Oligocene vegetation and climate characteristics in north-west Turkey: data from the south-western part of the Thrace Basin (original) (raw)

Palaeoecology of Coal-Bearing Eocene Sediments in Central Anatolia (Turkey) Based on Quantitative Palynological Data

Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 2008

In this study, the lignite-bearing Yoncalı formation between Yozgat and Sorgun, in central Anatolia has been palynologically examined. Based on 37 outcrop samples, quantitative palynological studies recognized 64 genera and 136 palynoflora species in the palynological assemblage, which indicated a Middle-?Late Eocene age. This paper also presents a quantitative palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate reconstruction for the Middle-?Upper Eocene coal occurrences of Central Anatolia on the basis of palynomorph assemblages. The diversified floral and ecological characteristics of the pollen taxa indicates that the Middle-?Upper Eocene formations in central Anatolia were characterized by the presence of a complex mangrove swamp with contributions by Nypa, Pelliciera, Avicennia, Diporites iszkaszentgyörgyi and dinoflagellate cysts which reflect warm climatic conditions. Behind the mangrove zone, pollen of Restionaceae, Ephedraceae, Mauritia, Proxapertites (Araceae) and Longapertites (Arecaceae) as well as the fern Acrostichum aureum occur. Lowland-riparian and montane elements are characterized by the dominance of Myricaceae, Symplocaceae, Icacinaceae, Quercus, Pinus and Castanea. Swampfreshwater elements are represented by Sparganiaceae, Nymphaceae, Taxodiaceae, Cupressaceae and Nyssa as well as fern spores such as Osmundaceae and Gleicheniaceae.

Late Oligocene–Early Miocene palaeoecology based on pollen data from the Kalkım-Gönen Basin (Northwest Turkey)

Geodinamica Acta, 2016

Radiometric and palynological data of the Upper Oligocene-Lower Miocene Soma Formation from the Kalkım-Gönen Basin yield new results related to age and palynological contents. In this study, Upper Oligocene strata from the Danişment and Linfa areas and Lower Miocene strata from the Bengiler area were sampled palynologically and for radiometric dating. The Danişment assemblage, which is older than the Linfa assemblages, mainly contains coniferous and evergreen to deciduous mixed mesophytic forest elements. Relatively high quantities of the altitudinal plants Picea and Abies, indicate a cooler palaeoclimate. The Linfa associations mainly include coniferous and riparian elements. Pollen of the riparian plant Alnus and Taxodiaceae indicative for the swamp forest community was predominant, probably as a result of a high lake level. There is a hiatus during the Oligocene-Miocene transition, probably showing a non-depositional phase and sea-level fall indicating the Mi-1 glaciation event. Higher in the sequence, the Aquitanian Bengiler sediments include high amounts of coniferous forest elements as well as components indicative for the evergreen and deciduous mesophytic forest and also riparian forest and swamp forest. Due to presence of thermophilous taxa Reveesia, Mastixiaceae and Arecaceae, a warm and humid palaeoclimate is inferred according to quantitative analyses using the Coexistence Approach.

Holocene palaeoceanographic evolution of the Iskenderun bay, South-Eastern Turkey, as a response to river mouth diversions and human impact

Mediterranean Marine Science, 2000

A quantitative study of benthic foraminifera, sediment texture and composition from two cores was performed to unravel the environmental evolution of the Iskenderun Bay (eastern Turkey) in the Holocene. Core 29 (NE Iskenderun Bay) consists of clay and silt from the top of the core down to 35 cm with dominant bioclasts (coral Cladocora caespitosa) from 35 cm down to the bottom of the core. Core 92, located near an ancient Ceyhan River mouth (Yumurtalik), consists of sandy and silty sediment passing to homogeneous clay and silt at about 48 cm from the top. Several grab samples show very coarse biogenic detritus covered by a centimetric veneer of sandy silt and clay. Radiocarbon dating of corals, molluscs and algae from core 29 and five selected grab samples, the sediment and foraminiferal study indicate that at least three pulses of muddy sedimentation occurred in the bay. (1) An older pulse (about 3700 yrs BP) related to the large-scale forest clearing (Beysheir Occupation Phase). (2...

Sedimentary Properties of the Middle−Upper Eocene Formations in Çardak, Burdur and İncesu, SW Turkey

Abstract: Th e integration of sedimentological, palynological and palaeontological data in three diff erent outcrops in SW Turkey provides a clearer understanding of the palaeoenvironments in an area between the Çardak-Dazkırı Basin and the Isparta region during the Middle–Late Eocene. In this study, the Çardak-Dazkırı (Başçeşme Formation), Burdur (Varsakyayla Formation) and Isparta (Kayıköy Formation) areas have been studied for facies and facies associations. Th ese formations contain alluvial fan, fan delta, shelf and related marine deposits. Detailed fi eld observations allowed 34 lithofacies and 10 facies associations to be identifi ed. Th e palynomorph assemblages in the Başçeşme and Varsakyayla formations contain biostratigraphically important taxa such as Aglaoreidia cyclops, Triatriopollenites excelsus, Plicatopollis lunatus, Subtriporopollenites constans and Subtriporopollenites anulatus ssp. nanus. Th e mangrove and back mangrove elements such as Psilatricolporites crassus and Spinizoncolpites sp. also occur in these palynomorph assemblages. The upper parts of the Başçeşme and Varsakyayla formations, which oft en exhibit reef developments, contain an assemblage of orthophragmines (Discocyclina sp.), nummulitids (Nummulites sp., Assilina sp., Heterostegina sp., Operculina sp.) and other benthic taxa (Halkyardia sp., Fabiania sp., Asterigerina sp., and Sphaerogypsina sp.). Th ese assemblages indicate shallow benthic zones 18-20 (SBZ 18-20). Th e absence of foraminifera in the Kayıköy Formation does not allow a precise age of the unit to be determined. However, the occurrence of some planktonic foraminifera (Globigerinidae) and the presence of clastic sediments suggest a marine environment with turbidity currents. Th e lateral and vertical relations of the Başçeşme, Varsakyayla and Kayıköy formations suggest a marine transgression from west to east in SW Anatolia during the late Middle Eocene–Late Eocene.

