Lorenzo Lotto: Der schlafende Apollo, die entweichenden Musen und die entfliegende Fama. Catalogue entry in "Vom Mythos der Antike" (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, 2008). (original) (raw)

2008, "Vom Mythos der Antike" (exh. cat. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, 2008).

Catalogue entry on Lorenzo Lotto's "The Sleeping Apollo with the Muses Dispersing and Fame Fleeing" (Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest).

Lazarus resurrectus: Platons Höhlengleichnis, die Taufe und der antike Roman. Ein religionsgeschichtlicher Versuch über Joh 11, in: G. Bosinski – H. Strom (eds.), Höhlen, Kultplätze, sakrale Kunst (Paderborn: Fink 2016), 269-299.

The article studies the story of Lazarus (John 11) in the context of three ancient texts: Plato’s parable of the cave, novels based on ancient mystery cults exemplified by the Greek story of „Kallirhoë“ by Chariton, and the Secret Gospel of Mark. Conclusion: though well hidden, the theme of baptism informs the whole story of the raising of Lazarus. Ritually, the person being baptised is pushed into the realm of death (the cave), so that he can emerge to a new life. Bernhard Lang, “Lazarus resurrectus: Platons Höhlengleichnis, die Taufe und der antike Roman. Ein religionsgeschichtlicher Versuch über Johannes 11”, in: Gerhard Bosinski – Harald Strohm (eds.), Höhlen, Kultplätze, sakrale Kunst: Kunst der Urgeschichte im Spiegel sprachdokumentierter Religionen. Paderborn: Fink 2016, 269¬–299. – An English version of part of this article is published as “The Baptismal Raising of Lazarus: A New Interpretation of John 11”, Novum Testamentum 58 (2016): 301–317.

Ein leidender und sterbender Gott? Dionysos bei Walter F. Otto und in der antiken Kunst

Otium cum dignitate. Festschrift für Angelika Geyer zum 65. Geburtstag (ed. by Dennis Graen - Mareike Rind - Henning Wabersich). BAR International Series 2605. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2014

"A SUFFERING AND DYING GOD? DIONYSOS IN WALTER F. OTTO AND IN ANCIENT ART In his 1933 pioneering book »Dionysos. Mythos und Kultus«, the philologist and historian of religion Walter F. Otto painted a rather sombre picture of Dionysos as god of extremes, with an emphasis on madness, cruelty, suffering, and death. This picture is partly due to a manipulation of the literary evidence, and mainly to the neglect of the god’s rendering in art. "


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