Statistical physics of social dynamics (original) (raw)
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In this Chapter, we review recent trends from statistical ph ysics to network research which are particularly useful for studying social systems. We report the discovery of some basic dynamical laws that enable the emergence of the fundamental features ob- served in social networks, namely the nontrivial clusterin g properties, the existence of positive degree correlations and the subdivision into
Social Conflicts Studied by Statistical Physics Approach and Monte Carlo Simulations
Proceedings of 5th International Electronic Conference on Entropy and Its Applications
Statistical physics models of social systems with a large number of members, each interacting with a subset of others, have been used in very diverse domains such as culture dynamics, crowd behavior, information dissemination and social conflicts. We observe that such models rely on the fact that large societal groups display surprising regularities despite individual agency. Unlike physics phenomena that obey Newton’s third law, in the world of humans the magnitudes of action and reaction are not necessarily equal. The effect of the actions of group n on group m can differ from the effect of group m on group n. We thus use the spin language to describe humans with this observation in mind. Note that particular individual behaviors do not survive in statistical averages. Only common characteristics remain. We have studied two-group conflicts as well as three-group conflicts. We have used time-dependent Mean-Field Theory and Monte Carlo simulations. Each group is defined by two param...
Statistical mechanics of collective behavior: Macro‐sociology
The Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 1998
The spatial and temporal evoiution of collecrive behavior in iar-se populations is simulated with a cellular automaton model and predicted r.r,itir a statisttcal filechanical anall,tical theory of macro-sociological behavior. The numerical cellular auton-ratolt simuiations shou, that the type of coiiective behavior obsen'ed in a group ciepends sensitively on tire group's social temperature with consensus more iikeli, at higher temperatures and fragmented pockets of majority and minority opinions at iower temperatures. An analytical derilatiou using a mean fielci approximation confirms this behaviol' and also identifies a critical sociai temperature (f,=1) above which orsanized collective behavior disappears. tising social forces as well as social temperatures. the statistical mechanical tireory predicts exrsting macro-sociological data on coilective behavior. +Correspondinc atithor. lnstitute ol Arctic alrcl .Alpin.-Rescarcli. ClLrlpus Box 45ti. Universitv of Colorado. Boulder. CO 803t)9-t)450. USA. *E. Passeritri u'as supportcd br'lrralional Science Foundution Grirnt CN.'lS-93126-17 at the Universitr o1'Coloraclo. Boulder. USA.
Agent-Based Models in Social Physics
Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 2018
We review the agent-based models (ABM) on social physics including econophysics. The ABM consists of agent, system space, and external environment. The agent is autonomous and decides his/her behavior by interacting with the neighbors or the external environment with the rules of behavior. Agents are irrational because they have only limited information when they make decisions. They adapt using learning from past memories. Agents have various attributes and are heterogeneous. ABM is a non-equilibrium complex system that exhibits various emergence phenomena. The social complexity ABM describes human behavioral characteristics. In ABMs of econophysics, we introduce the Sugarscape model and the artificial market models. We review minority games and majority games in ABMs of game theory. Social flow ABM introduces crowding, evacuation, traffic congestion, and pedestrian dynamics. We also review ABM for opinion dynamics and voter model. We discuss features and advantages and disadvantages of Netlogo, Repast, Swarm, and Mason, which are representative platforms for implementing ABM.
Modelling collective opinion formation by means of active Brownian particles
The European Physical Journal B, 2000
The concept of active Brownian particles is used to model a collective opinion formation process. It is assumed that individuals in community create a two-component communication field that influences the change of opinions of other persons and/or can induce their migration. The communication field is described by a reaction-diffusion equation, the opinion change of the individuals is given by a master equation, while the migration is described by a set of Langevin equations, coupled by the communication field. In the mean-field limit holding for fast communication we derive a critical population size, above which the community separates into a majority and a minority with opposite opinions. The existence of external support (e.g. from mass media) changes the ratio between minority and majority, until above a critical external support the supported subpopulation exists always as a majority. Spatial effects lead to two critical "social" temperatures, between which the community exists in a metastable state, thus fluctuations below a certain critical wave number may result in a spatial opinion separation. The range of metastability is particularly determined by a parameter characterizing the individual response to the communication field. In our discussion, we draw analogies to phase transitions in physical systems.
Mathematical Modeling of Collective Behavior in Socio-Economic and Life Sciences, 2010
In this chapter, we briefly review some opinion dynamics models starting from the classical Schelling model and other agent-based modelling examples. We consider both discrete and continuous models and we briefly describe different approaches: discrete dynamical systems and agent-based models, partial differential equations based models, kinetic framework. We also synthesized some comparisons between different methods with the main references in order to further analysis and remarks.
Monte Carlo simulations of opinion dynamics
We briefly introduce a new promising field of applications of statistical physics, opinion dynamics, where the systems at study are social groups or communities and the atoms/spins are the individuals (or agents) belonging to such groups. The opinion of each agent is modeled by a number, integer or real, and simple rules determine how the opinions vary as a consequence of discussions between people. Monte Carlo simulations of consensus models lead to patterns of self-organization among the agents which fairly well reproduce the trends observed in real social systems.
Modelling opinion formation with physics tools: Call for closer link with reality
The growing field of studies of opinion formation using physical formalisms and computer simulation based tools suffers from relative lack of connection to the 'real world' societal behaviour. Such sociophysics research should aim at explaining observations or at proposing new ones. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, as many works concentrate more on the models themselves than on the social phenomena. Moreover, the simplifications proposed in simulations often sacrifice realism on the altar of computability. There are several ways to improve the value of the research, the most important by promoting truly multidisciplinary cooperation between physicists aiming to describe social phenomena and sociologists studying the phenomena in the field. In the specific case of modelling of opinion formation there are a few technical ideas which might bring the computer models much closer to reality, and therefore to improve the predictive value of the sociophysics approach.
Dynamics of two-group conflicts: A statistical physics model
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2017
We propose a "social physics" model for two-group conflict. We consider two disputing groups. Each individual i in each of the two groups has a preference si regarding the way in which the conflict should be resolved. The individual preferences span a range between +M (prone to protracted conflict) and −M (prone to settle the conflict). The noise in this system is quantified by a "social temperature." Individuals interact within their group and with individuals of the other group. A pair of individuals (i, j) within a group contributes-si * sj to the energy. The inter-group energy of individual i is taken to be proportional to the product between si and the mean value of the preferences from the other group's members. We consider an equivalent-neighbor Renyi-Erdos network where everyone interacts with everyone. We present some examples of conflicts that may be described with this model.