Composition and integrity preservation of secure reactive systems (original) (raw)

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Component Composition: Formal Specification and Verification of Cryptographic Properties Cover Page

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Formal Methods and Cryptography Cover Page

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Cryptographic Security of Reactive Systems Cover Page

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Proof Techniques for Cryptographic Processes Cover Page

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A General Composition Theorem for Secure Reactive Systems Cover Page

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Cryptographically Sound Theorem Proving Cover Page

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Authentication primitives for secure protocol specifications Cover Page

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A Framework for the Sound Specification of Cryptographic Tasks Cover Page

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On Symbolic Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols Cover Page

Specifying and Verifying Crypto-Protocols at the Design Level


Abstract. The clear semantics of Abstract State Machines is tailored to the analysis of crypto-protocols in a realistic environment threatened by an active eavesdropper. The model is intermediate between the abstract approaches based on belief logics, and the lower level approaches based on traces of atomic actions. Properties are stated at the design level with little formal overhead, but reasoning about con dentiality is easily achieved.

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Specifying and Verifying Crypto-Protocols at the Design Level Cover Page