Matter effects on binary neutron star waveforms (original) (raw)
Related papers
Measuring the neutron star equation of state with gravitational wave observations
Physical Review D, 2009
We report the results of a first study that uses numerical simulations to estimate the accuracy with which one can use gravitational wave observations of double neutron star inspiral to measure parameters of the neutron-star equation of state. The simulations use the evolution and initial-data codes of Shibata and Uryū to compute the last several orbits and the merger of neutron stars, with matter described by a parametrized equation of state. Previous work suggested the use of an effective cutoff frequency to place constraints on the equation of state. We find, however, that greater accuracy is obtained by measuring departures from the point-particle limit of the gravitational waveform produced during the late inspiral. As the stars approach their final plunge and merger, the gravitational wave phase accumulates more rapidly for smaller values of the neutron star compactness (the ratio of the mass of the neutron star to its radius). We estimate that realistic equations of state will lead to gravitational waveforms that are distinguishable from point particle inspirals at an effective distance (the distance to an optimally oriented and located system that would produce an equivalent waveform amplitude) of 100 Mpc or less. As Lattimer and Prakash observed, neutron-star radius is closely tied to the pressure at density not far above nuclear. Our results suggest that broadband gravitational wave observations at frequencies between 500 and 1000 Hz will constrain this pressure, and we estimate the accuracy with which it can be measured. Related first estimates of radius measurability show that the radius can be determined to an accuracy of δR ∼ 1 km at 100 Mpc.
Inferring the neutron star equation of state from binary inspiral waveforms
The properties of neutron star matter above nuclear density are not precisely known. Gravitational waves emitted from binary neutron stars during their late stages of inspiral and merger contain imprints of the neutron-star equation of state. Measuring departures from the point-particle limit of the late inspiral waveform allows one to measure properties of the equation of state via gravitational wave observations. This and a companion talk by J. S. Read reports a comparison of numerical waveforms from simulations of inspiraling neutron-star binaries, computed for equations of state with varying stiffness. We calculate the signal strength of the difference between waveforms for various commissioned and proposed interferometric gravitational wave detectors and show that observations at frequencies around 1 kHz will be able to measure a compactness parameter and constrain the possible neutron-star equations of state.
Constraining the Equation of State of Neutron Stars from Binary Mergers
Physical Review Letters, 2014
Determining the equation of state of matter at nuclear density and hence the structure of neutron stars has been a riddle for decades. We show how the imminent detection of gravitational waves from merging neutron star binaries can be used to solve this riddle. Using a large number of accurate numerical-relativity simulations of binaries with nuclear equations of state, we have found that the postmerger emission is characterized by two distinct and robust spectral features. While the high-frequency peak has already been associated with the oscillations of the hypermassive neutron star produced by the merger and depends on the equation of state, a new correlation emerges between the low-frequency peak, related to the merger process, and the compactness of the progenitor stars. More importantly, such a correlation is essentially universal, thus providing a powerful tool to set tight constraints on the equation of state. If the mass of the binary is known from the inspiral signal, the combined use of the two frequency peaks sets four simultaneous constraints to be satisfied. Ideally, even a single detection would be sufficient to select one equation of state over the others. We have tested our approach with simulated data and verified it works well for all the equations of state considered.
Will black hole-neutron star binary inspirals tell us about the neutron star equation of state?
Physical Review D, 2011
The strong tidal forces that arise during the last stages of the life of a black hole-neutron star binary may severely distort, and possibly disrupt, the star. Both phenomena will imprint signatures about the stellar structure in the emitted gravitational radiation. The information from the disruption, however, is confined to very high frequencies, where detectors are not very sensitive. We thus assess whether the lack of tidal distortion corrections in data-analysis pipelines will affect the detection of the inspiral part of the signal and whether these may yield information on the equation of state of matter at nuclear densities. Using recent post-Newtonian expressions and realistic equations of state to model these scenarios, we find that point-particle templates are sufficient for the detection of black hole-neutron star inspiralling binaries, with a loss of signals below 1% for both second and third-generation detectors. Such detections may be able to constrain particularly stiff equations of state, but will be unable to reveal the presence of a neutron star with a soft equation of state.
Physical Review D, 2016
A number of works have shown that important information on the equation of state of matter at nuclear density can be extracted from the gravitational waves emitted by merging neutron-star binaries. We present a comprehensive analysis of the gravitational-wave signal emitted during the inspiral, merger and post-merger of 56 neutron-star binaries. This sample of binaries, arguably the largest studied to date with realistic equations of state, spans across six different nuclear-physics equations of state and ten masses, allowing us to sharpen a number of results recently obtained on the spectral properties of the gravitational-wave signal. Overall we find that: (i) for binaries with masses differing no more than 20%, the frequency at gravitational-wave amplitude's maximum is related quasi-universally with the tidal deformability of the two stars; (ii) the spectral properties vary during the post-merger phase, with a transient phase lasting a few millisecond after the merger and followed by a quasi-stationary phase; (iii) when distinguishing the spectral peaks between these two phases, a number of ambiguities in the identification of the peaks disappear, leaving a simple and robust picture; (iv) using properly identified frequencies, quasi-universal relations are found between the spectral features and the properties of the neutron stars; (v) for the most salient peaks analytic fitting functions can be obtained in terms of the stellar tidal deformability or compactness. Altogether, these results support the idea that the equation of state of nuclear matter can be constrained tightly when a signal in gravitational waves from binary neutron stars is detected.
