Design and implementation of a picture archiving and communication system: The second time (original) (raw)
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Academic Radiology, 2012
The availability of the Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) has revolutionized the practice of radiology in the past two decades and has shown to eventually increase productivity in radiology and medicine. PACS implementation and integration may bring along numerous unexpected issues, particularly in a large-scale enterprise. To achieve a successful PACS implementation, identifying the critical success and failure factors is essential. This article provides an overview of the process of implementing and integrating PACS in a comprehensive health system comprising an academic core hospital and numerous community hospitals. Important issues are addressed, touching all stages from planning to operation and training. The impact of an enterprise-wide radiology information system and PACS at the academic medical center (four specialty hospitals), in six additional community hospitals, and in all associated outpatient clinics as well as the implications on the productivity and efficiency of the entire enterprise are presented.
Infrastructure design of a picture archiving and communication system
American Journal of Roentgenology, 1992
A picture archiving and communication system (PACS) infratructure is the necessary framework to integrate distributed and #{149}eterogeneous imaging systems, provide intelligent database nanagement of all radiology-related information, arrange an eficient means of viewing, analyzing, and documenting study re-3u1t5, and furnish a mechanism for effectively communicating study results to the referring physician. The PACS infrastructure consists of a basic skeleton of hardware components integrated by standardized, flexible software subsystems. This review de
Implementation of a large-scale picture archiving and communication system
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 1993
This paper describes the implementation of a large-scale picture archiving and communication system (PACS) in a clinical environment. The system consists of a PACS infrastructure, composed of a PACS controller, a database management system, communication networks, and optical disk archive. It connects to three MR units, four CT scanners, three computed radiography systems, and two laser film digitizers. Seven display stations are on line 24 h/day, 7 days/wk in genitourinary radiology (2K), pediatric radiology in-patient (1K and 2K) and outpatient (2K), neuroradiology (2K), pediatric ICU (lK), coronary care unit (lK), and one laser film printing station. The PACS is integrated with the hospital information system and the radiology information system. The system has been in operation since February 1992. We have integrated this PACS as a clinical component in daily radiology practice. It archives an average of 2.0-gigabyte image data per workday. A 3-mo system performance of various components are tabulated. The deployment of this large-scale PACS signifies a milestone in our PACS research and development effort. Radiologists, fellows, residents, and clinicians use it for case review, conferences, and occasionally for primary diagnosis. With this huge-scale PACS in place, it will allow us to investigate the two critical issues raised when PACS research first started 10 yrs ago: system performance and cost effectiveness between a digital-based and a film-based system.
Picture Archiving and Communication System Design and Implementation
PACS (Picture archiving and communication system) has been vastly introduced as a reliable alternative to the conventional film- and paper-based healthcare system. It has been in existence for several years and has become an integral part of the infrastructure of radiology and imaging departments across the world. Services provided by PACS establish a platform for the diagnosis of different diseases. PACS serves as a more convenient means of teaching students of radiology, it also reduces transmissions time requirement for referral cases and access time to images and radiological report over the network and improves on the time of patient consultation. In this paper we discuss the construction of (PACS) for hospitals that provides electronic storage, retrieval, manipulation, distribution and presentation of medical images using a popular format named DICOM. This research work implements a PACS model with the incorporation of new features. Its objectives were achieved: converting non...
Practical issues in picture archiving and communication system and networking
Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging, 2010
Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) is a key workflow tool in the functioning of radiology departments worldwide, today, and its utilization is rapidly growing in India. The key challenges in PACS implementation are related to vendor and feature selection, integration with the existing HIS, user training, maintenance and scalability to meet increasing demands. Additionally, the networking requirements that PACS imposes on hospital networks are not insignificant. This article attempts to review these issues from the standpoint of what a prospective or new user needs to know.