Sedimentary Properties of the Middle−Upper Eocene Formations in Çardak, Burdur and İncesu, SW Turkey Middle-Uper Eocene Formations in SW Turkey

The Turkish journal of pediatrics

The integration of sedimentological, palynological and palaeontological data in three different outcrops in SW Turkey provides a clearer understanding of the palaeoenvironments in an area between the Cardak-Dazkiri Basin and the Isparta region during the Middle Late Eocene. in this study, the Cardak-Dazkiri (Bascesme Formation), Burdur (Varsakyayla Formation) and Isparta (Kayikoy Formation) areas have been studied for facies and facies associations. These formations contain alluvial fan, fan delta, shelf and related marine deposits. Detailed field observations allowed 34 lithofacies and 10 facies associations to be identified. The palynomorph assemblages in the Bascesme and Varsakyayla formations contain biostratigraphically important taxa such as Aglaoreidia cyclops, Triatriopollenites excelsus, Plicatopollis lunatus, Subtriporopollenites constans and Subtriporopollenites anulatus ssp. nanus. The mangrove and back mangrove elements such as Psilatricolporites crassus and Spinizoncol...

Lower Palaeozoic stratigraphy and palaeontology, Karadere–Zirze area, Pontus Mountains, northern Turkey

Geological Magazine, 2000

Lower Palaeozoic rocks in the Karadere-Zirze area, east of Safranbolu (Pontides, northern Turkey), range from Early Ordovician to Silurian. Overlying the probably Tremadoc Bakacak Form ation are Aydos Form ation quartzites, followed conformably by the Karadere Form ation, dated as Early Arenig to Early Llanvirn by means of graptolites which are assigned to seventeen genera and include three new forms: Eoglyptogr aptus bouceki, Prolasiograptus haplus praecursor and Undulograptus? miii. Late Arenig trilobites from the Karadere Form ation include Bergamia, Cyclopyge, Dionidelkfí, Leioshumardia and Seleneceme. In the Limestone M em ber of the overlying Ketencikdere Form ation, uncom m on trilobites suggest only a mid-to late Ordovician age, but conodonts with Colour Alteration Index 5-6 indicate the Amorphognathus tvaerensis Biozone (early Caradoc). Macrofossils are rare in the Siltstone Member, but conodonts from the middle of the unit suggest the highest subzone of the A. tvaerensis Biozone; the youngest visible strata are, on acritarch evidence, at least as high as Caradoc, but the Ashgill is not confirmed and the contact with overlying Silurian rocks is unexposed. The Findikli Form ation comprises: a Lower Member, black argillites with Llandovery graptolites and acritarchs; and an U pper Member, grey shales with late Wenlock grapto lites, overlain unconformably by Devonian rocks. The succession differs significantly from contem po raneous deposits in southern Turkey and its affinities lie with western Europe, including the Welsh Basin.

Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Çardak coal seam, SW Turkey

International Journal of Coal Geology, 2015

Th e integration of sedimentological, palynological and palaeontological data in three diff erent outcrops in SW Turkey provides a clearer understanding of the palaeoenvironments in an area between the Çardak-Dazkırı Basin and the Isparta region during the Middle-Late Eocene. In this study, the Çardak-Dazkırı (Başçeşme Formation), Burdur (Varsakyayla Formation) and Isparta (Kayıköy Formation) areas have been studied for facies and facies associations. Th ese formations contain alluvial fan, fan delta, shelf and related marine deposits. Detailed fi eld observations allowed 34 lithofacies and 10 facies associations to be identifi ed. Th e palynomorph assemblages in the Başçeşme and Varsakyayla formations contain biostratigraphically important taxa such as Aglaoreidia cyclops, Triatriopollenites excelsus, Plicatopollis lunatus, Subtriporopollenites constans and Subtriporopollenites anulatus ssp. nanus. Th e mangrove and back mangrove elements such as Psilatricolporites crassus and Spinizoncolpites sp. also occur in these palynomorph assemblages. Th e upper parts of the Başçeşme and Varsakyayla formations, which oft en exhibit reef developments, contain an assemblage of orthophragmines (Discocyclina sp.), nummulitids (Nummulites sp., Assilina sp., Heterostegina sp., Operculina sp.) and other benthic taxa (Halkyardia sp., Fabiania sp., Asterigerina sp., and Sphaerogypsina sp.). Th ese assemblages indicate shallow benthic zones 18-20 (SBZ 18-20). Th e absence of foraminifera in the Kayıköy Formation does not allow a precise age of the unit to be determined. However, the occurrence of some planktonic foraminifera (Globigerinidae) and the presence of clastic sediments suggest a marine environment with turbidity currents. Th e lateral and vertical relations of the Başçeşme, Varsakyayla and Kayıköy formations suggest a marine transgression from west to east in SW Anatolia during the late Middle Eocene-Late Eocene.