Evaluacija rehabilitacije neuroloških bolesnika liječenih na institutu za fizijatriju (original) (raw)

Blood Pressure and Outcome in Acute Stroke: Differences between Ischemic Stroke and Intracerebral Hemorrhage


Modani udar je vodeaei uzrok smrtnosti i invalidnosti u Slavoniji i Baranji. Cilj istraivanja je bio utvrditi riziène èimbenike te podtipove modanih udara u regiji. U studiju je bilo ukljuèeno 130 oboljelih od modanog udara prosjeène starosne dobi od 67 godina, lijeèenih na neurolokim odjelima u Osijeku i Slavonskom Brodu tijekom 2003. godine. Pri postavljanju dijagnoze modanog udara kompjutorizirana tomografija mozga je uèinjena kod 100%, ekstrakranijska obojena doplerska sonografija krvnih ila kod 44,1%, transkranijska dopler sonografija kod 55,2% te laboratorijska obrada kod svih bolesnika. Bolesnike smo klasificirali na one koji su preboljeli hemoragièni odnosno ishemièni modani udar. U skupini s hemoragiènim modanim udarom izvrili smo podjelu u dvije podskupine, tj. na one koji su preboljeli subarahnoidno krvarenje i one koji su preboljeli intracerebralno krvarenje. Pri klasifikaciji bolesnika s ishemiènim modanim udarom rabili smo klasifikaciju TOAST koja ima 5 podtipova: modani udar velikih krvnih ila, malih krvnih ila, kardioembolièni, ostalih poznatih uzroka, te vie uzroka i/ili nepoznatih uzroka za nastanak modanog udara. Rezultati su pokazali kako je najèeaei èimbenik rizika kod ispitanika bila arterijska hipertenzija (èak 77,69%), te potom kardiomiopatija (46,15%), hiperkolesterolemija (45,28%), tjelesna neaktivnost (39,23%), hipertrigliceredemija (34,62%), debljina (32,31%), puenje (28,46%), te pozitivno obiteljsko naslijeðe i atrijska fibrilacija (svaki po 16,92%). Treba osobito istaknuti kako je èak 50,10% bolesnika imalo 3 i vie èimbenika rizika u anamnezi. Hemoragièni modani udar je preboljelo 17,69% ispitanika, i to subarahnoidno krvare

Etiology of ischemic stroke among young adults of Serbia

Background/Aim. Etiology of ischemic stroke (IS) among young adults varies among countries. The aim of the study was to investigate the causes and risk factors of IS in the young adults of Serbia. Methods. A total of 865 patients with IS, aged 15 to 45 years, were treated throughout the period 1989-2005. Etiologic diagnostic tests were performed on the patient by the patient basis and according to their availability at the time of investigation. The most likely cause of stroke was categorized according to the TOAST (Trial of ORG 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment) criteria. Results. There were 486 men and 379 women, with 19% of the patients ≤ 30 years old. Large artery arteriosclerosis and small artery disease were confirmed in 14% of the patients, and embolism and other determined causes in 20%. Undetermined causes made up 32% of the patients, mostly those (26%) with incomplete investigations. Smoking (37%), hypertension (35%) and hyperlipidemia (35%) were the most common risk factors. Rheumatic heart diseases and prosthetic valves were the most common causes of IS. Arterial dissections and coagulation inhibitors deficiency were detected in a small number of patients. Conclusion. Etiology of IS among Serbian young adults shares characteristics of those in both western and less developed countries.

