Koutsodimou, K., & Jimoyiannis, A. (2015). MOOCs for teacher professional development: investigating views and perceptions of the participants. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2015), 16–18 November 2015, Seville, Spain (original) (raw)
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International Association for Development of the Information Society, 2018
This paper reports on a study concerning a MOOC designed to support Greek language teachers in secondary education schools towards designing and using collaborative writing activities with Google Docs in their classroom. The principles that determined the particular MOOC design framework were directed by three dimensions of teacher participation: a) engagement b) peer interaction and mutual support and c) collaborative creation of educational artefacts. A total of 566 language teachers from secondary education schools were enrolled in this MOOC, which achieved a completion rate of 57.6%. We used a mixed method that combines the analysis of teachers’ engagement through platform records and their responses to a specific questionnaire. The results provided supportive evidence that the design framework was effective towards promoting teachers’ active engagement, peer interaction and support, and development of learning design abilities to integrate collaborative writing with Google Docs...
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Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for teachers' professional development (TPD) are being considered as a new avenue through which huge number of teachers can be given professional inputs and skills enhancement training with lesser efforts and in an economical way. In a country like India, where nearly 1.5 million teachers are engaged in teaching-learning in higher education institutions and universities, no formal mechanism can fulfil the professional development need. Government of India, started TPD programmes through its vertical ARPIT on its MOOC platform SWAYAM in 2018. In past two cycles, nearly 0.2 million teachers have got benefitted with it. To ensure the quality of such TPD programme, analysis and assessment of various TDP programmes is essential. Keeping this need in mind, the researcher has conducted the study and collected perception of 101 higher education teachers who have completed at-least one TPD programme on MOOC on six quality dimensions. The findings are suggesting that many aspects of quality are still missing from many MOOCs being offered for professional development of teachers. Teachers are showing their readiness to consider MOOCs as a mode for their professional development, it is responsibility of the MOOC providers (institutions and course instructors) to ensure the quality of MOOC by considering various dimensions of quality.
MOOCs for Teachers Professional Development — A University Challenge?
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 2018
Due to the development of the current society, continuous professional development of teachers is an imperative for every educational system. Nowadays MOOCs are on a hype for educational systems, being one of the most discussed and debated university/academia/higher education topics. Still, Romania is beyond other countries in terms of both developing and formal recognising of competences acquired through a MOOC course. This is direct related to the scepticism of opening up education toward professional development of Romanian teachers, among other factors like language barriers, inadequate infrastructure, lack of time, lack of digital competences and skills (in order to know how to work in the online learning environment) etc. The authors consider MOOCs as a sustainable initiative for professional development of Romanian teachers. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to present the results of an investigation carried out for more than 1000 Romanian preuniversitary teachers, analysing their needs regarding this topic. The main finding amid teachers' training needs, underlined their preference for developing and updating the practical knowledge based on specific examples. Moreover, we will address the need for changing the Romanian educational MOOCs' policies, but also more future and deeper topics to be studied in the following periods.
MOOCs for professional teacher development
A MOOC is a trending concept in education that is disrupting traditional methods of learning consumption. The emergence and use of MOOCs for professional teacher development is still uncommon, but on the verge of gaining a foothold. Research regarding MOOCs typically focuses on impacts for higher education and lifelong learning. However, the specific intersection of MOOCs and professional teacher development is poorly researched. This concept paper contemplates the benefits and drawbacks of using MOOCs for professional teacher development and calls for more practical studies and explorative research. This paper also speculates on the basic MOOC design criteria and principles needed to maximize engagement and course completion, which are currently common issues with general MOOCs. The conclusion is that MOOCs can be a cost-and resource-effective means to deliver quality education in order to further professional teacher development. However, possible risks are employers' reluctance to accept MOOC accreditation as equivalent professional development and the lack of relevant MOOC courses for professional development.
Teachers’ Expectations and Perceptions of the Relevance of Professional Development MOOCs
Education Sciences
Online professional-development courses such as massive open online courses (MOOCs) could bring relevant content to a wider base of teachers who might not otherwise have access to professional development. However, research on the relevance of such online courses is scarce. The main aim of this study is to investigate the relevance (individual, societal, and vocational) of MOOCs (mostly participatory cMOOCs) from the viewpoint of teachers now and in the future. We examined teachers’ expectations and perceptions of 10 courses before (N = 364) and after (N = 177) the courses, using an online questionnaire developed on the basis of relevance theory. According to the results, the studied teachers had positive expectations for the courses in terms of their usefulness for their prospective teaching (especially vocational relevance). Teachers’ expectations related to the usefulness of the course for the future (individual and vocational relevance) were most strongly met. Effort put into th...
MOOCs in teachers’ professional development: examining teacher readiness
MOOCs play an important role in teachers’ professional development. However, little is known about teacher readiness to participate in a MOOC and research data is very limited, especially in the Greek context. Thus, the purpose of the present study is the investigation of readiness of primary and secondary public school teachers to participate in MOOCs as a way of professional development. A total of 216 Greek in-service teachers participated in the quantitative study and attitudes towards readiness dimensions were examined. The results revealed that the teachers in general show quite high level of readiness to use MOOCs in the context of their professional development, while some of their individual characteristics seem to affect certain dimensions. In particular, teachers show low awareness of MOOCs level, recognize the benefits of MOOC learning as well as MOOC usefulness in their professional development. Still, further investigation is needed.
Research in Learning Technology, 2014
England and Australia have introduced new learning areas, teaching computer science to children from the first year of school. This is a significant milestone that also raises a number of big challenges: the preparation of teachers and the development of resources at a national scale. Curriculum change is not easy for teachers, in any context, and to ensure teachers are supported, scaled solutions are required. One educational approach that has gained traction for delivering content to large-scale audiences are massively open online courses (MOOCs); however, little is known about what constitutes effective MOOC design, particularly within professional development contexts. To prepare teachers in Australia, we decided to ride the wave of MOOCs, developing a MOOC to deliver free computing content and pedagogy to teachers with the integration of social media to support knowledge exchange and resource building. The MOOC was designed to meet teacher needs, allowing for flexibility, ad-hoc interactions, support and the open sharing of resources. In this paper, we describe the process of developing our initiative, participant engagement and experiences, so that others encountering similar changes and reforms may learn from our experience.