Active documents and their applicability in distributed environments (original) (raw)

A programming model for active documents

Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology - UIST '00, 2000

Traditionally, designers organize software system as active end-points (e.g. applications) linked by passive infrastructures (e.g. networks). Increasingly, however, networks and infrastructures are becoming active components that contribute directly to application behavior. Amongst the various problems that this presents is the question of how such active infrastructures should be programmed.

Understanding an informal description: Office documents architecture, an ISO standard

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1988

We have tried to formalize ODA in the MetaSoft dialect of the VDM. The di erences between MetaSoft and the other lines of VDM are not as far reaching as to require explanations for understanding this report, so just do not worry about them. In emergency respective references are BJ] for VDM and Bli] for MetaSoft. The notations appearing in this report are summarized in Section 1. In our formalization attempt we have gone as far as could have been safely done on the basis of the existing written documentation of ODA. Credits for this research are due to Andrzej Blikle, a coauthor of BSB], upon which the current report is based, for his contribution and his encouragement.

Modeling Information Systems from the Viewpoint of Active Documents Proposal for a modeling approach putting emphasis on the ubiquitous documents

The development of document handling by organizations at the level of business processes and business information systems leads to the phenomenon that the majority of documents and their contents remain in semi-structured format and a definite minority of documents are directly mapped onto structured databases. The rapidly evolving technology on the database field provides the opportunity to manage directly the semi-structured documents in line with the requirements of business processes. A continuum of possible document formats may exist in business environments. The documents can be categorized by the organization of the underlying data collections and according to the necessity and capability of data included in documents as whether wholly or partially is to be structured. The most modern database technology yields tools for handling and retrieving data making use of semi-structured and unstructured data. Our proposed approach (1) on one hand provides a theoretical framework for modeling WIS to shape into some structure; (2) on the other hand yields guidance for design method to employ it for practical application with the extension of specific elementary models. The proposed modeling method that places the emphasis onto the documents and their symbiotic life with processes help in understanding the behavior of most modern information systems. Thereby, the combination of document centric-modeling and the Enterprise Architecture approach gives an opportunity for a unified modeling approach that keeps an eye on Conway's thesis that states that software architecture congruent with the structure of development team, and this statement may be paraphrased that the overall document structure may reflects the structure of the specific organization.

IODA - an Interactive Open Document Architecture

Procedia Computer Science, 2011

Objective of the proposed architecture is to enable representing an electronic document as a multi-layered structure of executable digital objects, which is extensible and without a need to support any particular formats or user interfaces. IODA layers are intended to reflect document content organization levels rather then system abstraction or functional levels, as in software architecture models.

Managing structured documents in distributed publishing environments

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1994

Advanced developments in the area of broadband communications, as well as database and groupware technology propose to enable more e cient cooperation in workgroups. A scenario sketching the cooperative production of innovative electronic reference works is used to derive requirements for data management. Based on these requirements an integrated architecture, consisting of work ow-and document management components, is proposed. The focus of this paper is on document management in distributed environments. Additionally, we show implementation aspects of an abstract interface for exible handling of structured documents.

Modeling information systems from the viewpoint of active documents

Vietnam Journal of Computer Science, 2015

The development of document handling by organizations at the level of business processes and business information systems leads to the phenomenon that the majority of documents and their contents remain in semi-structured format and a definite minority of documents are directly mapped onto structured databases. The rapidly evolving technology on the database field provides the opportunity to manage directly the semi-structured documents in line with the requirements of business processes. A continuum of possible document formats may exist in business environments. The documents can be categorized by the organization of the underlying data collections and according to the necessity and capability of data included in documents as whether wholly or partially is to be structured. The most modern database technology yields tools for handling and retrieving data making use of semi-structured and unstructured data. Our proposed approach (1) on one hand provides a theoretical framework for modeling WIS to shape into some structure; (2) on the other hand yields guidance for design method to employ it for practical application with the extension of specific elementary models. The proposed modeling method that places the emphasis onto the documents and their symbiotic life with processes help in understanding the behavior of most modern information systems. Thereby, the combination of document centric-modeling and the Enterprise Architecture approach gives an opportunity for a unified modeling approach that keeps an eye on Conway's thesis that states that software architecture congruent with the structure of development team, and this statement may be paraphrased that the overall document structure may reflects the structure of the specific organization.

