[089] Rodríguez Gutiérrez et al. 2015: Oliva Rodríguez Gutiérrez, Ruth Taylor, J. Beltrán Fortes, Sergio García-Dils de la Vega, E. Ontiveros Ortega y Salvador Ordóñez Agulla. “The use of Almadén de la Plata marble in the public programs of colonia Augusta Firma - Astigi (Écija, Seville, Spain)”. (original) (raw)

ASMOSIA X: Interdisciplinary Studies on Ancient Stone Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference of ASMOSIA Association for the Study of Marble & Other Stones in Antiquity Rome, 21-26 May 2012

1-Application to specific archaeological questions - Use of marble B. Adembri, S. Di Tondo, F. Fantini, Architecture with concave and convex rhythms and its decoration in Hadrian age: the Maritime Theatre and the Southern pavilion of Piazza d' Oro in Hadrian' s Villa. J. Andreu Pintado, H. Royo Plumed, P. Lapuente, M. Brilli, Imported marbles found in three Roman cities of the territory of Cinco Villas (Zaragoza), north of Hispania Citerior. F. Bianchi, M. Bruno, S. Pike, Pentelic marble in the Severan Complex in Leptis Magna (Tripolitania, Libya). C. Previato, N. Mareso, Marbles from the Domus of Bestie ferite' and from the Domus of Tito Macro' in Aquileia (UD), Italy. M. Bruno, F. Bianchi, The limestone quarries of Wadi Gadatza in the territory of Leptis Magna. M. Bruno, C. Gorgoni, P. Pallante, Provenance and distribution of white marbles in the arches of Titus and Septimius Severus in Rome. F. Cavari, F. Droghini, M. Giamello, C. Mascione, A. Scala, The imitation of coloured marbles in a first style wall painting from the Etruscan-Roman town of Populonia (LI - Italy). M. Chidiroglu, Small Euboean quarries. The local community markets. J. Collins-Clinton, Lumachella at Cosa: late Republican? S. Costa, F. Marri, Ancientmarbles.org: an open community for sharing knowledge about ancient marble from different approaches. M. Cruz Villalón, The use of marble in Lusitania betwen Rome and Islam. M. David, S. Succi, M. Turci, Marmora Ostiensa. New results from the Ostia marina project. M. De Angelis d' Ossat, S. Violante, M. Gomez Serito, A column shaft in verde rana ondato' from the archaeological excavations in Palazzo Altemps . A. De Stefano, The exploitation of coralline breccia of the Gargano in the Roman and late antique periods. M. De Nuccio, Gigantism and marble sculptures: the Pie' di marmo in Campo Marzio. G. Di Stefano, G. Ventura, Ships lapidariae and the wreck, with marmor numidicum, discovered in Camarina : hypotesis of route. Fellague Djamila, Savay-Guerraz Hugues, Masino Filippo, Sobrà Giorgio, The use of marble in the roman architecture of Lugdunum (lyon, france). Ana Garrido, Aureli Àlvarez, Ana Doménech, Anna Gutiérrez, Isabel Rodà, Hernando Royo, Marmora And Other Stones In The Architectural Decoration Of Early Imperial Barcino (Barcelona, Spain) Maria Teresa Giannotta, Giovanni Quarta, Arcangelo Alessio, Antonio Pennetta, Provenance Of The Roman Marble Sarcophagi Of The San Pietro In Bevagna Wreck. Pia Kastenmeier, Giuseppina Balassone. Maria Boni, Giovanni di Maio, Michael Joachimski, Provenance, Distribution And Trade Of The Local Building Materials In The Sarno River Plain (Campania) From The 6th Century Bc To Ad 79. T. Lappi, White And Coloured Marble On Pantelleria P. Lapuente, H. Royo, J.A. Cuchi, J. Justes, M. Preite-Martinez, Local Stones And Marbles Found In The Territory Of Alto Aragon (Hispania), In Roman Times. Z. Mari, The marbles from the Villa of Trajan at Arcinazzo Romano (Roma) F. Masino, The introduction of marble in the cavea of the Theatre of Hierapolis: building process and patronage. Igor Mihajlovi, Igor Miholjek, Shipwrecks With Sarcophagi In The Eastern Adriatic. S. Nava, The marble decoration of the peristyle building in the sw quarter of palmyra (Pal.M.A.I.S. Mission). T. Nogales-Basarrate, P. Lapuente, H. Royo, M. Preite-Martinez, Stone Materials In Lusitania Reflecting The Process Of Romanization. Salvador Ordóñez, Ruth Taylor, Oliva Rodríguez, Esther Ontiveros, Sergio García-Dils, José Beltrán, José Carlos Saquete, A uotorumnuncupatio from colonia Augusta Firma. An analytical approach.

Interdisciplinary Studies on Ancient Stone Proceedings of the IX Association for the Study of Marbles and Other Stones in Antiquity (ASMOSIA) Conference (Tarragona 2009) Edited by


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The use of Almadén de La Plata marble in the public programs of Colonia Augusta Firma - Astigi (Écija, Seville, Spain)

Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference of ASMOSIA

The intensive and ongoing task of study and characterization of the marbles of Almadén de la Plata (Seville) has been undertaken in recent years, shedding light on the Roman exploitation of these quarries and the wide distribution of their products. In parallel, important progress is also being made in the study of the urban configuration of the Augustan colony of Astigi (modern Écija, province of Seville) where recent archaeological excavations have provided a large volume of information regarding its most representative public buildings. Several buildings of the forum have yielded a copious collection of architectural elements and inscriptions, whose morphological, typological and stylistic studies are now joined by petrographic analyses. The latter have enabled the confirmation of the massive use of Almadén de la Plata marble, in its different chromatic varieties, yet in a city which appears to have spared no expense on other stones of foreign origin. The main aim of this contribution is the assessment of the historical significance of this pattern of marble use in thepublic buildings of the city of Astigi.

Interdisciplinary Studies on Ancient Stone. Proceedings of the IX ASMOSIA Conference (Tarragona 2009)


This book includes 88 contributions (oral and posters) that were presented during the IX International Conference of the Association for the Study of Marbles and Other Stones in Antiquity (ASMOSIA), held in Tarragona between 8 and June 13 2009. These papers reflect the outcome of this meeting, which aimed to provide the scientific community interested in ancient stone a forum to discuss and exchange new data and results about all related aspects (geological and analytical archaeological, artistic and historical). Following the premises of ASMOSIA, special attention is paid to a multidisciplinary approach and collaboration between researchers and practitioners from different disciplines as an essential tool to advance the identification, use, sale and use of materials tablet in ancient times. The volume is divided into 8 chapters which are derived from sessions which organized the conference: 1. Applications to specific archaeological questions. Use of Marble 2. Provenances identification and I. Marbles 3. Provenances identification and II. Other stones 4. Transport and trade of stone 5. Quarries 6. Quarrying techniques, organization and stone manufacturing 7. Pigments of paintings and marble 8. Symbolism of stones. Local and imported materials