Spectral properties of the post-merger gravitational-wave signal from binary neutron stars
Physical Review D, 2015
Extending previous work by a number of authors, we have recently presented a new approach in which the detection of gravitational waves from merging neutron star binaries can be used to determine the equation of state of matter at nuclear density and hence the structure of neutron stars. In particular, after performing a large number of numerical-relativity simulations of binaries with nuclear equations of state, we have found that the post-merger emission is characterized by two distinct and robust spectral features. While the high-frequency peak was already shown to be associated with the oscillations of the hypermassive neutron star produced by the merger and to depend on the equation of state, we have highlighted that the low-frequency peak is related to the merger process and to the total compactness of the stars in the binary. This relation is essentially universal and provides a powerful tool to set tight constraints on the equation of state. We here provide additional information on the extensive analysis performed, illustrating the methods used, the tests considered, and the robustness of the results. We also discuss additional relations that can be deduced when exploring the data and how these correlate with various properties of the binary. Finally, we present a simple mechanical toy model that explains the main spectral features of the post-merger signal and can even reproduce analytically the complex waveforms emitted right after the merger. PACS numbers: 04.25.Dm,, 04.30.Db, 04.40.Dg, 95.30.Lz, 95.30.Sf, 97.60.Jd
Physical Review D, 2019
We identify various contributors of systematic effects in the measurement of the neutron star (NS) tidal deformability and quantify their magnitude for several types of neutron star-black hole (NSBH) binaries. Gravitational waves from NSBH mergers contain information about the components' masses and spins as well as the NS equation of state. Extracting this information requires comparison of the signal in noisy detector data with theoretical templates derived from some combination of post-Newtonian (PN) approximants, effective one-body (EOB) models and numerical relativity (NR) simulations. The accuracy of these templates is limited by errors in the NR simulations, by the approximate nature of the PN/EOB waveforms, and by the hybridization procedure used to combine them. In this paper, we estimate the impact of these errors by constructing and comparing a set of PN-NR hybrid waveforms, for the first time with NR waveforms from two different codes, namely, SpEC and SACRA, for such systems. We then attempt to recover the parameters of the binary using two non-precessing template approximants. As expected, these errors have negligible effect on detectability. Mass and spin estimates are moderately affected by systematic errors for near equal-mass binaries, while the recovered masses can be inaccurate at higher mass ratios. Large uncertainties are also found in the tidal deformability Λ, due to differences in PN base models used in hybridization, numerical relativity NR errors, and inherent limitations of the hybridization method. We find that systematic errors are too large for tidal effects to be accurately characterized for any realistic NS equation of state model. We conclude that NSBH waveform models must be significantly improved if they are to be useful for the extraction of NS equation of state information or even for distinguishing NSBH systems from binary black holes.
Physical Review Letters, 2019
Using a Bayesian approach, we combine measurements of neutron star macroscopic observables obtained by astrophysical and gravitational observations, to derive joint constraints on the equation of state (EoS) of matter at supranuclear density. In our analysis we use two sets of data: (i) the masses and tidal deformabilities measured in the binary neutron star event GW170817, detected by LIGO and Virgo; (ii) the masses and stellar radii measured from observations of nuclear bursts in accreting low-mass X-ray binaries. Using a phenomenological parametrization of the equation of state, we compute the posterior probability distributions of the EoS parameters, using which we infer the posterior distribution for the radius and the mass of the two neutron stars of GW170817. The constraints we set on the radii are tighter than previous bounds. 1Λ is the actual parameter that enters at the leading order into the gravitational waveform [32-34].
Gravitational-wave imprints of non-convex dynamics in binary neutron star mergers
arXiv (Cornell University), 2024
Explaining gravitational-wave (GW) observations of binary neutron star (BNS) mergers requires an understanding of matter beyond nuclear saturation density. Our current knowledge of the properties of high-density matter relies on electromagnetic and GW observations, nuclear physics experiments, and general relativistic numerical simulations. In this paper we perform numerical-relativity simulations of BNS mergers subject to non-convex dynamics, allowing for the appearance of expansive shock waves and compressive rarefactions. Using a phenomenological non-convex equation of state we identify observable imprints on the GW spectra of the remnant. In particular, we find that non-convexity induces a significant shift in the quasi-universal relation between the peak frequency of the dominant mode and the tidal deformability (of order ∆f peak ≳ 380 Hz) with respect to that of binaries with convex (regular) dynamics. Similar shifts have been reported in the literature, attributed however to first-order phase transitions from nuclear/hadronic matter to deconfined quark matter. We argue that the ultimate origin of the frequency shifts is to be found in the presence of anomalous, non-convex dynamics in the binary remnant.
Cornell University - arXiv, 2022
Third-generation gravitational wave (GW) observatories such as Einstein Telescope (ET) and Cosmic Explorer (CE) will be ideal instruments to probe the structure of neutron stars through the GWs they emit when undergoing binary coalescence. In this work we make predictions about how well ET in particular will enable us to reconstruct the neutron star equation of state through observations of tens of binary neutron star coalescences with signal-to-noise ratios in the hundreds. We restrict ourselves to information that can be extracted from the inspiral, which includes tidal effects and possibly r-mode resonances. In treating the latter we go beyond the Newtonian approximation, introducing and utilizing new universal relations. We find that the ability to observe resonant r-modes would have a noticeable impact on neutron star equation of state measurements with ET.