Hospital mortality characteristics in patients hospitalised at Tuzla Department of Neurology 2000-2001

Acta Clinica Croatica, Supplement

The purpose of the study was to establish the possible environmental influences in the peculiar rising and falling trends in the number of hemorrhagic stroke (HS) recorded in east Croatia (Osijek area) during the last thirteen-year period (1988-2000). In this period, 1222 HS were recorded and treated. A constant increase in the incidence of HS was observed, from 60 in 1988 to 139 in 1998, with a mean annual rate of 16.5% of all stroke cases. A sharp increase in the rate of HS in total stroke incidence was recorded during the war in Croatia (1991-1995), with a peak incidence of 27.4% in 1993. Typical hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) was most common (57.1%), followed by atypical ICH in 26.4% and subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) in 16.5% of cases. Analysis of the annual incidence of hypertensive ICH and SAH revealed peculiar rising and falling trends. These variations were in correlation with difficult living conditions. During the war


Introduction: Stroke is a rapid loss of brain function due to disturbance blood flow to the brain. The existence of multiple risk factors, the length of their duration, and severity of each factor individually, is positively correlated with the occurrence of stroke. Stroke is the third cause of disability and premature death for men and women. Aim: The aim of this research is that through clinical and epidemiological studies the origin and development of stroke to inspect the same level of representation in the population of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton. Material and methods: This survey covers the entire population of residents in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, and the number of patients who had a need for primary and secondary treating the symptoms of stroke. The very setting of this model of anthropological research modern human groups and theoretical estimates of the impact of genetic and / or environmental risk factors in the formation of phenotypic expression of complex traits of stroke, at the population level, resulted in the realization of the very methodology of this research. The study was conducted at the Mostar. These two health institutions, in addition to primary care are at the disposal for entire population of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton and beyond. Data were collected by examining the details of the history of the board of hospitalized patients in the period from 1 January 2010–to 31 December 2014. The processed are 10 risk factors–potential causes of stroke. We also as research material, used records of hospital morbidity–the disease-illness statistics form (form number:). Results: In our study, stroke is the second most frequent in the period of investigation, and noted the rapid growth that is in 2010 and 10.21% to 14.52% in 2014. There was a slight statistically significant differences in relation to the number of infected men and women, and the same is in favor of the patients are female. The number of patients with ischemic stroke, 954 of them or 48.38% was male and 1,018 or 51.62% were female. Of the 10 possible risk factors, factor 6 has a statistically significant canonical factor value, of which hypertension–CVI and the level of P = 0009 *, p = secondary hypertension, 0034 *, hypertensive heart disease, p =, * 0021, Diabetes mellitus of P = 0029 *, p = Anemia, 0052 * and C-reactive protein (CRP) of p = 0049 *, respectively, these canonical factors carry the entire amount of information about the relations impact of certain risk factors in the onset and development of the brain shock. Conclusion: We conclude that there is a statistically significant correlation between the studied risk factors in the genesis of the origin and development of different types of stroke.

Short-term outcome of stroke


Clinical characteristics and short-term outcome of stroke were analyzed in patients treated at the Osijek Department of Neurology. The study included 67 patients, mean age 68, 24 years. There were 34 women (mean age 71, 41 years) and 33 men (mean age 64, 85 years). Data from the patient history and treatment protocol were thoroughly analyzed. The aim of the study was to determine more precise indicators of short-term stroke outcome in our population, which would enable comparison with data from other countries and facilitate patient prognosis. The following indicator were obtained: first ever stroke was recorded in 50 (74, 6%) and recurrent stroke in 17 (25, 4%) patients ; ischemic stroke was diagnosed in 59 (88, 0%) and hemorrhagic stroke in 8 (12, 0% patients. The following complications of stroke were recorded: pneumonia in 11, 9%, urinary infection in 25, 4%, deep venous thrombosis in 3% and consciousness disturbances in 28, 4% of patients, where as decubitus was not recorded at...

Stroke in the Elderly Population of Croatia

Acta Clinica Croatica, 2002

Second Congress of Croatian Stroke Society Drugi kongres Hrvatskoga drutva za prevenciju modanog udara ferred to geriatric units. Patient condition at discharge was not stated in 22 (1.8%) questionnaires, 770 (67.0%) patients were discharged in improved condition, 77 (6.7%) in unchanged condition, 9 (0.8%) in deteriorated condition, and 272 (23.7%) patients died during the treatment. The collection and analysis of data on stroke patients could greatly improve our perception of stroke in the Croatian population.

