Systematics, bionomics and zoogeography of high Andean pedaliodines; Part 8: Pedaliodes niveonota BUTLER and new related species from Central Peru ( … (original) (raw)

Systematics, bionomics and zoogeography of high Andean pedaliodines; Part 10: Revisional notes on Pedaliodes tyro THIEME with the description of new …


Pedaliodes demathani Pyrcz is one of the most polytypic representatives of the genus, with ten recognised subspecies. The nominotypical subspecies was discovered in northern Peru (Amazonas and San Martín). We describe nine new subspecies here, which differ from each other in colour patterns, mostly of the hindwing upper and underside. Further differences are in male genital morphology. New subspecies are distributed through central (Huánuco, Pasco, Junín and Ayacucho) and southern Peru (Cuzco and Puno), and the Bolivian Yungas de La Paz. Two subspecies of P. demathani in central Peru form a mimicry ring involving four loosely related congeners.

Revalidation of Pedaliodes lithochalcis BUTLER & DRUCE, description of a new species from Peru and Bolivia and of a new subspecies of P. napaea BATES from Honduras (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae)

Pedaliodes lithochalcis, occurring in Costa Rica and Panama, has been considered for more than a century a junior synonym of P. dejecta from Guatemala. It is reinstated here as a valid species. It is shown that the two species belong to different groups of species with sympatric representatives throughout Central America and the Andes characterized by common characters of adult morphology, particularly the male genitalia. Pedaliodes lithochalcis is closely related to P. napaea whose new subspecies, P. napaea naksi n. ssp., is described from the Celaque massif in Honduras. It is the first cloud forest Satyrinae butterfly described from this country. Pedaliodes dejecta is related to another Mesoamerican species, P. ereiba, and to P. pomponia from Ecuador and to a new species, P. peregrina n. sp., from Peru and Bolivia.

Contribution to the knowledge of Ecuadorian Pronophilini, Part 1; new pedaliodines (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae)

Genus, 1999

Altopedaliodes kurti (Ecuador), A. tena nucea (Ecuador), A. zsolti (Ecuador), Panyapedaliodes traceyannae (Ecuador), Pedaliodes balnearia (Ecuador), P. arturi (Ecuador), P. petri (Ecuador), P. rumba (Ecuador), P. sonata (Ecuador), P. dracula (Ecuador), P. tabaconas (Ecuador, Peru), P. morenoi pilaloensis (Ecuador), P. peucestas restricta (Ecuador) and Pherepedaliodes nubilia (Ecuador, Peru), new to the science, are described and illustrated.

Check List the journal of biodiversity data Craugastoridae) in Peru

A new locality, range extension and record of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in the endangered terrestrial breeding frog Abstract: We provide a new record of the poorly known and endangered Pristimantis katoptroides from the Cor-dillera Central in Peru, based on a specimen collected in the Alto Mayo Protected Forest, San Martin Department. We provide notes on the morphology and color-ation of the species and two other specimens previously collected in Peru, as well as photographs and an updated map indicating the known localities of P. katoptroides. This record represents an extension of 210 km in the southern limit of the geographic range. Additionally, we report the presence of the chytrid fungus in this species.

A new minute species of Pristimantis (Amphibia: Anura: Craugastoridae) with a large head from the Yanachaga-Chemillén National Park in central Peru, with comments on the phylogenetic diversity of Pristimantis occurring in the Cordillera Yanachaga

European Journal of Taxonomy

We describe a new minute species of the genus Pristimantis, P. boucephalus sp. nov., from the Yanachaga-Chemillén National Park, Región Pasco, Peru. The description is based on a freshly collected male specimen found at 2950 m a.s.l. in a cloud forest and four previously unidentified museum specimens consisting of two adult males, one subadult female and a juvenile from the Yanachaga-Chemillén National Park. The new species is mainly characterized by a snout–vent length of 13.4–14.5 mm in adult males (n = 3), and 12.5 mm in the only known subadult female, and is compared morphologically and genetically with other taxonomically and biogeographically relevant species of Pristimantis. The new species is characterized by its small size, disproportionally large head with short snout, absence of a tympanic annulus and membrane, and reddish-copper iris. Phylogenetically it belongs to a speciose clade, an as yet unnamed species group, comprising both montane (Andes, Guiana Shield) and lowla...

A partial revision of the Ameerega hahneli complex (Anura: Dendrobatidae) and a new cryptic species from the East-Andean versant of Central Peru

We describe a new species of poison frog from central Peru which has been referred to as Ameerega picta and A. hahneli for the past thirty years. To our knowledge the new species is endemic to Peru and occurs throughout the east-Andean versant between roughly 6 and 10 degrees south latitude. Recent phylogenies using molecular data show that the new species and A. hahneli are not closely related despite being similar in pattern, color, and morphology. Our data suggest that the new species is a sister taxon to A. rubriventris, which is readily distinguishable from the new species by its reddish venter. The new species can be distinguished furthermore from other Ameerega species by possessing white (rather than yellow or cream) dorsolateral stripes, and from the similar A. hahneli by differences in advertisement calls and larval morphology.