Convolutive Non-Negative Sparse Coding and New Features for Speech Overlap Handling in Speaker Diarization (original) (raw)

Speech overlap detection using convolutive non-negative sparse coding

ABSTRACT This paper presents recent advances in the application of convolutive non-negative sparse coding (CNSC) to the problem of overlap detection in the context of conference meetings and speaker diarization. CNSC is used to project a mixed speaker signal onto separate speaker bases and hence to detect intervals of competing speech. We present new energy ratio and total energy features which give significant improvements over our previous work. The system is assessed using a subset of the AMI meeting corpus. We ...

Speech overlap detection and attribution using convolutive non-negative sparse coding

2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2012

This paper presents recent advances in the application of convolutive non-negative sparse coding (CNSC) to the problem of overlap detection in the context of conference meetings and speaker diarization. CNSC is used to project a mixed speaker signal onto separate speaker bases and hence to detect intervals of competing speech. We present new energy ratio and total energy features which give significant improvements over our previous work. The system is assessed using a subset of the AMI meeting corpus. We report results which are comparable to the state of the art which support the potential of a new approach to overlap detection. An analysis of system performance highlights the importance of further work to addresses weaknesses in detecting particularly short segments of overlapping speech.

Speech overlap detection in a two-pass speaker diarization system


In this paper we present the two-pass speaker diarization system that we developed for the NIST RT09s evaluation. In the first pass of our system a model for speech overlap detection is generated automatically. This model is used in two ways to reduce the diarization errors due to overlapping speech. First, it is used in a second diarization pass to remove overlapping speech from the data while training the speaker models. Second, it is used to find speech overlap for the final segmentation so that overlapping speech segments can be generated. The experiments show that our overlap detection method improves the performance of all three of our system configurations.

Efficient use of overlap information in speaker diarization


Speaker overlap in meetings is thought to be a significant contributor to error in speaker diarization, but it is not clear if overlaps are problematic for speaker clustering and/or if errors could be addressed by assigning multiple labels in overlap regions. In this paper, we look at these issues experimentally, assuming perfect detection of overlaps, to assess the relative importance of these problems and the potential impact of overlap detection. With our best features, we find that detecting overlaps could potentially improve diarization accuracy by 15% relative, using a simple strategy of assigning speaker labels in overlap regions according to the labels of the neighboring segments. In addition, the use of crosscorrelation features with MFCC's reduces the performance gap due to overlaps, so that there is little gain from removing overlapped regions before clustering.

Overlapped speech detection for improved speaker diarization in multiparty meetings

2008 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2008

State-of-the-art speaker diarization systems for meetings are now at a point where overlapped speech contributes significantly to the errors made by the system. However, little if no work has yet been done on detecting overlapped speech. We present our initial work toward developing an overlap detection system for improved meeting diarization. We investigate various features, with a focus on high-precision performance for use in the detector, and examine performance results on a subset of the AMI Meeting Corpus. For the high-quality signal case of a single mixed-headset channel signal, we demonstrate a relative improvement of about 7.4% DER over the baseline diarization system, while for the more challenging case of the single far-field channel signal relative improvement is 3.6%. We also outline steps towards improvement and moving beyond this initial phase.

Entropy Based Overlapped Speech Detection as a Pre-Processing Stage for Speaker Diarization

Tenth Annual Conference of the …, 2009

One inherent deficiency of most diarization systems is their inability to handle co-channel or overlapped speech. Most of the suggested algorithms perform under singular conditions, require high computational complexity in both time and frequency domains. In this study, frame based entropy analysis of the audio data in the time domain serves as a single feature for an overlapped speech detection algorithm. Identification of overlapped speech segments is performed using Gaussian Mixture Modeling (GMM) along with well known classification algorithms applied on two speaker conversations. By employing this methodology, the proposed method eliminates the need for setting a hard threshold for each conversation or database. LDC CALLHOME American English corpus is used for evaluation of the suggested algorithm. The proposed method successfully detects 63.2% of the frames labeled as overlapped speech by the manual segmentation, while keeping a 5.4% false-alarm rate.

