Public-Key Cryptography (Dagstuhl Seminar 11391)}} (original) (raw)

Public-Key Cryptography Theory and Practice

Viele haben auf die eine oder andere Weise dazu beigetragen, dass diese Dissertation so entstehen konnte, wie sie nun vorliegt. Der Versuch einer vollständigen Aufzählung müsste scheitern; hier seien zunächst die erwähnt, die nicht mit Namen genannt werden können, weil sie als anonyme Gutachter für Konferenzen tätig waren und dabei Anregungen zur Darstellung einiger der hier präsentierten Ergebnisse beigetragen haben. Außerdem zu nennen ist David Hopwood, der in einer früheren Fassung der Ausführungen zur beweisbaren Sicherheit des Mix-Verfahrens (hier in Abschnitt 4.2) eine Lücke aufgespürt hat. Prof. Johannes Buchmann hat es auf bemerkenswerte Weise verstanden, die Arbeitsbedingungen zu schaffen, in denen diese Dissertation gedeihen konnte, und hat wertvolle Anregungen geliefert. Auch alle anderen am Fachgebiet Theoretische Informatik hatten teil daran, eine angenehme und fruchtbare Arbeitsatmosphäre zu schaffen. Danke!

Public Key Cryptology – An Art of Keeping Secrecy and Authenticity

Cryptology consists of several mechanisms which ensure confidentiality and authenticity of the data. The fundamental objective of cryptology is the secure communication between sender and receiver through insecure channel. Modern cryptosystems can be broadly categorized in to secret key (symmetric) and public key (asymmetric) cryptosystems based up on the key which is used for data transmission. This paper focuses on the discussion of different categories of public key cryptosystems with its merits and demerits.

Public key cryptography


We are going to devote most of our attention in this talk to the RSA Public Key Cryptosystem because it not only remains unbroken but it has some other useful features for digital signatures and authentication. We will briefly mention some other methods which have been compromised to some degree, and one, McEliece's which has not, but which are still valid when both keys are kept secret and some have other features which may be useful.

Public Key Cryptography and Information Security: A Literature Review

Information is a valuable asset and must be kept confidential, have integrity and be available in order to be worth its name and be credible. Therefore in a bid to ensure this, strong mathematical algorithms, that involve the use of a pair of keys which are different from one another (public and private) like the ones that are used by RSA and CISCO to mention but a few, are employed and used in the processes of data encryption and decryption. This system of using two keys, one public and the other private that are different but mathematically related, to secure information has given rise to the concept of Public Key Cryptography; a concept that attempts to use key management in ensuring the security of information and data against hacker's attacks while both in storage and moving over the internet from one place to another. This paper thus, sets out to analyze the working of the public key cryptography and find ways in which it can be improved to give better information security.

Public-Key Cryptography Techniques Evaluation

Cryptography techniques play an important role in modern world. The purpose of such techniques is to ensure the contents being unreadable to anyone except for parties who agreed to use some specific scheme. Moreover, current cryptography techniques provide more sophisticated services, such as message integrity, authentication, time stamping, and many others. There are two main approaches for cryptography: private-key cryptography and public-key cryptography (PKC). In this paper we focus on PKC techniques giving a comparison between three main techniques, namely, Public key Infrastructure (PKI), Identity- Based Cryptography (IBC) and Certificate less Public Key Cryptography (CL-PKC). In this research, a brief definition, advantages and disadvantages and analysis of main problem, namely, the revocation problem, are introduced for the three techniques. Also, a variety of available solutions to overcome the revocation problem in each technique are highlighted. Finally, some common applications and schemes for each technique are summarized.

Encryption: Strengths and Weaknesses of Public-key Cryptography

Public key cryptography has become an important means of ensuring confidentiality, notably through its use of key distribution, where users seeking private communication exchange encryption keys. It also features digital signatures which allow users to sign keys to verify their identities. This research presents the innovations in the field of public-key cryptography while also analyzing their shortcomings. We present methods of improving upon the weaknesses that include techniques involving double encryption and mutual authentication. These contributions introduce new levels of security to the subject with ideas to combat man in the middle attacks and other hacker scenarios. Public-key encryption with digital signatures offers both security and data integrity against most attackers.

Introduction to Public Key Introduction to Public Key Technology and the Federal Technology and the Federal


Portions of this document have been abstracted from other U.S. Government publications, including: “Minimum InteroperabilitySpecification for PKI Components (MISPC), Version 1” NIST SP 800-15, January 1998;“Certification Authority Systems”, OCC 99-20, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, May 4, 1999; “Guideline for Implementing Cryptography in the Federal Government”, NIST SP800-21, November 1999; Advances and Remaining Challenges to Adoption of Public

A Note on Public Key Cryptosystems

International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications

Public key or asymmetric cryptosystems use public-private key pair for the secure transmission of data. RSA and ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography/Cryptosystems) are widely used cryptosystems in this category. Public key cryptosystems rely on mathematical problems known as hard problems. The security of these cryptosystems is based on these hard problems. Public key cryptosystems solve the key transportation problem of symmetric key cryptosystems and able to provides digital signatures also.