ICTAC Kinetics Committee recommendations for performing kinetic computations on thermal analysis data (original) (raw)
Related papers
Thermochimica Acta, 2000
Part A of this series of papers (Parts B to E follow) presents the data and methods used, as well as the results obtained by participants in the ICTAC Kinetics Project. The isothermal and non-isothermal data sets provided were based on a hypothetical simulated process as well as on some actual experimental results for the thermal decompositions of ammonium perchlorate and calcium carbonate. The participants applied a variety of computational methods. Isoconversional and multiheating rate methods were particularly successful in correctly describing the multi-step kinetics used in the simulated data. Reasonably consistent kinetic results were obtained for isothermal and non-isothermal data. There is, of course, no`true' answer for the kinetic parameters of the real data, so the ®ndings of the participants are compared. An attempt has been made to forecast the tendencies for the future development of solid state kinetics. #
ICTAC Kinetics Committee recommendations for analysis of multi-step kinetics
Thermochimica Acta, 2020
The present recommendations have been developed by the Kinetics Committee of the International Confederation for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ICTAC). The recommendations provide guidance on kinetic analysis of multi-step processes as measured by thermal analysis methods such as thermogravimetry (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Ways of detecting the multi-step kinetics are discussed first. Then, four different approaches to evaluation of kinetic parameters (the activation energy, the pre-exponential factor, and the reaction model) for individual steps are considered. The approaches considered include multi-step model-fitting as well as distributed reactivity, isoconversional, and deconvolution analyses. For each approach practical advice is offered on its effective usage. Due attention is also paid to the typical problems encountered and to the ways of resolving them. The objective of these recommendations is to help a non-expert with efficiently performing multi-step kinetic analysis and interpreting its results.
Thermochimica Acta, 1995
In order to simplify the choice between different kinetic methods used in differential scanning calorimetry, an interesting way for testing kinetic treatments is proposed, using simulated thermoanalytical curves computed from given kinetic parameters. Applied to the study of a polymerization, we tested the Freeman-Carroll, Ellerstein, multiple linear regression (reactionorder model) and Achar-BrindleyySharp methods. The test of the validity of the methods is performed using the LSM parameter that represents the fit between the mathematical treatment used in the kinetic model and known data. The study reveals the importance of the number of points used, i.e. the resolution, in the thermoanalyitcal curve recording, especially for the FreemanNZarroll and Ellerstein methods, there being an increase in the relative error on all the kinetic parameters when the number of points is decreased. Maximum relative errors are reported for the pre-exponential factor calculations. Evaluation of the enthalpy error on the determination of the kinetic parameters has been performed. Simulations obtained with various enthalpies indicate the necessity in such cases of computing a relative dimensionless LSM parameter (relative to the amplitude of the phenomena) in order to compare different thermal effects.
Aims and methods in non-isothermal reaction kinetics
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2007
The majority of the works dealing with non-isothermal kinetics assumes only one kinetic differential equation, uses linearization techniques and do not check the fit between the simulated and the experimental data. It is not clear from the literature why we need kinetic evaluations at all in this field. Due to this controversial situation, the author has outlined his views on the aims and methods of the non-isothermal kinetics in this paper. Accordingly, the goal of the kinetic evaluation is to obtain better, more informative results from the experiments. If realistic models are used, numerous unknown parameters have to be determined during the evaluation. Since the most important errors of thermal analysis are not random, the laws of the mathematical statistics do not offer means to find the best set of model parameters. Nevertheless, the simultaneous evaluation of a series of thermoanalytical experiments by the method of least squares aims directly at the description of the sample behavior in a wide range of experimental conditions and helps the determination of a large number of unknown parameters. The outlined considerations are supported by examples from the work of the author and his coworkers. As a comparison, a statistical survey is given on those papers that were published in journals specialized for thermal analysis, thermochemistry and pyrolysis in 2006 and contained the term "kinetic" or "kinetics" in their titles.