Research and teaching access to a large clinical picture archiving and communication system
Journal of Digital Imaging, 2001
Purpose: To identify practical issues surrounding delivering digital images from picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) for research and teaching purposes. The complexity of Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) access methods, security, patient confidentiality, PACS database integrity, portability, and scalability are discussed. A software prototype designed to resolve these issues is described.System Architecture: A six-component, three-tier, client server software application program supporting DICOM query/retrieve services was developed in the JAWA language. This software was interfaced to a large GE (Mt Prospect, IL) Medical Systems clinical PACS at Northwestern Memorial Hospital (NMH).Conclusion: Images can be delivered from a clinical PACS for research and teaching purposes. Concerns for security, patient confidentiality, integrity of the PACS database, and management of the transactions can be addressed. The described software is one such solution for achieving this goal.
Journal of Digital Imaging, 1993
Information relevant to radiological applications is commonly managed by several autonomous medical information systems including hospital information systems (HIS), radiological information systems (RIS), and picture archiving and communications systems (PACS). In this report, we expiain the need to coordinate these systems and to provide some framework in which they can exchange information. In the first half of this report, we describe the integration of a PACS system into a hospital operation. Next, we present the interfacing methods between the HIS and the RIS, and between the RIS and the PACS. Two methods are further detailed for the communication between the RIS and the PACS (1) the triggered database to database transfer, and (21 the query protocol. The implementation of the first method successfully allows RIS reports, procedure and patient demographic information to be displayed at the request of the user along with the associated images at a PACS workstation. The query protocol allows a PACS to dynamically query RIS information. It will be eventually integrated into the design of a scientific multimedia distributed medical database system built on top of the HIS, the RIS, and the PACS.
Purpose: The purpose of this article was to represent the first experience of applying a picture archiving and communication system (PACS) at the Universiti Putra Malaysia with the cooperation of Universiti Teknologi MARA hospital, and to analyze the applicability of PACS, its impact on health care, its benefits to medical employees, and propose a prototype application of PACS. Methods: The main PACS components were discussed, HL7 and DICOM standards were introduced, and a prototype of WebXA application was proposed. Results: The results of WebXA revealed the ability of this application to retrieve, store, and display angiography images on a web browser anywhere, as long as an Internet connection is provided. Conclusion: This article presented PACS with its components and standards, a prototype application was discussed and evaluated, and a few recommendations have been provided for more improvements in the future.
Journal of Digital Imaging, 1993
In this report we present an integrated picture archiving and communication system (PACS)-radiology information system (RIS) which runs as part of the daily routine in the Department of Radiology at the University of Graz. Although the PACS and the RiS have been developed independently, the two systems are interfaced to ensure a unified and consistent Iong-term archive. The configuration connects four computer tomography scanners (one of them situated at a distance of 1 km), a magnetic resonance imaging scanner, a digital subtraction angiography unit, an evaluation console, a diagnostic console, an image display console, an archive with two optical disk drives, and several RIS terminals. The configuration allows the routine archiving of all examinations on optical disks independent of reporting. The management of the optical disks is performed by the RIS. Images can be selected for retrieval vŸ the RIS by using patient identification or medical criteria. A special software process (PACS-MONITOR) enables the user to survey and manage image communication, archiving, and retrieval as well as to get information about the status of the system at any time and handle the different procedures in the PACS. The system is active 24 hours a day. To make the PACS operation as independent as possible from the permanent presence of a system manager (electronic data processing expert), a rule-based expert system (OPERAS; OPERating ASsistant) is in use to Iocalize and eliminate malfunctions that occur during routine work. The PACS-RIS reduces labor and speeds access to images within radiology and clinical departments.
Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) networking: Three implementation strategies
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 1991
This paper outlines the diverse Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) networking implementation strategies at the University of California at Los Angeles, the University of Florida, and the University of Kansas. At the University of California at Los Angeles, a very high-speed network has been integrated into a hierarchical networking strategy, resulting in an entirely customized network for the local transmission of images. The University of Florida has chosen to implement networks for local transmission of images using commercially available equipment. The University of Kansas, specializing in teleradiology applications, uses commercial telecommunication circuits to implement long distance referral services to small hospitals.