A biomechanical approach to characterize neural coordination during gait (original) (raw)

Can coordination variability identify performance factors and skill level in competitive sport? The case of race walking

This study aimed to investigate how competition standard and progression speed affect race walking technique. Fifteen experienced athletes divided into three groups (Elite, International and National) were studied while race walking on a treadmill at two different speeds (12.0 and 15.5 km/h). Basic gait parameters, the angular displacement of pelvis and lower limb, and the variability in continuous relative phase between six different joint couplings were analysed. Most of the spatio-temporal, kinematic and coordination variability measures proved sensitive to the change in speed. Conversely, nonlinear dynamics measures highlighted differences between athletes of different competition standard when conventional analytical tools were not able to discriminate between different skill levels. Continuous relative phase variability was higher for National level athletes than International and Elite in two couplings (pelvis obliquity – hip flex/extension and pelvis rotation – ankle dorsi/plantarflexion) and gait phases (early stance for the first coupling, propulsive phase for the second) that are deemed fundamental for correct technique and performance. Measures of coordination variability showed to be a key tool for the finer detection of skill- dependent factors in competitive race walking, and showed a good potential for being integrated in the assessment and monitoring of sports motor abilities.


American Society of Biomechanics, 2018

There are a variety of parameters that affect injury potential, including, past medical history, weight, age, gender, and the magnitude, duration, location and direction of applied forces. However, the current biomechanical approach to determine injury potential in low-speed rear-end MVCs appears to be relegated to a comparison between the magnitude of experienced forces to injury tolerance metrics. This is despite such tolerance metrics may overestimate the force required to cause injury. It is thus encouraged that future biomechanical analyses consider other parameters – such as loading rate, passive / active muscle contraction, and pre-existing condition – when making conclusions regarding injury potential. Simulation technologies and computational models based on response data obtained from laboratory studies could also help improve the validity of the conclusions made by experts. Further research is also encouraged to determine new neck injury criteria and tolerance limits of cervical discs injuries that consider these parameters.

Energy expenditure during human gait. II - Role of muscle groups

Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 2010

A phenomenological model of muscle energy expenditure developed in part I of the paper, is utilized as a physiological cost function to estimate the muscle forces during normal locomotion. The model takes into account muscular behaviors typically observed during human gait, such as submaximal activation, variable muscular contraction conditions and muscular fiber type. The solution of the indeterminate biomechanical problem is obtained by integrating multibody dynamics and the global static optimization technique that considers the whole motion. The results for an application case indicate the important role of muscle groups in coordinating multijoint motion with the objective of minimizing metabolic costs of transport during locomotion.