Design and analysis of data management in scalable parallel scripting (original) (raw)

MTC Envelope: Defining the Capability of Large Scale Computers in the Context of Parallel Scripting Applications


Many scientific applications can be efficiently expressed with the parallel scripting (many-task computing, MTC) paradigm. These applications are typically composed of several stages of computation, with tasks in different stages coupled by a shared file system abstraction. However, we often see poor performance when running these applications on large scale computers due to the applications' frequency and volume of filesystem I/O and the absence of appropriate optimizations in the context of parallel scripting applications.

Data Management for Large-Scale Scientific Computations in High Performance Distributed Systems


With the increasing number of scientific applications manipulating huge amounts of data, effective high-level data management is an increasingly important problem. Unfortunately, so far the solutions to the high-level data management problem either require deep understanding of specific storage architectures and file layouts (as in high-performance file storage systems) or produce unsatisfactory I/O performance in exchange for ease-of-use and portability (as in relational DBMSs).

A novel application development environment for large-scale scientific computations


d h a r y , G. M e m i k , M . Kandemir,* S. M o r e , G. T h i r u v a t h u k a l , t and A, S i n g h t C e n t e r for Parallel a n d D i s t r i b u t e d C o m p u t i n g D e p a r t m e n t o f E l e c t r i c a l and C o m p u t e r E n g i n e e r i n g N o r t h w e s t e r n U n i v e r s i t y E v a n s t o n , I L 60208 { x h s h e n , w k l i a o , c h o u d h a r , m e m i k , s s m o r e } @ e c e . n w u . e d u

In-Memory Runtime File Systems for Many-Task Computing

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014

Many scientific computations can be expressed as Many-Task Computing (MTC) applications. In such scenarios, application processes communicate by means of intermediate files, in particular input, temporary data generated during job execution (stored in a runtime file system), and output. In data-intensive scenarios, the temporary data is generally much larger than input and output. In a 6x6 degree Montage mosaic [3], for example, the input, output and intermediate data sizes are 3.2GB, 10.9GB and 45.5GB, respectively [6]. Thus, speeding up I/O access to temporary data is key to achieving good overall performance. General-purpose, distributed or parallel file systems such as NFS, GPFS, or PVFS provide less than desirable performance for temporary data for two reasons. First, they are typically backed by physical disks or SSDs, limiting the achievable bandwidth and latency of the file system. Second, they provide POSIX semantics which are both too costly and unnecessarily strict for temporary data of MTC applications that are written once and read several times. Tailoring a runtime file system to this pattern can lead to significant performance improvements. Memory-based runtime file systems promise better performance. For MTC applications, such file systems are co-designed with task schedulers, aiming at data locality [6]. Here, tasks are placed onto nodes that contain the required input files, while write operations go to the node's own memory. Analyzing the communication patterns of workflows like Montage [3], however, shows that, initially, files are created by a single task. In subsequent steps, tasks combine several files, and final results are based on global data aggregation. Aiming at data locality hence leads to two significant drawbacks: (1.) Local-only write operations can lead to significant storage imbalance across nodes, while localonly read operations cause file replication onto all nodes that need them, which in worst case might exceed the memory capacity of nodes performing global data reductions. (2.) Because tasks typically read more than a single input file, locality-aware task placement is difficult to achieve in the first place. To overcome these drawbacks, we designed a distributed, in-memory runtime file system called MemFS that replaces data locality by uniformly spreading file stripes across all storage nodes. Due to its striping mechanism, MemFS leverages full network bisection bandwidth, maximizing I/O performance while avoiding storage imbalance problems.

Filesystem Aware Scalable I/O Framework for Data-Intensive Parallel Applications

2013 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing, Workshops and Phd Forum, 2013

The growing speed gap between CPU and memory makes I/O the main bottleneck of many industrial applications. Some applications need to perform I/O operations for very large volume of data frequently, which will harm the performance seriously. This work's motivation are geophysical applications used for oil and gas exploration. These applications process Terabyte size datasets in HPC facilities [6]. The datasets represent subsurface models and field recorded data. In general term, these applications read as inputs and write as intermediate/final results huge amount of data, where the underlying algorithms implement seismic imaging techniques. The traditional sequential I/O, even when couple with advance storage systems, cannot complete all I/O operations for so large volumes of data in an acceptable time range. Parallel I/O is the general strategy to solve such problems. However, because of the dynamic property of many of these applications, each parallel process does not know the data size it needs to write until its computation is done, and it also cannot identify the position in the file to write. In order to write correctly and efficiently, communication and synchronization are required among all processes to fully exploit the parallel I/O paradigm. To tackle these issues, we use a dynamic load balancing framework that is general enough for most of these applications. And to reduce the expensive synchronization and communication overhead, we introduced a I/O node that only handles I/O request and let compute nodes perform I/O operations in parallel. By using both POSIX I/O and memory-mapping interfaces, the experiment indicates that our approach is scalable. For instance, with 16 processes, the bandwidth of parallel reading can reach the theoretical peak performance (2.5 GB/s) of the storage infrastructure. Also, the parallel writing can be up to 4.68x (speedup, POSIX I/O) and 7.23x (speedup, memory-mapping) more efficient than the serial I/O implementation. Since, most geophysical applications are I/O bounded, these results positively impact the overall performance of the application, and confirm the chosen strategy as path to follow.

