. Middle range theory , legal system theory (legal system) , that law is a unity system consisting of elements : substance , structure and culture. Applied theory , ijtihad theory and theory of law substance. The theory of ijtihad , that new legal product can be formulated through the process of ijtihad. Theory of legal substance , which the substance of the law must be in harmony with the rules of other laws either vertically or horizontally. This research uses analytical descriptive method. While the approach uses a normative juridical approach. Primary data sources in this study are: fatwa about zakat issued by Majelis Tarjih Muhammadiyah on the Management of Zakat. The secondary data sources are books for analysing and interpreting primary data. From the results of the study can be concluded : (1) Fatwa has a very urgent position to answer various contemporary legal issues about zakat ; (2) The fatwa is essentially a legal opinion , conveyed by the ' ulama , established through the process of ijtihad in response to the matter conveyed to him ; (3) The fatwa of mass organizations contributes significantly to the development of zakat law in Indonesia (4) Zakat legal reform in the fatwa a. l. : zakat saving , deposits , demand deposits , zakat crops other than rice , zakat fishery , zakat for productive business and zakat management through investment (5) the zakat reform in Legal a. l. : zakat of legal entity , zakat on money and securities , forestry , fishery , industry , income and services , and zakat for productive enterprise (article 27) ; (6) Sociologically , every Muslim accepts the authority of Islamic law and obeys his shari ' at , including the shari ' at of zakat , but the degree is different from each other depending on his piety , in accordance with the theory of credo or shahadah and the non-territoriality theory of Shafi ' i states , that a Muslim is forever bound to implement Islamic law , wherever he is ; (7) In general , there is an agreement between the zakat reform law , contained in the fatwa of Islamic mass organizations , in Indonesia .

Zakat, Islamic Economics And Poverty Alleviation In Indonesia


Indonesia is a country with a majority Muslim population. The total Muslim population is 209.12 million people or 87% of the total 269 million people with a total poor population of 9.41% or 25.14 million people. In 2018 the amount of zakat collected was as much as Rp. 8.100 billion with a potential of Rp 217 Trillion. Poverty is a problem that seizes the attention of the government every year. With the majority of the Islamic population, zakat is one solution to reduce poverty. The purpose of this study is to determine the potential for poverty alleviation with zakat and the opportunity for Indonesia to become the center of Islamic economics. The method used is the study of literature, namely data collection techniques by conducting a study of a review of books, literature, notes, and journals that are in accordance with the research objectives. Basically, zakat aside from being a form of obedience to God is also a social concern. The concept of zakat in Islam is mandatory and is the identity and characteristics of Islamic economics that distinguish it from conventional economic systems. Zakat is an Islamic economic joint, which if implemented properly, will have a significant economic impact. Through proper, transparent, and professional distribution zakat should be an alternative in alleviating poverty in Indonesia.

Productive Zakat for Community Empowerment: an Indonesian Context


Indonesia is the largest Moslem country in the world. Paying zakat apart from being a means for Muslims to worship, zakat can also become a pillar of the people's economy when the zakat funds are properly managed and handed over to an amil zakat agency, amil zakat institution or an official baitul mal from the government, where if we look at the potential for raising funds Zakat to be managed productively has very good prospects for the economic progress of the people who are included in the category of entitled to receive assistance from this zakat fund. Therefore, the author here examines through this research using a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques in the form of documents, such as books or laws and regulations. This research is expected to provide a little knowledge benefit to readers in order to optimize the management of zakat funds into productive zakat which is one of our efforts to improve the level of the community's economy, the auth...



Zakat is considered a financial resource in addition to being a cult. It is one of the most important acts of worship and hence its dual role as a cult and a development tool Islamic economics is a remedy for the disruption of wealth distribution by human societies Income, and the extent to which this regular financial instrument is absent and that there is no surplus. The purpose of this study is to study the role of the Zakat in economic sustainability in order to reach welfare and prosperity for citizens of Indonesia. The researcher uses the method of qualitative and qualitative research, reviewing traditional and contemporary Islamic sources to clarify the importance of Zakat as an institution, and the detailed impact of Zakat on the economics of the prosperity Indonesian as the main subject of the study. The studies are important in creating awareness about the role of Zakat from economic and investment side, and to encourage further research on the impact of Zakat on the prosperity of the Islamic society worldwide and in Indonesia especially as a model for other Muslim country.