Liver histological, portal flow and plasmatic nitric oxide alterations caused by biliary obstruction and drainage in rats (original) (raw)
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Study of the long-term effects of selective biliary obstruction (SBO)
Research in Experimental Medicine, 1981
Selective biliary obstruction (SBO) is a model of partial cholestasis in the rat in which the bile duct draining the median lobe is ligated and transected; the remaining biliary tree remains intact. Other authors introduced this experimental model and studied morphological and biochemical modifications in the liver after 2 days from surgery. They suggest that an adaptation may o c c u r. Choosing some markers of cholestasis and some other markers of various cytoplasmic organelles, we studied the long-term effects that occur in serum and in total liver homogenate of selectively obstructed rats as compared to controls. Alkaline phosphatase activity and bile acids content, which were significantly higher than controls in serum and in total liver homogenate of the median lobe after 2 and 8 days from SBO, returned to normal range values after 30 days. Cytochrome-oxidase and glucose-6-phosphatase activity in total homogenate of the SBO median lobe remains perfectly similar to the control values in time. Results, together with morphological observations, suggest that cholestasis is present immediately after operation, then decreases gradually and disappears finally. The obstructed median lobe seems to cope with cholestasis.
Resultados preliminares da correção cirúrgica de estenose cicatricial de vias biliares
Revista de Medicina, 2018
Introduction: Iatrogenic biliary injury remains a critical complication of cholecystectomy, with devastating consequences to the liver and risk of death. Objective: We aimed to evaluate the long-term results of surgical repair of iatrogenic biliary injuries performed at a single center. Methodology: Patients who underwent surgical reconstruction for iatrogenic biliary injury between 1990 and 2016 were retrospectively evaluated. We collected data from medical records and the electronic database HCMED. The preliminary results were analyzed by comparing frequencies or arithmetic means with standard deviations of the recorded parameters. Results: We included 158 cases in the study, 81% of these women and with mean age of 45.54 years. The most common symptoms were jaundice (79.11% of the cases), abdominal pain (59.49%), choluria (52.53%), acholia/hipocholia (47.47%), fever (44.3%), pruritus (34.18%) and weight loss (27.22%). Biliary stricture was secondary to conventional cholecystectomy in 63.92% of the cases, laparoscopic cholecystectomy in 22.15% and nonspecified cholecystectomy in 13.92%. We divided patients according to diagnosis of biliary duct stricture (BDS), n=93 cases (58.86%), and bilioenteric anastomosis stricture (BEAS), n=65 cases (41.14%). In BDS group, levels of bilirubin, ALT, AST and GGT were significantly increased pre compared to post surgical repair. In BEAS group, levels of bilirubin, AST and GGT were significantly increased in the preoperative compared to the postoperative, however there were no differences in ALT levels. Recurrence of stricture occurred in 5 cases of BDS group, and 7 cases of BEAS group. Survival in the BDS group was 98.92% in 1 year and 97.85% in 5 years, and in BEAS group, 98.64% and 95.38%, respectively. Conclusions: Surgical repair of complex biliary stricture can achieve long-term success in 89.87% of patients when performed in reference services.
Acta Cirurgica Brasileira, 2008
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to investigate alterations compatible with hepatic ischemia-reperfusion after bilioduodenal shunt (BD) in rats with obstructive jaundice (OB) . METHODS: Thirty six animals were divided into 6 experimental groups: CO1 and CO2 control groups, sham-operated (SO) and evaluated 6 and 24 hours after, respectively; OB1 and OB2, obstructive jaundice groups, sham-operated 15 days after bile duct ligature and evaluated 6 and 24 hours after SO, respectively; DBD1and DBD2 obstructive jaundice groups evaluated ,respectively, 6 and 24 hours after BD performed 15 days after bile duct ligature. The parameters evaluated were serum total bilirubin, aminotransferase activity (AST, ALT), TNFa, liver mitochondrial functions and parenchymatous injury. RESULTS: Bilirubin decreased while aminotransferase activity increased 6 hours after BD (p<0.01); TNFa determination at the 6th hour after BD was higher than the one at the 24th hour (p<0.05); oxygen consumption in states 3 and 4 remained elevated in the BD initial phase , and liver cell damage worsened 24 hours after BD. CONCLUSION: The results demonstrated that surgical biliary decompression in obstructive jaundice is followed by alterations related to hepatic ischemia- reperfusion.
Radiologia Brasileira, 2013
Objective: To compare, by means of ultrasonography, pre-and postoperative anatomical changes arising from experimentally induced obstructive jaundice in porcine models. Materials and Methods: Six 36-day-old Landrace pigs underwent laparoscopically induced complete biliary obstruction by common bile duct ligation. Results: No difficulty was faced during the procedures and the surgical recovery was uneventful. After seven days, the animals showed jaundice, bilirubinuria and acholic stools. Comparative ultrasonography allowed visualization of hepatomegaly, cholecystomegaly and increased caliber of the common bile duct in all the animals, as well as changes resulting from cholestasis. The morphometric analysis revealed a significant increase in diameter of the gallbladders and left lateral liver lobes. Conclusion: Pigs represent appropriate experimental models for investigation of obstructive jaundice, and ultrasonography has shown to be sensitive, playing a relevant role in the diagnosis of extrahepatic biliary obstruction in such animals.
