1993, Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology

1. The applicability of current indirect calorimetry formulae to the study of energy and substrate balances on obese rats has been evaluated. The energy consumption of series of 60-day rats of Wistar, lean and obese Zucker stock were studied by means of direct and indirect calorimetry, and by establishing their energy balance through measurement of food intake and retention. Calorimetric studies encompassed a 24 h period, with gas and heat output measurements every 2 or 5 min, respectively, for direct and indirect calorimetry. 2. The analysis of fat composition (diet, whole rat, and synthesized and oxidized fat) showed only small variations that had only a limited effect on the overall energy equation parameters. 3. A gap in the nitrogen balance, which represents a urinary N excretion lower than the actual protein oxidized, resulted in significant deviations in the estimation of carbohydrate and lipid oxidized when using the equations currently available for indirect calorimetry. 4. Analysis of the amino acid composition of diet and rat protein as well as of the portion actually oxidized, and correcting for the nitrogen gap allowed the establishment of a set of equations that gave better coincidence of the calculated data with the measured substrate balance. 5. The measured heat output of all rats was lower than the estimated values calculated by means of either indirect calorimetry of direct energy balance measurement; the difference corresponded to the energy lost in water evaporation, and was in the range of one-fifth of total energy produced in the three rat stocks. 6. Wistar rats showed a biphasic circadian rhythm of substrate utilization, with alternate lipid synthesis/degradation that reversed that of carbohydrate, concordant with nocturnal feeding habits. Zucker rats did not show this rhythm; obese rats synthesized large amounts of fat during most of the light period, consuming fat at the end of the dark period, which suggests more diurnal feeding habits. Lean Zucker rats showed a similar, but less marked pattern. 7. The results obtained indicate that lean and obese rats can be studied using the same indirect calorimetry formulae provided that there is an adequate measure of protein oxidation and the composition of diet does not differ.