D= 7/D= 6 heterotic supergravity with gauged R-symmetry (original) (raw)
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Gauged R-symmetry and its anomalies in 4D N=1 supergravity and phenomenological implications
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015
We consider a class of models with gauged U (1) R symmetry in 4D N=1 supergravity that have, at the classical level, a metastable ground state, an infinitesimally small (tunable) positive cosmological constant and a TeV gravitino mass. We analyse if these properties are maintained under the addition of visible sector (MSSM-like) and hidden sector state(s), where the latter may be needed for quantum consistency. We then discuss the anomaly cancellation conditions in supergravity as derived by Freedman, Elvang and Körs and apply their results to the special case of a U (1) R symmetry, in the presence of the Fayet-Iliopoulos term (ξ) and Green-Schwarz mechanism(s). We investigate the relation of these anomaly cancellation conditions to the "naive" field theory approach in global SUSY, in which case U (1) R cannot even be gauged. We show the two approaches give similar conditions. Their induced constraints at the phenomenological level, on the above models, remain strong even if one lifted the GUT-like conditions for the MSSM gauge couplings. In an anomaly-free model, a tunable, TeV-scale gravitino mass may remain possible provided that the U (1) R charges of additional hidden sector fermions (constrained by the cubic anomaly alone) do not conflict with the related values of U (1) R charges of their scalar superpartners, constrained by existence of a stable ground state. This issue may be bypassed by tuning instead the coefficients of the Kahler connection anomalies (b K , b CK ).
Higher derivative extension of 6D chiral gauged supergravity
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012
ABSTRACT Six-dimensional (1,0) supersymmetric gauged Einstein-Maxwell supergravity is extended by the inclusion of a supersymmetric Riemann tensor squared invariant. Both the original model as well as the Riemann tensor squared invariant are formulated off-shell and consequently the total action is off-shell invariant without modification of the supersymmetry transformation rules. In this formulation, superconformal techniques, in which the dilaton Weyl multiplet plays a crucial role, are used. It is found that the gauging of the U(1) R-symmetry in the presence of the higher-order derivative terms does not modify the positive exponential in the dilaton potential. Moreover, the supersymmetric Minkowski(4) x S^2 compactification of the original model, without the higher-order derivatives, is remarkably left intact. It is shown that the model also admits non-supersymmetric vacuum solutions that are direct product spaces involving de Sitter spacetimes and negative curvature internal spaces.
New D = 10, N = 1 supergravity coupled to Yang-Mills supermultiplet and anomaly cancellations
Phys Lett B, 1985
We present a new D = 10, N = 1 supergravity theory coupled to a vector multiplet, using a duality transformation of the ordinary D =10, N =1 theory. Our new field content is (e~', ~kz, Mzl ...z6, X, q~; Az, h), where the sixth-rank tensor Mzl...z 6 has a field strength dual to the third-rank field strength in the ordinary theory. We also show that our new theory is free from all the gauge, gravitational and mixed anomalies, when the gauge group is SO(32) or E s × Es, following the Green-Schwarz mechanism. The structure of anomaly cancellation is different from that in the ordinary theory, suggesting that our theory is really a new quantum theory. Due to ambiguities in field representations realizing physical states of superstrings in the low energy limit, our new theory is an alternative field theoretical limit of the type-I (or heterotic) superstring theory. The difference between the two theories arises also in topology of compactifications.
Supersymmetric solutions from N=6 gauged supergravity
Physical Review D, 2021
We study supersymmetric solutions in four-dimensional N=6N=6N=6 gauged supergravity with SO(6)SO(6)SO(6) gauge group. There is a unique N=6N=6N=6 supersymmetric AdS_4AdS_4AdS4 vacuum with SO(6)SO(6)SO(6) symmetry dual to an N=6N=6N=6 SCFT in three dimensions. We find a number of domain walls interpolating between this AdS4AdS_4AdS_4 vacuum and singular geometries in the IR with SO(2)timesSO(4)SO(2)\times SO(4)SO(2)timesSO(4), U(3)U(3)U(3), SO(3)SO(3)SO(3) and SO(2)timesSO(2)timesSO(2)SO(2)\times SO(2)\times SO(2)SO(2)timesSO(2)timesSO(2) symmetries. The SO(3)SO(3)SO(3) case admits N=6N=6N=6 or N=2N=2N=2 solutions depending on whether the pseudoscalars are present or not. On the other hand, all the remaining solutions preserve N=6N=6N=6 supersymmetry. These solutions describe RG flows from the N=6N=6N=6 SCFT to non-conformal field theories driven by mass deformations. In particular, the SO(2)timesSO(4)SO(2)\times SO(4)SO(2)timesSO(4) solution is in agreement with the previously known mass deformations of the dual N=6N=6N=6 SCFT. We also give a supersymmetric Janus solution with SO(2)timesSO(4)SO(2)\times SO(4)SO(2)timesSO(4) symmetry, describing two-dimensional conformal defects in the N=6N=6N=6 SCF...
