Integrating logical representations with probabilistic information using Markov logic (original) (raw)
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Probabilistic Semantics for Natural Language
Probabilistic and stochastic methods have been fruitfully applied to a wide variety of problems in grammar induction, natural language processing, and cognitive modeling. In this paper we explore the possibility of developing a class of combinatorial semantic representations for natural languages that compute the semantic value of a (declarative) sentence as a probability value which expresses the likelihood of competent speakers of the language accepting the sentence as true in a given model, relative to a specification of the world. Such an approach to semantic representation treats the pervasive gradience of semantic properties as intrinsic to speakers' linguistic knowledge, rather than the result of the interference of performance factors in processing and interpretation. In order for this research program to succeed, it must solve three central problems. First, it needs to formulate a type system that computes the probability value of a sentence from the semantic values of its syntactic constituents. Second, it must incorporate a viable probabilistic logic into the representation of semantic knowledge in order to model meaning entailment. Finally, it must show how the specified class of semantic representations can be efficiently learned. We construct a probabilistic semantic fragment and consider how the approach that the fragment instantiates addresses each of these three issues. Recent work in computational linguistics and cognitive modeling suggests a third proposal. (c) The Harris-Jelinek thesis: Natural languages can be described as information theoretic systems, using stochastic models that express the distributional properties of their elements. The Harris-Jelinek thesis implies the The Language Model Hypothesis (LMH) for syntax, which holds that grammatical knowledge is represented as a stochas
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We combine logical and distributional representations of natural language meaning by transforming distributional similarity judgments into weighted inference rules using Markov Logic Networks (MLNs). We show that this framework supports both judging sentence similarity and recognizing textual entailment by appropriately adapting the MLN implementation of logical connectives. We also show that distributional phrase similarity, used as textual inference rules created on the fly, improves its performance.
Semantic Parsing using Distributional Semantics and Probabilistic Logic
Proceedings of the ACL 2014 Workshop on Semantic Parsing, 2014
We propose a new approach to semantic parsing that is not constrained by a fixed formal ontology and purely logical inference. Instead, we use distributional semantics to generate only the relevant part of an on-the-fly ontology. Sentences and the on-the-fly ontology are represented in probabilistic logic. For inference, we use probabilistic logic frameworks like Markov Logic Networks (MLN) and Probabilistic Soft Logic (PSL). This semantic parsing approach is evaluated on two tasks, Textual Entitlement (RTE) and Textual Similarity (STS), both accomplished using inference in probabilistic logic. Experiments show the potential of the approach.
Procedia Computer Science, 2016
This paper proposes a concise overview of Probabilistic Semantics according to a technologyoriented perspective. Indeed, while the progressive consolidation of Semantic Technology in a wide context and on a large scale is going to be a fact, the non-deterministic character of many problems and environments suggests the rise of additional researches around semantics to integrate the mainstream. Probabilistic extensions and their implications to the current semantic ecosystems are discussed in this paper with an implicit focus on the Web and its evolution. The critical literature review undertaken shows valuable theoretical works, effective applications, evidences of an increasing research interest as the response to real problems, as well as largely unexplored research areas.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005
Probabilistic generative models have been applied successfully in a wide range of applications that range from speech recognition and part of speech tagging, to machine translation and information retrieval, but, traditionally, applications such as reasoning have been thought to fall outside the scope of the generative framework for both theoretical and practical reasons. Theoretically, it is difficult to imagine, for example, what a reasonable generative story for firstorder logic inference might look like. Practically, even if we can conceive of such a story, it is unclear how one can obtain sufficient amounts of training data. In this paper, we discuss how by embracing a less restrictive notion of inference, one can build generative models of inference that can be trained on massive amounts of naturally occurring texts; and text-based deduction and abduction decoding algorithms.
Jointly Identifying Predicates, Arguments and Senses using Markov Logic
In this paper we present a Markov Logic Network for Semantic Role Labelling that jointly performs predicate identification, frame disambiguation, argument identification and argument classification for all predicates in a sentence. Empirically we find that our approach is competitive: our best model would appear on par with the best entry in the CoNLL 2008 shared task open track, and at the 4th place of the closed track-right behind the systems that use significantly better parsers to generate their input features. Moreover, we observe that by fully capturing the complete SRL pipeline in a single probabilistic model we can achieve significant improvements over more isolated systems, in particular for out-of-domain data. Finally, we show that despite the joint approach, our system is still efficient.
Combining Subjective Probabilities and Data in Training Markov Logic Networks
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 2012
Markov logic is a rich language that allows one to specify a knowledge base as a set of weighted first-order logic formulas, and to define a probability distribution over truth assignments to ground atoms using this knowledge base. Usually, the weight of a formula cannot be related to the probability of the formula without taking into account the weights of the other formulas. In general, this is not an issue, since the weights are learned from training data. However, in many domains (e.g. healthcare, dependable systems, etc.), only little or no training data may be available, but one has access to a domain expert whose knowledge is available in the form of subjective probabilities. Within the framework of Bayesian statistics, we present a formalism for using a domain expert's knowledge for weight learning. Our approach defines priors that are different from and more general than previously used Gaussian priors over weights. We show how one can learn weights in an MLN by combining subjective probabilities and training data, without requiring that the domain expert provides consistent knowledge. Additionally, we also provide a formalism for capturing conditional subjective probabilities, which are often easier to obtain and more reliable than non-conditional probabilities. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by extensive experiments in a domain that models failure dependencies in a cyber-physical system. Moreover, we demonstrate the advantages of using our proposed prior over that of using non-zero mean Gaussian priors in a commonly cited social network MLN testbed.
Reasoning with Probabilistic Logics
The interest in the combination of probability with logics for modeling the world has rapidly increased in the last few years. One of the most effective approaches is the Distribution Semantics which was adopted by many logic programming languages and in Descripion Logics. In this paper, we illustrate the work we have done in this research field by presenting a probabilistic semantics for description logics and reasoning and learning algorithms. In particular, we present in detail the system TRILL P , which computes the probability of queries w.r.t. probabilistic knowledge bases, which has been implemented in Prolog. Note: An extended abstract / full version of a paper accepted to be presented at the Doctoral
Acquiring Knowledge from Linguistic Models in Complex, Probabilistic Domains
This paper describes an approach to acquire qualitative and quantitative knowledge from verbally stated models in complex, probabilistic domains. This work is part of the development of an intelligent environment, MEDICUS2, that supports modelling and diagnostic reasoning in the domains of environmental medicine and human genetics. These domains are two yet new subdomains of medicine receiving increasing research efforts, but still consisting of largely fragile and uncertain knowledge. In MEDICUS, uncertainty is handled by the Bayesian network approach. Thus the modelling task for the user consists of creating a Bayesian network for the problem at hand. But since we want mathematically untrained persons to work with MEDICUS, the user may alternatively state propositions verbally and let the system generate a Bayesian network proposal. This differs from existing reasoning systems based on Bayesian networks, i.e. in medical domains, which contain a built-in knowledge base that may be ...