End-to-End Speaker Diarization Conditioned on Speech Activity and Overlap Detection

2021 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT), 2021

In this paper, we present a conditional multitask learning method for end-to-end neural speaker diarization (EEND). The EEND system has shown promising performance compared with traditional clustering-based methods, especially in the case of overlapping speech. In this paper, to further improve the performance of the EEND system, we propose a novel multitask learning framework that solves speaker diarization and a desired subtask while explicitly considering the task dependency. We optimize speaker diarization conditioned on speech activity and overlap detection that are subtasks of speaker diarization, based on the probabilistic chain rule. Experimental results show that our proposed method can leverage a subtask to effectively model speaker diarization, and outperforms conventional EEND systems in terms of diarization error rate.

Automatic classification of speech overlaps: Feature representation and algorithms

Computer Speech & Language, 2019

Overlapping speech is a natural and frequently occurring phenomenon in humanÀhuman conversations with an underlying purpose. Speech overlap events may be categorized as competitive and non-competitive. While the former is an attempt to grab the floor, the latter is an attempt to assist the speaker to continue the turn. The presence and distribution of these categories are indicative of the speakers' states during the conversation. Therefore, understanding these manifestations is crucial for conversational analysis and for modeling humanÀmachine dialogs. The goal of this study is to design computational models to classify overlapping speech segments of dyadic conversations into competitive D 6 3 X Xvs. non-competitive acts using lexical and acoustic cues, as well as their surrounding context. The designed overlap representations are evaluated in both linear À Support Vector Machines (SVM) À and non-linear À feed-forward (FFNN), convolutional (CNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network À models. We experiment with lexical and acoustic representations and their combinations from both speaker channels in feature and hidden space. We observe that lexical word-embedding features significantly increase the overall D 6 4 X XF 1-measure compared to both acoustic and bag-of-ngrams lexical representations, suggesting that lexical information can be utilized as a powerful cue for overlap classification. Our comparative study shows that the best computational architecture is an FFNN along with a combination of word embeddings and acoustic features.

Impact of overlapping speech detection on speaker diarization for broadcast news and debates

2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2013

The overlapping speech detection systems developped by Orange and LIMSI for the ETAPE evaluation campaign on French broadcast news and debates are described. Using either cepstral features or a multi-pitch analysis, a F1-measure for overlapping speech detection up to 59.2% is reported on the TV data of the ETAPE evaluation set, where 6.7% of the speech was measured as overlapping, ranging from 1.2% in the news to 10.7% in the debates. Overlapping speech segments were excluded during the speaker diarization stage, and these segments were further labelled with the two nearest speaker labels, taking into account the temporal distance. We describe the effects of this strategy for various overlapping speech systems and we show that it improves the diarization error rate in all situations and up to 26.1% relative in our best configuration.

Royalflush Speaker Diarization System for ICASSP 2022 Multi-channel Multi-party Meeting Transcription Challenge


This paper describes the Royalflush speaker diarization system submitted to the Multi-channel Multi-party Meeting Transcription Challenge. Our system comprises speech enhancement, overlapped speech detection, speaker embedding extraction, speaker clustering, speech separation and system fusion. In this system, we made three contributions. First, we propose an architecture of combining the multi-channel and U-Net-based models, aiming at utilizing the benefits of these two individual architectures, for far-field overlapped speech detection. Second, in order to use overlapped speech detection model to help speaker diarization, a speech separation based overlapped speech handling approach, in which the speaker verification technique is further applied, is proposed. Third, we explore three speaker embedding methods, and obtained the state-of-the-art performance on the CNCeleb-E test set. With these proposals, our best individual system significantly reduces DER from 15.25% to 6.40%, and ...