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D=4, gauged supergravity in the presence of tensor multiplets
Nuclear Physics B, 2004
Using superspace techniques we construct the general theory describing D = 4, N = 2 supergravity coupled to an arbitrary number of vector and scalar-tensor multiplets. The scalar manifold of the theory is the direct product of a special Kähler and a reduction of a Quaternionic-Kähler manifold. We perform the electric gauging of a subgroup of the isometries of such manifold as well as "magnetic" deformations of the theory discussing the consistency conditions arising in this process. The resulting scalar potential is the sum of a symplectic invariant part (which in some instances can be recast into the standard form of the gauged N = 2 theory) and of a non-invariant part, both giving new deformations. We also show the relation of such theories to flux compactifications of type II string theories.
Scaling solutions to 6D gauged chiral supergravity
New Journal of Physics, 2006
We construct explicitly time-dependent exact solutions to the field equations of 6D gauged chiral supergravity, compactified to 4D in the presence of up to two 3-branes situated within the extra dimensions. The solutions we find are scaling solutions, and are plausibly attractors which represent the late-time evolution of a broad class of initial conditions. By matching their near-brane boundary conditions to physical brane properties we argue that these solutions (together with the known maximally-symmetric solutions and a new class of non-Lorentz-invariant static solutions, which we also present here) describe the bulk geometry between a pair of 3-branes with non-trivial on-brane equations of state.
Consistent and covariant anomalies in six-dimensional supergravity
Phys.Lett. B436 (1998) 298-305, 1998
In this note we clarify some issues in six-dimensional (1, 0) supergravity coupled to vector and tensor multiplets. In particular, we show that, while the low-energy equations embody tensor-vector couplings that contribute only to gauge anomalies, the divergence of the energy-momentum tensor is properly non-vanishing. In addition, we show how to revert to a supersymmetric formulation in terms of covariant non-integrable field equations that embody corresponding covariant anomalies.
New gauge supergravity in seven and eleven dimensions
Physical Review D, 1998
Locally supersymmetric systems in odd dimensions whose Lagrangians are Chern-Simons forms for supersymmetric extensions of anti-de Sitter gravity are discussed. The construction is illustrated for D = 7 and 11. In seven dimensions the theory is an N = 2 supergravity whose fields are the vielbein (e a µ ), the spin connection (ω ab µ ), two gravitini (ψ i µ ) and an sp(2) gauge connection (a i µj ). These fields form a connection for osp(2|8). In eleven dimensions the theory is an N = 1 supergravity containing, apart from e a µ and ω ab µ , one gravitino ψµ, and a totally antisymmetric fifth rank Lorentz tensor oneform, b abcde µ . These fields form a connection for osp(32|1). The actions are by construction invariant under local supersymmetry and the algebra closes off shell without requiring auxiliary fields. The N = 2 [D/2] -theory can be shown to have nonnegative energy around an AdS background, which is a classical solution that saturates the Bogomolnyi bound obtained from the superalgebra.
A Green-Schwarz mechanism for D = 4, N = 1 supergravity anomalies
Nuclear Physics B, 1992
A method is presented for cancelling the superconformal-Weyl-U(1) anomaly in four-dimensional N = I supergravity theories coupled to matter. This method is explicitly demonstrated for both the new minimal and old minimal formulations of supergravity. An anomaly in Kähler transformations is shown to exist in such theories and we present a mechanism for rendering these theories quantum Kähler invariant. Finally, the relationship to duality invariance in low-energy effective superstring theory is discussed.