The ContentSpec Protocol: Providing Document Management Services for OHP

5 th Workshop on Open Hypermedia …, 1999

In this paper we address the issue of link resolution in the presence of multiple link databases. In particular, we demonstrate the successful application of query routing adopting the Common Indexing Protocol model, in an environment with multiple, distributed link databases. The approach appears to be well suited to an environment with diverse link services, including content-based navigation. We have constructed a prototype system, based on Whois++ and the Common Indexing Protocol, which integrates the Distributed Link Service (DLS) with other link services to provide a 'Super DLS'. Issues for Open Hypermedia Systems are discussed.

Document reuse and document systems

Electronic Publishing, 1993

While reuse is currently the focus of much attention in the programming language community, it is also a central, but less noticed, issue in the creation and use of documents, and therefore in the design of document systems. To a great extent, the work of producing new documents, and new versions of old documents, involves reusing pieces of previously existing documents, where reuse involves finding the relevant material, modifying it as needed, and stitching the pieces together. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate how a focus on reuse can shed light on current efforts to build structured document systems and to design and use standards, such as SGML, ODA, and OLE, that address structured and compound documents. KEY WORDS Reuse Structured documents Compound documents Document standards ODA SGML OLE 'Everything made now is either a replica or a variant of something made a little time ago and so on back without break to the first morning of human time.'-George Kubler [1] 1 I am certainly not the first to notice the importance of reuse. In the first pages of [4], Furuta, Quint and André clearly explicate their work on structured documents in terms of reuse-for example, '[our] goal in the design of a document preparation system is to identify a document representation that permits the flexible reuse of the document and its components' (page 20). But as far as I know, I am the first to take reuse as the centre point of my exploration, and to attempt to follow out its implications to structured documents and beyond.

Common Data Environments for the InformationContainer for linked Document Delivery


Unstructured and poorly managed information is a major cause of time delays in construction projects. Availability of relevant information at the required time has a considerable impact on decision making in the project’s lifecycle. Multi-models containers, and a more recent approach, Information container for linked document delivery (ICDD), aim to facilitate construction data management and sharing information. Containers help in structuring and linking of heterogeneous data. Such container models are relevant in and align with Common Data Environments (CDE) which facilitate a centralised environment for managing both information and services. Presently, three approaches fit in the vision of CDE: the DIN SPEC 91391-2, OpenCDE-API which is loosely based on DIN SPEC 91391-2, and the W3C Linked Data Platform (LDP), a generic data container-based approach to managing linked data graphs online. In this paper, we investigate how ICDD, an approach to link information, can be represented ...

A Document-Oriented Paradigm for the Construction of Content-Intensive Applications

The Computer Journal, 2006

In this paper we describe our work on the formulation of a document-oriented paradigm for improving the construction and maintenance of content-intensive applications (i.e. applications that make intensive use of the information provided by the experts in a given domain: the contents). According to this paradigm, the development of a content-intensive application must be the result of close collaboration between two kinds of actors: domain experts and developers. The goal of this collaboration is the authoring of (i) a set of documents describing the most relevant aspects of the application (i.e. the contents and other relevant customizable features); (ii) a grammar describing a domain -specific markup language that will be used to make the structure and the data in these documents explicit; and (iii) a suitable processor for this language. The final running application will be automatically produced by processing the marked documents with this processor. The use of this paradigm in the development of content-intensive applications can increase the initial cost of application production, but in the long run it can substantially improve maintenance and portability, and promote information and software reuse as well. We have successfully applied this paradigm to the development of educational and hypermedia applications, and knowledge-based systems. From these experiences, we have found that the feasibility of the paradigm depends to a great extent on having mechanisms that enable the incremental definition of the markup languages and the incremental construction of their processors. This has led us to the formulation of a documentoriented approach for the development of content-intensive applications tightly coupled with these principles of incremental formulation and operationalization of domain-specific markup languages.