Mixtures of factor analyzers: an extension with covariates (original) (raw)
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Mixtures of Factor Models for Multivariate Disease Rates
• A range of different approaches have been suggested for the multivariate modelling of the geographical distribution of different but potentially related diseases. We suggest an addition to these methods which incorporates a discrete mixture of latent factors, as opposed to using CAR or MCAR random effect formulations. Our proposal provides for a potentially richer range of dependency structures than those encompassed in previously used models in that it is capable of representing an enhanced range of correlation structures between diseases at the same time as implicitly allowing for less restrictive spatial correlation structures between geographical units. We illustrate results of using the model on data taken from cancer registries on four carcinomas in some 300 UK geographical areas.
Mixtures of factor analysers. Bayesian estimation and inference by stochastic simulation
Machine Learning, 2003
Factor Analysis (FA) is a well established probabilistic approach to unsupervised learning for complex systems involving correlated variables in high-dimensional spaces. FA aims principally to reduce the dimensionality of the data by projecting high-dimensional vectors on to lower-dimensional spaces. However, because of its inherent linearity, the generic FA model is essentially unable to capture data complexity when the input space is nonhomogeneous. A finite Mixture of Factor Analysers (MFA) is a globally nonlinear and therefore more flexible extension of the basic FA model that overcomes the above limitation by combining the local factor analysers of each cluster of the heterogeneous input space. The structure of the MFA model offers the potential to model the density of high-dimensional observations adequately while also allowing both clustering and local dimensionality reduction. Many aspects of the MFA model have recently come under close scrutiny, from both the likelihood-based and the Bayesian perspectives. In this paper, we adopt a Bayesian approach, and more specifically a treatment that bases estimation and inference on the stochastic simulation of the posterior distributions of interest. We first treat the case where the number of mixture components and the number of common factors are known and fixed, and we derive an efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm based on Data Augmentation to perform inference and estimation. We also consider the more general setting where there is uncertainty about the dimensionalities of the latent spaces (number of mixture components and number of common factors unknown), and we estimate the complexity of the model by using the sample paths of an ergodic Markov chain obtained through the simulation of a continuous-time stochastic birth-and-death point process. The main strengths of our algorithms are that they are both efficient (our algorithms are all based on familiar and standard distributions that are easy to sample from, and many characteristics of interest are by-products of the same process) and easy to interpret. Moreover, they are straightforward to implement and offer the possibility of assessing the goodness of the results obtained. Experimental results on both artificial and real data reveal that our approach performs well, and can therefore be envisaged as an alternative to the other approaches used for this model.
A factor mixture analysis model for multivariate binary data
The paper proposes a latent variable model for binary data coming from an unobserved heterogeneous population. The heterogeneity is taken into account by replacing the traditional assumption of Gaussian distributed factors by a finite mixture of multivariate Gaussians. The aim of the proposed model is twofold: it allows to achieve dimension reduction when the data are dichotomous and, simultaneously, it performs model based clustering in the latent space. Model estimation is obtained by means of a maximum likelihood method via a generalized version of the EM algorithm. In order to evaluate the performance of the model a simulation study and two real applications are illustrated.
Flexible Bayesian modelling of concomitant covariate effects in mixture models
arXiv: Methodology, 2021
Mixture models provide a useful tool to account for unobserved heterogeneity, and are the basis of many model-based clustering methods. In order to gain additional flexibility, some model parameters can be expressed as functions of concomitant covariates. In particular, prior probabilities of latent group membership can be linked to concomitant covariates through a multinomial logistic regression model, where each of these so-called component weights is associated with a linear predictor involving one or more of these variables. In this Thesis, this approach is extended by replacing the linear predictors with additive ones, where the contributions of some/all concomitant covariates can be represented by smooth functions. An estimation procedure within the Bayesian paradigm is proposed. In particular, a data augmentation scheme based on difference random utility models is exploited, and smoothness of the covariate effects is controlled by suitable choices for the prior distributions ...
Finite Mixture Models for Mapping Spatially Dependent Disease Counts
Biometrical Journal, 2009
A vast literature has recently been concerned with the analysis of variation in disease counts recorded across geographical areas with the aim of detecting clusters of regions with homogeneous behavior. Most of the proposed modeling approaches have been discussed for the univariate case and only very recently spatial models have been extended to predict more than one outcome simultaneously. In this paper we extend the standard finite mixture models to the analysis of multiple, spatially correlated, counts. Dependence among outcomes is modeled using a set of correlated random effects and estimation is carried out by numerical integration through an EM algorithm without assuming any specific parametric distribution for the random effects. The spatial structure is captured by the use of a Gibbs representation for the prior probabilities of component membership through a Strauss-like model. The proposed model is illustrated using real data.
