Avaliação da resistência de acessos de tomateiro a tospovírus e a geminivírus (original) (raw)

Estudo da interação tospovírus – tomateiro : análise transcritômica, espectro da resistência no acesso ‘PI 203230’ e identificação de novas hospedeiras de Groundnut ringspot virus (GRSV)


O tomateiro (Solanum lycopersicum L.) e uma das hortalicas mais importantes no Brasil e no mundo. A doenca comumente conhecida como ?vira cabeca? (causada por especies de Tospovirus) e uma das mais importantes afetando o tomateiro a nivel mundial. Dessa forma, o presente estudo teve como objetivo estudar a interacao tomateiro-tospovirus atraves da analise transcritomica na interacao compativel Solanum lycopersicum?Groundnut ringspot virus (GRSV), da avaliacao da resistencia a tospovirus na cv. ?Rey de Los tempranos? (=?PI 203230?) e da caracaterizacao de novas especies hospedeiras de GRSV. No CAPITULO II foi realizado um estudo do transcritoma na interacao compativel entre a cultivar de tomate ?Santa Clara? e GRSV com a finalidade de identificar genes inibidos ou induzidos apos inoculacao do virus. Amostras foliares de plantas da cv. ?Santa Clara? (mecanicamente inoculadas com um isolado de GRSV e mock-inoculadas) foram coletadas a 0, 3, 5, 7 e 10 dias apos a inoculacao. Um ?pool? e...

Resistência de genótipos de tomateiro a um isolado de geminivírus do cinturão verde de Campinas, São Paulo

Fitopatologia Brasileira, 2003

Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) plant showing symptoms attributed to geminivirus were collected from crops of the green belt of Campinas, SP. The symptoms consisted of leaf yellowing, especially along the veins, leaf distortion and reduced plant growth. A virus isolate was maintained in tomatoplants by whiteflies transmission at the Experimental Center of Instituto Agronômico in Campinas. Molecular tests were performed with the virus, which showed to be Tomato yellow vein streak virus (TYVSV). Evaluations of tomato resistance were done under field (natural infections) and screen house conditions (natural and controlled infections) using genotypes of diverse origins, comprising cultivars, hybrids, breeding lines, populations and wild tomato species. The evaluated material included experimental genotypes and hybrids carrying the gene for vertical resistance, Ty-1. In the field, the evaluations pointed to the hybrid 'BX 1016158' as having the the lowest disease infection rates. In screen house conditions, the interspecific hybrids of L. esculentum x L. peruvianum, and the access PI 134417 of L. hirsutum showed the highest resistance to the virus. Another screen house experiment used a method of early testing for resistance of tomato genotypes to geminivirus. This method proved to be adequate for discrimination of genotypes, found resistance in the L. peruvianum access LA 444-1, in the IAC 14-2 series, in the F4 line TySw5, and in the hybrids 'Franco' and BX 1653088 ('Densus'), with ratings close to absence of symptoms.

Redenção: nova cultivar de tomate para a indústria resistente a geminivírus e tospovírus

Horticultura Brasileira, 2003

nova cultivar D rásticas mudanças têm ocorrido na cadeia agroindustrial do tomate em Pernambuco, em decorrência de problemas estruturais nos setores de produção e industrialização. A partir do início da década de 90, observou-se uma acentuada redução da área cultivada, provocada pela maior oferta de polpa no mercado e por problemas fitossanitários como a traça-do-tomateiro, tospovírus, e ultimamente, mosca branca e geminivírus .

Base genética da resistência de um acesso de tomate silvestre ao mosaico-amarelo do pimentão

Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, 2008

The aim of this work was to evaluate the genetic basis of resistance of Lycopersicon hirsutum to the potyvirus Pepper yellow mosaic virus (PepYMV). Five hundred and forty plants, including the parentals 'Santa Clara' (susceptible) and 'BGH 6902' (resistant) were evaluated, as well as the generations F1, F2, RC1:1 and RC1:2, from the crossing of the above parentals. PepYMV was mechanically inoculated, and the virus concentration in each plant was determined by indirect ELISA. The quantitative and qualitative analyses were carried out. The first one, based on the virus concentration of each plant, suggest oligogenic inheritance with heritability of 99%. The same data, when analyzed under the qualitative form, indicated an inheritance governed by two genes, with dominant and recessive epistatic interaction. However, when F2:3 generation, arising from self-fertilization of resistant F2 plants, was analyzed, the hypothesis of two genes was rejected, while the best fitted to data was that of one gene with complete dominance among the alleles. The qualitative analysis, considering sintomatology observed, showed that the inheritance of resistance to PepYMV is determined by a recessive gene, with the absence of dominance among their alleles.

Novos acessos de tomateiro resistentes à mosca-branca biótipo B

Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, 2009

The objective of this work was to evaluate resistance to Bemisia tabaci biotype B in 34 tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) accessions from the Banco de Germoplasma de Hortaliças of UFV. The number of adults, eggs and nymphs per plant besides of trichome density were evaluated. Differences between accessions were found for the evaluated variables. Accessions BGH-166, BGH-616, BGH-850, BGH-990, BGH-2102 and BGH-2125 presented less infestation of adults, eggs and nymphs per plant and showed lower trichome density. The resistance of these tomato accessions to whitefly was associated to a lower trichome density.

Herança da resistência à mancha-bacteriana em tomateiro

Fitopatologia Brasileira, 2005

A herança da resistência do tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum) à mancha-bacteriana (Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria, raça T2) foi estudada, em condições de campo, cruzando-se os genótipos resistentes 'Ohio 8245' e 'Hawaii 7998' com os genótipos suscetíveis 'CNPH 401-08' e 'CNPH 416.81.01.02', em um esquema dialélico desconsiderando-se os recíprocos. Foram obtidas cinco famílias, cada uma constituída por seis gerações: Genitor1, Genitor2, F1, F2 e os retrocruzamentos (RC1 e RC2). A família 'Ohio 8245 <FONT FACE=Symbol>'</FONT> Hawaii 7998' apresentou menor média para severidade da doença, seguida por 'Hawaii 7998 <FONT FACE=Symbol>'</FONT> CNPH 416.81.01.02' e 'Ohio 8245 <FONT FACE=Symbol>'</FONT> CNPH 416.81.01.02', as quais, apresentaram maiores estimativas de herdabilidade e de predição de ganho por seleção. Em todas combinações, a herança da resistência genética à manch...

Resistência de genótipos de tomateiro à mosca-branca Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biótipo B (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)

Neotropical Entomology, 2005

Aiming to evaluate the possible mechanisms of resistance of different tomato genotypes (Lycopersicon spp.) to the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotype B, assays were performed in greenhouse and laboratory. The evaluated genotypes were 'IAC-Santa Clara' (L. esculentum), PI-127826 (L. hirsutum), PI-134417 and PI-134418 (L. hirsutum f. glabratum), LA-716 (L. pennellii), LA-371 and LA-444-1 (L. peruvianum), LA-1584 and PI-126931 (L. pimpinellifolium). Under greenhouse conditions, LA-716, PI-134417 and PI-134418 were the least attractive to whitefly. The genotype LA-716 expressed high nonpreference level; PI-134417, PI-134418, PI-127826 and PI-126931 were also resistant, but in lower levels. Regarding the whole period of development (eggadult), the genotypes PI-127826, PI-134417, PI-134418 and LA-444-1 increased the life cycle of the insect, indicating feeding nonpreference and/or antibiosis.