Exactly solvable p-brane model with extra supersymmetry (original) (raw)
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Hamiltonian structure and noncommutativity in p -brane models with exotic supersymmetry
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2004
The Hamiltonian of the simplest super p-brane model preserving 3/4 of the D = 4 N = 1 supersymmetry in the centrally extended symplectic superspace is derived and its symmetries are described. The constraints of the model are covariantly separated into the first-and the second-class sets and the Dirac brackets (D.B.) are constructed. We show the D.B. noncommutativity of the super p-brane coordinates and find the D.B. realization of the OSp(1|8) superalgebra. Established is the coincidence of the D.B. and Poisson bracket realizations of the OSp(1|8) superalgebra on the constraint surface and the absence there of anomaly terms in the commutation relations for the quantized generators of the superalgebra.
On supersymmetric Dp– brane solutions
Physics Letters B, 2002
We analyze in the spirit of hep-th/0110039 the possible existence of supersymmetric Dp-Dp brane systems in flat ten dimensional Minkowski space. For p = 3, 4 we show that besides the solutions related by T-duality to the D2-D2 systems found by Bak and Karch there exist other ansatz whose compatibility is shown from general arguments and that preserve also eight supercharges, in particular a D4-D4 system with D2-branes dissolved on it and Taub-NUT charge. We carry out the explicit construction in Weyl basis of the corresponding Killing spinors and conjecture the existence of new solutions for higher dimensional branes with some compact directions analogous to the supertube recently found.
D-brane models with non-linear supersymmetry
Nuclear Physics B, 2002
We study a class of type I string models with supersymmetry broken on the world-volume of some D-branes and vanishing tree-level potential. Despite the non-supersymmetric spectrum, supersymmetry is non-linearly realized on these D-branes, while it is spontaneously broken in the bulk by Scherk-Schwarz boundary conditions. These models can easily accommodate 3-branes with interesting gauge groups and chiral fermions. We also study the effective field theory and in particular we compute the four-fermion couplings of the localized Goldstino with the matter fermions on the brane. * On leave of absence from CPHT, Ecole Polytechnique, UMR du CNRS 7644. 1 The parameter C f is related to the parametrisation of other authors by C f = − α 4 [17] = C f f 2 [18].
Physics Letters B, 2003
The general solutions in the models of closed and open superstring and super p-branes with exotic fractions of the N = 1 supersymmetry are considered and the spontaneously broken character of the OSp(1, 2M) symmetry of the models is established. It is shown that extending these models by Wess-Zumino terms generates the Dirichlet boundary conditions for superstring and super p-branes. Using the generalized Wess-Zumino terms new OSp(1, 2M) invariant super p-brane and Dp-brane-like actions preserving M −1 M fraction of supersymmetry are proposed. For M = 32 these models suggest new superbrane vacua of M-theory preserving 31 from 32 global supersymmetries. Recently new progress in the tracing of M-theory symmetries [1], [2] based on the development of the generalized holonomy conception [3] has been achieved. 1 The generalized holonomy conception classifies vacuum states permitted by the centrally extended supersymmetry algebra [6],[7] and introduces new hidden space-time symmetries. It was shown in [2] that the holonomy extension in M-theory to the SL(32, R) local symmetry is 1 Let us note that this conception permits an extension by the lengthening of the spinor components of the connection Ω M . An example of the extension has been studied in [4] for N = 1, 2 supersymmetric electrodynamics, where the covariant derivative D M lengthening D M → ∇ M = D M + iµW M with W M = i
Properties of D-branes in matrix model of IIB superstring
Physics Letters B, 1997
We discuss properties of D-brane configurations in the matrix model of type IIB superstring recently proposed by Ishibashi, Kawai, Kitazawa and Tsuchiya. We calculate central charges in supersymmetry algebra at infinite N and associate them with one-and five-branes present in IIB superstring theory. We consider classical solutions associated with static three-and five-branes and calculate their interactions at one loop in the matrix model. We discuss some aspects of the matrix-model formulation of IIB superstring.
Modern Physics Letters A, 2005
Algebra of the constraints of twistor-like p-branes restoring 3 4 fraction of the spontaneously broken D = 4 N = 1 supersymmetry is studied using the conversion method. Classical and quantum realizations of the BRST charge, unified superalgebra of the global generalized superconformal OSp(1|8) and Virasoro and Weyl symmetries are constructed. It is shown that the quantum Hermitian BRST charge is nilpotent and the quantized OSp(1|8) superalgebra is closed.
p-brane solutions in diverse dimensions
Physical Review D, 1997
A generic Lagrangian, in arbitrary spacetime dimension, describing the interaction of a graviton, a dilaton and two antisymmetric tensors is considered. An isotropic p-brane solution consisting of three blocks and depending on four parameters in the Lagrangian and two arbitrary harmonic functions is obtained. For specific values of parameters in the Lagrangian the solution may be identified with previously known superstring solutions.
On supergravity solutions of space-like D p -branes
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2002
Recently the time dependent solutions of type II supergravities in d = 10, with the metric having the symmetry ISO(p + 1) × SO(8 − p, 1) have been given by two groups (Chen-Gal'tsov-Gutperle (CGG), [hep-th/0204071] and Kruczenski-Myers-Peet (KMP), [hep-th/0204144]). The supergravity solutions correspond to space-like Dp-branes in type II string theory. While the CGG solution is a four parameter solution, the KMP solution is a three parameter solution and so in general they are different. This difference can be attributed to the fact that unlike the CGG solution, KMP uses a specific boundary condition for the metric and the dilaton field. It is shown that when we impose the boundary conditions used in the KMP solution to the CGG solution then both become three parameter solutions and they map to each other under a coordinate transformation along with a Hodge duality of the field strength. We also give the relations between the parameters characterizing the two solutions.
Lectures on Supergravity p-Branes
We review the properties of classical p-brane solutions to supergravity theories, i.e. solutions that may be interpreted as Poincare-invariant hyperplanes in spacetime. Topics covered include the distinction between elementary/electric and solitonic/magnetic solutions, examples of singularity and global structure, relations between mass densities, charge densities and the preservation of unbroken supersymmetry, diagonal and vertical Kaluza-Klein reduction families, Scherk-Schwarz reduction and domain walls, and the classification of multiplicities using duality symmetries.