Modelling multivariate disease rates with a latent structure mixture model
There has been considerable recent interest in multivariate modelling of the geographical distribution of morbidity or mortality rates for potentially related diseases. The motivations for this include: investigation of similarities or dissimilarities in the risk distribution for the different diseases, as well as 'borrowing strength' across disease rates to shrink the uncertainty in geographical risk assessment for any particular disease. A number of approaches to such multivariate modelling have been suggested and this paper proposes an extension to these which may provide a richer range of dependency structures than those encompassed so far. We develop a model which incorporates a discrete mixture of latent structures and argue that this provides potential to represent an enhanced range of correlation structures between diseases at the same time as implicitly allowing for less restrictive spatial correlation structures between geographical units. We compare and contrast our approach to other commonly used multivariate disease models and demonstrate comparative results using data taken from cancer registries on four carcinomas in some 300 geographical units in England, Scotland and Wales.
mixtools : An R Package for Analyzing Finite Mixture Models
Journal of Statistical Software, 2009
The mixtools package for R provides a set of functions for analyzing a variety of finite mixture models. These functions include both traditional methods, such as EM algorithms for univariate and multivariate normal mixtures, and newer methods that reflect some recent research in finite mixture models. In the latter category, mixtools provides algorithms for estimating parameters in a wide range of different mixture-of-regression contexts, in multinomial mixtures such as those arising from discretizing continuous multivariate data, in nonparametric situations where the multivariate component densities are completely unspecified, and in semiparametric situations such as a univariate location mixture of symmetric but otherwise unspecified densities. Many of the algorithms of the mixtools package are EM algorithms or are based on EM-like ideas, so this article includes an overview of EM algorithms for finite mixture models.
mixtools: An R Package for Analyzing Mixture Models
Journal of Statistical Software, 2009
The <b>mixtools</b> package for <code>R</code> provides a set of functions for analyzing a variety of finite mixture models. These functions include both traditional methods, such as EM algorithms for univariate and multivariate normal mixtures, and newer methods that reflect some recent research in finite mixture models. In the latter category, <b>mixtools</b> provides algorithms for estimating parameters in a wide range of different mixture-of-regression contexts, in multinomial mixtures such as those arising from discretizing continuous multivariate data, in nonparametric situations where the multivariate component densities are completely unspecified, and in semiparametric situations such as a univariate location mixture of symmetric but otherwise unspecified densities. Many of the algorithms of the <b>mixtools</b> package are EM algorithms or are based on EM-like ideas, so this article includes an overview of EM algorithms for fin...
Extending mixtures of factor models using the restricted multivariate skew-normal distribution
Journal of Multivariate Analysis
The mixture of factor analyzers (MFA) model provides a powerful tool for analyzing high-dimensional data as it can reduce the number of free parameters through its factor-analytic representation of the component covariance matrices. This paper extends the MFA model to incorporate a restricted version of the multivariate skew-normal distribution to model the distribution of the latent component factors, called mixtures of skew-normal factor analyzers (MSNFA). The proposed MSNFA model allows us to relax the need for the normality assumption for the latent factors in order to accommodate skewness in the observed data. The MSNFA model thus provides an approach to model-based density estimation and clustering of high-dimensional data exhibiting asymmetric characteristics. A computationally feasible ECM algorithm is developed for computing the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters. Model selection can be made on the basis of three commonly used information-based criteria. The potential of the proposed methodology is exemplified through applications to two real examples, and the results are compared with those obtained from fitting the MFA model.
Modelling high-dimensional data by mixtures of factor analyzers
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2003
We focus on mixtures of factor analyzers from the perspective of a method for model-based density estimation from high-dimensional data, and hence for the clustering of such data. This approach enables a normal mixture model to be ÿtted to a sample of n data points of dimension p, where p is large relative to n. The number of free parameters is controlled through the dimension of the latent factor space. By working in this reduced space, it allows a model for each component-covariance matrix with complexity lying between that of the isotropic and full covariance structure models. We shall illustrate the use of mixtures of factor analyzers in a practical example that considers the clustering of cell lines on the basis of gene expressions from microarray experiments.