Endotoxemia after relief of biliary obstruction by internal and external drainage in rats
American journal of surgery, 1986
Systemic and portal endotoxemia were studied in rats with biliary obstruction and after relief of the obstruction by internal and external drainage. Endotoxemia was increased after bile duct ligation (p less than 0.001) compared with control values. The incidence of systemic and portal endotoxemia was significantly reduced after internal drainage (p less than 0.001). A significantly higher incidence of portal (86 percent) and systemic (57 percent) endotoxemia, however, was found after external drainage. The persistence of endotoxemia after external drainage, when serum bilirubin levels returned to normal units, indicates that bile flow is important in controlling endotoxemia during preoperative biliary drainage. These results suggest that the systemic endotoxemia observed after relief of obstruction by external drainage may contribute to the increased mortality, as found in previous rat studies. This observation may contribute to an understanding of why patients with preoperative ex...
Ductular Reaction in Total and Partial Biliary Obstruction in Experimental Settings
Gene Expression
In this paper, the features of ductular reaction (DR) and remodeling of the biliary tract in experimental models are discussed in total and selective biliary occlusion. It has been shown that the intensity of DR, as well as the shape, number, and topography of ductular profiles following common bile duct occlusion (CBDO) are closely related to the duration of the biliary obstruction. In addition, the formation of new ductular profiles can occur by the widening of existing bile ducts/ductules as a result of cholangiocyte proliferation, hepatocyte transdifferentiation, and/or activation and differentiation of stem/progenitor cells. It has been concluded that DR induced by CBDO consists of the components of all types of DRs, including I, II (A and B), and III, thus increasing the interest in further studies of this model. In the DR following CBDO, the consequent "preproliferative" and "proliferative" phases developed in parallel with cells differentiation and transdifferentiation (the "para-proliferative" phase) should be distinguished. The dynamics of these phases are important to consider for further detailed classification of DRs. During selective biliary obstruction, the full range of DR characteristics for CBDO has not been determined (mainly the events of biliary proliferation and fibrosis are noted). However, the great compensatory potential of the biliary bed has been confirmed, as reflected by the formation of new collaterals between congested and noncongested bile ducts.
SECT ION 1 Anatomy , pathophysiology , and epidemiology of the biliary system
Intrahepatic bile ducts There are more than 2 km of bile ductules and ducts in the adult human liver. These structures are far from being inert channels, and are capable of signifi cantly modifying biliary fl ow and composition in response to hormonal secretion. Bile secretion starts at the level of the bile canaliculus, the smallest branch of the biliary tree [6]. They form a meshwork between hepatocytes with many anastomotic interconnec
Regulación de NOS-3 durante la muerte hepatocelular inducida por ácidos biliares
1. Introduccion o motivacion de la tesis. La enfermedad hepatica colestasica se caracteriza por una alteracion en la formacion de la bilis, que viene acompanada o es causada por un defecto en la excrecion de la misma hacia el canaliculo biliar. Como resultado, se produce una alteracion en la circulacion enterohepatica de los acidos biliares, aumentando su concentracion a nivel serico y hepatico. Las consecuencias de la colestasis no tratadas son severas y se asocian con el desarrollo de fibrosis, cirrosis, hipertension portal, fallo hepatico y la aparicion de carcinoma hepatocelular y colangiocelular. En la actualidad, las opciones de tratamiento farmacologico para el manejo de las enfermedades colestasicas son muy limitadas. Asi, la terapia con el acido ursodesoxicolico UDCA) resulta util en el tratamiento de la colangitis biliar primaria, la colangitis esclerosante primaria o la colestasis intrahepatica del ambarazo, aunque su eficacia puede ser limitada en algunas circunstancias ...
Hepatoportoenterostomy in Selective Obstructive Cholestasis - An New Experimental Model in the Rat
Atrezia biliară reprezintă cea mai frecventa cauză de colestază obstructivă neonatală. În prezent, hepatoportoenterostomia (HPE) este singura modalitate de prelungire a vieţii până în momentul efectuării transplantului hepatic, cea mai mare rată de succes fiind înregistrată în primele 60 de zile de viaţă. Ne-am propus să elaborăm un model experimental de drenaj al colestazei obstructive prin intermediul HPE. Obstrucţia căilor biliare a fost indusă prin ligatura selectivă a ductelor corespunzătoare lobilor hepatici median şi lateral stâng, la 20 de şobolani rasa Wistar. La 4 săptămâni postoperator s-a reintervenit chirurgical în vederea realizării drenajului biliar prin HPE. Integritatea anastomozei şi modificările hepatice s-au evaluat după o săptămână. Rata de supravieţuire a fost de 90%. Reintervenţia chirurgicală a evidenţiat aderenţe hepato-biliare, cu fibroză la nivelul hilului hepatic. Microscopic s-a evidenţiat fibroza incipientă cu colestază moderată. După efectuarea HPE nu s-a decelat extravazare de bilă la nivelul anastomozei sau peritonită biliară. Evoluţia a fost marcată de reducerea alimentaţiei. Modelul experimental propus pentru HPE este fiabil prin utilizarea tehnicilor de microchirurgie. Pe baza acestuia se pot studia modificările induse de obstrucţia ductelor biliare. atrezie biliară, drenaj biliar, colestază, experimental, portoenterostomie