Enabling Scalable Data Processing and Management through Standards-based Job Execution and the Global Federated File System

Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, 2016

Emerging challenges for scientific communities are to efficiently process big data obtained by experimentation and computational simulations. Supercomputing architectures are available to support scalable and high performant processing environment, but many of the existing algorithm implementations are still unable to cope with its architectural complexity. One approach is to have innovative technologies that effectively use these resources and also deal with geographically dispersed large datasets. Those technologies should be accessible in a way that data scientists who are running data intensive computations do not have to deal with technical intricacies of the underling execution system. Our work primarily focuses on providing data scientists with transparent access to these resources in order to easily analyze data. Impact of our work is given by describing how we enabled access to multiple high performance computing resources through an open standards-based middleware that takes advantage of a unified data management provided by the the Global Federated File System. Our architectural design and its associated implementation is validated by a usecase that requires massivley parallel DBSCAN outlier detection on a 3D point clouds dataset.

A framework for distributed data-parallel execution in the Kepler scientific workflow system


Distributed Data-Parallel (DDP) patterns such as MapReduce have become increasingly popular as solutions to facilitate data-intensive applications, resulting in a number of systems supporting DDP workflows. Yet, applications or workflows built using these patterns are usually tightly-coupled with the underlying DDP execution engine they select. We present a framework for distributed data-parallel execution in the Kepler scientific workflow system that enables users to easily switch between different DDP execution engines.

Integrated Data and Task Management for Scientific Applications

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008

Several emerging application areas require intelligent management of distributed data and tasks that encapsulate execution units for collection of processors or processor groups. This paper describes an integration of data and task parallelism to address the needs of such applications in context of the Global Array (GA) programming model. GA provides programming interfaces for managing shared arrays based on non-partitioned global address space programming model concepts. Compatibility with MPI enables the scientific programmer to benefit from performance and productivity advantages of these high level programming abstractions using standard programming languages and compilers.

File System Workload Analysis For Large Scale Scientific Computing Applications

Parallel scientific applications require high-performance I/O support from underlying file systems. A comprehensive understanding of the expected workload is therefore essential for the design of high-performance parallel file systems. We reexamine the workload characteristics in parallel computing environments in the light of recent technology advances and new applications. We analyze application traces from a cluster with hundreds of nodes. On average, each application has only one or two typical request sizes. Large requests from several hundred kilobytes to several megabytes are very common. Although in some applications, small requests account for more than 90% of all requests, almost all of the I/O data are transferred by large requests. All of these applications show bursty access patterns. More than 65% of write requests have inter-arrival times within one millisecond in most applications. By running the same benchmark on different file models, we also find that the write throughput of using an individual output file for each node exceeds that of using a shared file for all nodes by a factor of 5. This indicates that current file systems are not well optimized for file sharing.

The quest for scalable support of data-intensive workloads in distributed systems

Proceedings of the 18th ACM international symposium on High performance distributed computing - HPDC '09, 2009

Data-intensive applications involving the analysis of large datasets often require large amounts of compute and storage resources, for which data locality can be crucial to high throughput and performance. We propose a "data diffusion" approach that acquires compute and storage resources dynamically, replicates data in response to demand, and schedules computations close to data. As demand increases, more resources are acquired, thus allowing faster response to subsequent requests that refer to the same data; when demand drops, resources are released. This approach can provide the benefits of dedicated hardware without the associated high costs, depending on workload and resource characteristics. To explore the feasibility of data diffusion, we offer both a theoretical and an empirical analysis. We define an abstract model for data diffusion, introduce new scheduling policies with heuristics to optimize real-world performance, and develop a competitive online cache eviction policy. We also offer many empirical experiments to explore the benefits of dynamically expanding and contracting resources based on load, to improve system responsiveness while keeping wasted resources small. We show performance improvements of one to two orders of magnitude across three diverse workloads when compared to the performance of parallel file systems with throughputs approaching 80 Gb/s on a modest cluster of 200 processors. We also compare data diffusion with a best model for active storage, contrasting the difference between a pull-model found in data diffusion and a push-model found in active storage.