Analytical investigation of the observed damage in an RC building after March 08, 2010 Kovancilar-Turkey earthquake (original) (raw)
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Earthquake Magnitude, Ground Motion and Structural Safety
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Analysis of Accelerations from the 1 October 1995 Dinar, Turkey, Earthquake
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 2001
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Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2013
A catastrophic M w 9.0 earthquake and subsequent giant tsunami struck the Tōhoku and Kanto regions of Japan on 11th March 2011, causing tremendous casualties, massive damage to structures and infrastructure, and huge economic loss. This event has revealed weakness and vulnerability of urban cities and modern society in Japan, which were thought to be one of the most earthquake-prepared nations in the world. Nevertheless, recorded ground motion data from this event offer invaluable information and opportunity; their unique features include very strong short-period spectral content, long duration, and effects due to local asperities as well as direction of rupture/wave propagation. Aiming at gaining useful experience from this tragic event, Earthquake Engineering Field Investigation J. Macabuag Building Design Partnership, London, UK EEFIT mission, ground shaking damage surveys were conducted in Sendai, Shirakawa, and Sukagawa, where the Japan Meteorological Agency intensity of 6+ was observed and instrumentally recorded ground motion data were available. The damage survey results identify the key factors for severe shaking damage, such as insufficient lateral reinforcement and detailing in structural columns from structural capacity viewpoint and rich spectral content of ground shaking in the intermediate vibration period range from seismic demand viewpoint. Importantly, inclusion of several ground motion parameters, such as nonlinear structural response, in shaking damage surveys, can improve the correlation of observed ground motion with shaking damage and therefore enhance existing indicators of potential damage.
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Improved Shaking and Damage Parameters for Post-Earthquake Applications
In this study, various ground shaking, response and damage parameters are examined for post-earthquake applications. Peak ground motion values, elastic response spectra, spectrum intensity, drift spectrum, inelastic spectra, and hysteretic energy spectrum are examined. Two improved damage spectra are also examined. The improved damage spectra will be zero if the response remains elastic, and will be unity when the displacement capacity under monotonic deformation is reached. Furthermore, the proposed damage spectra can be reduced to the special cases of normalized hysteretic energy and displacement ductility spectra. The proposed damage spectra are promising for various seismic vulnerability studies and post-earthquake applications. In this study the above parameters are examined. Additionally, improved damage spectra are introduced and examined in details. The damage spectra are based on normalized response quantities of a series of inelastic single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) systems...
Mater Thesis, 2014
This thesis presents an investigation of different codes, methodology and techniques used in different countries with the aim to define an appropriate concept for rehabilitation of existing buildings. Chapter 2 is focused on the seismicity of Albania as a country with a high rate of seismicity in which earthquake risk reduction has been an important, on-going socioeconomic concern. A revised catalogue of Albanian earthquakes, from 58 A.D. to 2000, with magnitude Ms>4.5 in the region between 39/N and 43/N and 18.5/E and 21.5/E was used in this study. Ten seismic source zones were used to define the seismicity. The four spectral parameter maps allowed the construction of site-specific Uniform Hazard Spectra for all of Albania and were suggested as the basis of the next version of the KTP-N.2-89 Technical Seismic Regulations to improve earthquake-resistant design code in Albania. In Chapter 3 seismic design requirements or levels are the intended post-earthquake condition of a building; a well-defined point on a scale measuring how much loss is caused by earthquake damage. In addition to casualties, loss may be expressed in terms of property and operational capability. The seismic performance requirement must be achieved through system selection, detailing requirements, design force levels, and permissible drift, based on the Seismic Design Code, considering also the use of the building and the seismicity of the region containing the building site together with the effect of the site conditions. Once the energy demand for a structure is estimated from the earthquake ground motion, the damage potential must be quantified by a combination of response and energy parameters according to Park and Ang, 1985. Within the scope of a specific project the investigation was basically devoted to development of a practical and consistent methodology for structural state diagnosis. Basically, the development procedure is regarded as a specific tool which will provide successful identification of the basic parameters needed for elaboration of an optimal project for revitalization of the structural system, and it is predominantly based on application of the experimental non-destructive tests studied in chapter 5. Chapter 6 is focused on measures for improvement of structural systems in order that they will be capable to withstanding the expected earthquake effects. Decay of the building is usually consequence of weather condition, load effects and foundation settlement, so, building should be safe under normal load and resist the lateral loads without collapse. The types of intervention necessary to enhance the performance of the building can be broadly grouped under the following three categories - Repair, Restoration and Strengthening. Chapter 7 explores a method for damage assessment, in which the mathematical model of an existing building gives the level of damage index. The fragility curves developed inhere represent one of the possible forms of the earthquake intensity – damage to structures relationship. A random point on the fragility curve shows the conditional probability that the damage under an earthquake of a given intensity will exceed a certain damage state.
In engineering seismic hazard and seismic risk are two main concepts in evaluating the performance of a structure during an earthquake. These concepts differ from each other. Seismic hazard is expressed by the probability of occurrence of a specific seismic event. Meanwhile seismic risk means the expected consequences of the seismic events which is related to the loss of people life, wounding and eventual economic losses. To enable the engineering analysis of seismic risk, we use the concept of vulnerability (V) and the characteristics of the strong-ground motion. Through the vulnerability, we express the degree of damage to the building, assessed these on the size of the earthquake, the intensity I, or its acceleration a g . The seismic ground-motion is the basic input to earthquake-resistant design and the evaluation of collateral seismic hazards.