Trends of Cerebrovascular Diseases at Department of Neurology Tuzla

Medical research archives, 2017

Patients and methods. This retrospective study included 2363 patients with acute stroke who were hospitalized at the Department of Neurology Tuzla in the period from 2013 to 2015. Demographic data, types of stroke and mortality were analyzed in the three years period and compared with the previously analyzed period (2001-2005). The necessary data were taken from the standard history chart. The inclusion criterion was stroke confirmation with neuroimaging techniques. Results. Out of 2363 patients with acute stroke, there were 1186 (50.2%) women and 1177 (49.8%) men without statistical significance. The average age was 70 years. Ischemic strokes (IS) were statistically more frequent in the period 2013-2015 (p=0.02), while intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) was more common in the previously analyzed period (2001-2005) (p=0.0001). There was statistical significance in the distribution of certain types of stroke. The most frequent risk factors were hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes mellitus. The mortality for all types of stroke, and the total in-hospital mortality were lower in comparison to the previously analyzed period (2001-2005). Conclusion. Improved diagnostic procedures lead to a different distribution of stroke subtypes. In the three-year analysis period, the prevalence of ischemic stroke increased and the in-hospital mortality reduced. Adequate control of modifiable stroke risk factors may help to reduce the occurrence of stroke.

The Changing Incidence of Cerebrovascular Disease in Zagreb over a Ten-Year Period

During the last decade Croatia was faced with war and population migration that entailed socioeconomic changes, modification of lifestyle, risk factors and health care, thus influencing the incidence and outcome of stroke. Data on patients admitted to University Department of Neurology in the years 1990 and 1999 were compared to estimate the incidence and prevalence of stroke and stroke subtypes, risk factors and outcome. In 1999, the number of stroke patients was almost twofold that recorded in 1990 and stroke patients were by 5 years younger. In 1999, there were more first-ever strokes (the incidence of crude first stroke increased by 57%), whereas the number of recurrent strokes increased in men and decreased in women. The proportion of ischemic stroke and subarachnoid hemorrhage did not significantly change, whereas parenchymatous hemorrhage increased in women. Hypertension was more common (83% versus 62%), whereas the prevalence of other risk factors did not change significantly. Patients were more often discharged for home care instead of rehabilitation center care. Mortality decreased in men and increased in women, whereas case fatality and crude mortality decreased leading to an increased stroke burden.

Gambaran NIHSS pada Pasien Stroke di Ruang Rawat Inap Neurologi RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado periode Juli 2014 - Juni 2015


Stroke is the interruption of blood flow to the brain that occurs suddenly and persists for more than 24 hours, which can cause disability. NIHSS is a measurement tool assessing the outcomes of stroke. This study aimed to describe NIHSS in stroke patients in the Neurology Departement of Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado, for the period of July 2014-June 2015. This is a descriptive retrospective study which used secondary data in the form of inpatients medical record. The result of this study showed that 136 stroke patients who met the criteria used the NIHSS examination with a total of 73 male patients (53,7%) and 63 female patients (46,3%). The largest age group was 41-65 years with a total of 96 patients (70,58%) and based on the educational level, most patients had high school degree or equivalent as the latest educational level with a total of 66 patients (48,52%). NIHSS examination in admitted hemorrhagic stroke patients were 28 patients (60%) consisting of 3 patients in the minor category, 16 patients in the moderate category, and 9 patients in the severe category, whereas the discharged patients were 19 patients (40%), consisting of 6 patients in the normal category, 5 patients in the minor category, 6 patients in the moderate category, and 2 patients in the severe category. NIHSS examination in admitted non-hemorrhagic stroke patients were 45 patients (51%), consisting of 3 patients in the minor category, 32 patients in the moderate category, and 10 patients in the severe category, whereas discharged patients were 44 patients (49%) consisting of 6 patients in the normal category, 10 patients in the minor category, 26 patients in the moderate category, and 2 patients in the severe category.