The development of instrumentation has allowed thermal analysis to become a widely used method not only in calorimetry but also in the field of non-isothermal kinetics that, however, provides a simplified philosophy of measurements. From the beginning, a methodology is used describing the course of reaction in a simplified temperature regime measured in an inert sample. In a most common case of DTA, the degree of reaction is subtracted from the partial areas of the as-cast peak in the unified mode of the peak linear background. Usually, the effect of thermal inertia, resulting from the reality of heat transfer and changing the peak background to a non-linear s-shaped form, is not incorporated. Therefore, the question of whether or not to include this effect of thermal inertia has become a current underlying problem of thermo-analytical kinetics. The analysis of the rectangular input heat pulses and their DTA responding fundamentally point to the need to include it thus becoming esse...
Model-free and model-fitting approaches to kinetic analysis of isothermal and nonisothermal data
Thermochimica Acta, 1999
The model-free and model-®tting kinetic approaches have been applied to data for nonisothermal and isothermal thermal decompositions of HMX and ammonium dinitramide. The popular model-®tting approach gives excellent ®ts for both isothermal and nonisothermal data but yields highly uncertain values of the Arrhenius parameters when applied to nonisothermal data. These values cannot be meaningfully compared with the values derived from isothermal measurements, nor they can be used to reasonably predict the isothermal kinetics. On the other hand, the model-free approach represented by the isoconversional method yields similar dependencies of the activation energy on the extent of conversion for isothermal and nonisothermal experiments. The dependence derived from nonisothermal data permits reliable predictions of the isothermal kinetics. The use of the model-free approach is recommended as a trustworthy way of obtaining reliable and consistent kinetic information from both nonisothermal and isothermal data. # (S. Vyazovkin) 0040-6031/99/$ ± see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 0 4 0 -6 0 3 1 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 2 5 3 -1
Isothermal reaction calorimetry as a tool for kinetic analysis
Thermochimica Acta, 2004
Reaction calorimetry has found widespread application for thermal and kinetic analysis of chemical reactions in the context of thermal process safety as well as process development. This paper reviews the most important reaction calorimetric principles (heat-flow, heat-balance, power-compensation, and Peltier principle) and their applications in commercial or scientific devices. The discussion focuses on the different dynamic behavior of the main calorimetric principles during an isothermal reaction measurement. Examples of available reaction calorimeters are further compared considering their detection limit, time constant as well as temperature range. In a second part, different evaluation methods for the isothermally measured calorimetric data are reviewed and discussed. The methods will be compared, focusing especially on the fact that reaction calorimetric data always contains additional informations not directly related to the actual chemical reaction such as heat of mixing, heat of phase-transfer/change processes or simple measurement errors. Depending on the evaluation method applied such disturbances have a significant influence on the calculated reaction enthalpies or rate constants.
American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2011
Problem statement: The determination of reaction kinetics is of major importance, as for industrial reactors optimization as for environmental reasons or energy limitations. Although calorimetry is often used for the determination of thermodynamic parameters alone, the question that arises is: how can we apply the Differential Scanning Calorimetry for the determination of kinetic parameters. The objective of this study consists to proposing an original methodology for the simultaneous determination of thermodynamic and kinetic parameters, using a laboratory scale Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC). The method is applied to the dichromate-catalysed hydrogen peroxide decomposition. Approach: The methodology is based on operating of experiments carried out with a Differential Scanning Calorimeter. The interest of this approach proposed is that it requires very small quantities of reactants (about a few grams) to be implemented. The difficulty lies in the fact that, using such microcalorimeters, the reactants temperature cannot directly be measured and a particular calibration procedure has thus to be developed, to determine the media temperature in an indirect way. The proposed methodology for determination of kinetics parameters is based on resolution of the coupled heat and mass balances. Results: A complete kinetic law is proposed. The Arrhenius parameters are determined as frequency factor k 0 = 1.39×109 s −1 and activation energy E = 54.9 kJ mol −1. The measured enthalpy of reaction is ΔrH=−94 kJ mol−1. Conclusion: The comparison of the results obtained by such an original methodology with those obtained using a conventional laboratory scale reactor calorimetry, for the kinetics determination of, shows that this new approach is very relevant.